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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€Race Ability / CorneringAdd error Pixel
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 Race Ability / CorneringAdd error

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3 posters


Anzahl der Beiträge : 1425
Anmeldedatum : 2011-06-17
Alter : 42
Ort : Romania

Race Ability / CorneringAdd error Empty
PostSubject: Race Ability / CorneringAdd error   Race Ability / CorneringAdd error EmptySun 21 Oct 2012, 12:15 pm

Hey guys, I need some help, please !

I'm having this problem with a mod: CTD. The trace file says something about the Race Ability / CorneringAdd. This is the entire trace:

NetComm.cpp 7639: NetComm checking command line: "-trace=1000"
game.cpp 622: Entered Game::Enter()
osman.cpp 480: Entered OSMan::Enter()
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VETTESIDESOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find 512SCC.SFX
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MAZDA_RX3_GR4.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MERCURY_COUGARTL.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MERCURY_COUGARTL.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MERCURY_COUGARTL.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MERCURY_COUGARTL.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MERCURY_COUGARBW.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find NISSAN_SKYLINE_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE934.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find 934SOUNDS.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE934.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find 934SOUNDS.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE934.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find 934SOUNDS.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE934.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find 934SOUNDS.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE934.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find 934SOUNDS.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE934.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find 934SOUNDS.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE934.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find 934SOUNDS.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VW_TYP53-STK_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VW_TYP53-STK_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VW_TYP53-STK_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VW_TYP53-STK_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VW_TYP53-STK_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VW_TYP53-STK_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VW_TYP53-STK_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VW_TYP53-STK_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VW_TYP53-STK_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VW_TYP53-STK_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VW_TYP53-STK_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VW_TYP53-STK_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VW_TYP53-STK_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VW_TYP53-STK_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VW_TYP53-STK_SOUND.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORVETTE_69.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CHEVROLET_CORVETTE76.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VETTESIDESOUNDS.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORVETTE_69.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CHEVROLET_CORVETTE76.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VETTESIDESOUNDS.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORVETTE_C3_L88.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CHEVROLET_CORVETTE76.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find L88_ZL1SOUNDS.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORVETTE_C3_L88.HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CHEVROLET_CORVETTE76.CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find L88_ZL1SOUNDS.AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .CAS
setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .AUD
vidman.cpp 1044: Entered VidMan::Enter()
specialfx.cp 3138: Entered SpecialFX::Enter()
dynman.cpp 632: Entered DynMan::Enter()
plrfile.cpp 3334: Entered PlayerFile::Enter()
sound.cpp 725: Entered Sound::Enter()
hwinput.cpp 6369: Entered HWInput::Enter()
onscreen.cpp 2941: Entered OnScreen::Enter()
game.cpp 717: Entered Game::Setup()
hwinput.cpp 6383: Entered HWInput::Setup()
options.cpp 1561: Entered Options::Setup()
plrfile.cpp 2510: Attempting to save to USERDATA\MG421982\MG421982.TMP
plrfile.cpp 2533: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\MG421982\MG421982.PLR
specialfx.cp 3144: Entered SpecialFX::Setup()
steward.cpp 4585: Entered Steward::Setup()
dynman.cpp 644: Entered DynMan::Setup()
sound.cpp 748: Entered Sound::Setup()
onscreen.cpp 2947: Entered OnScreen::Setup()
vidman.cpp 1184: Entered VidMan::Setup()
plrfile.cpp 3344: Entered PlayerFile::Setup()
plrfile.cpp 2510: Attempting to save to USERDATA\MG421982\MG421982.TMP
plrfile.cpp 2533: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\MG421982\MG421982.PLR
game.cpp 764: Entered Game::Init()
vidman.cpp 1237: Entered VidMan::Init()
ai_db.cpp 2143: Entered AIDatabase::Init()
steward.cpp 4680: Entered Steward::Init()
hwinput.cpp 6426: Entered HWInput::Init()
specialfx.cp 3255: Entered SpecialFX::Init()
dynman.cpp 674: Entered DynMan::Init()
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
pitmod.cpp 194: Entered PitAction::Init
AnimationLoa 24: AnimationLoader::Load(PitCrew.ani)
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\FERRARI 312 PB\2\..\FERRARI_312_PB.CAS)
dynman.cpp 803: Exited DynMan::Init()
LensFlare.cp 59: Entered LensFlare::Init()
camera.cpp 4125: Entered CamMan::Init()
sound.cpp 753: Entered Sound::Init()
render.cpp 286: Entered Render::Init()
onscreen.cpp 2953: Entered OnScreen::Init()
AnimationLoa 24: AnimationLoader::Load(ANDERSTORP.ani)
game.cpp 893: Entered Game::Restart()
sound.cpp 760: Entered Sound::Restart()
steward.cpp 4835: Entered Steward::Restart()
specialfx.cp 3732: Entered SpecialFX::Restart()
hwinput.cpp 6437: Entered HWInput::Restart()
dynman.cpp 811: Entered DynMan::Restart()
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000

Can somebody tell me what's the problem ?? Hope someone knows, cause I really don't want to waste any more time finding the problem by myself.

Ferrari ... F1's soul since 1950
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Premium Member
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 411
Anmeldedatum : 2010-10-17

Race Ability / CorneringAdd error Empty
PostSubject: Re: Race Ability / CorneringAdd error   Race Ability / CorneringAdd error EmptySun 21 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm

A lot of physics files appear to be missing in that trace file. Did you copy the skins in their right folders?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1425
Anmeldedatum : 2011-06-17
Alter : 42
Ort : Romania

Race Ability / CorneringAdd error Empty
PostSubject: Re: Race Ability / CorneringAdd error   Race Ability / CorneringAdd error EmptySun 21 Oct 2012, 3:04 pm

Yes, everything is OK. Problem solved. It was the .CAS file at fault... but have no ideea why. Checked it like 10 times. Just running some tests, I mean no wheels, lights etc, just the body, so I had to delete some lines. Did that before with other mods, but now was the 1st time this problem appeared. BTW, I think the problem was related to the F1 1971 mod. Surprised

Ferrari ... F1's soul since 1950
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Premium Member
Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

Race Ability / CorneringAdd error Empty
PostSubject: Re: Race Ability / CorneringAdd error   Race Ability / CorneringAdd error EmptySun 21 Oct 2012, 10:36 pm

All of the lines such as "setup.cpp 1088: Could not find PORSCHE_914_GTR.HDC" etc mean those files are missing from your install. Missing .AUD files won't cause a CTD but the other will.

Best think to do is to remove those cars from your GTL and see what happens.

Then install each car one by one and if there is a CTD see what the trace file says and try and find and install the missing file.

If you cannot find a certain file post details on here and we can see if we can help m8.
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Race Ability / CorneringAdd error Empty
PostSubject: Re: Race Ability / CorneringAdd error   Race Ability / CorneringAdd error Empty

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