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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€GT/NGT Spa Fun Race Pixel
Donated: 75€

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 GT/NGT Spa Fun Race

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 46
Anmeldedatum : 2013-11-29

GT/NGT Spa Fun Race Empty
PostSubject: GT/NGT Spa Fun Race   GT/NGT Spa Fun Race EmptySat 20 Sep 2014, 3:12 pm


So coming up on Monday night we have our second pre-season fun race. For the most part its the same deal as the last one aside from 3 changes. It is a 90 minute race race than 60 minutes, its at Spa rather than Barcelona, and its in the higher powered and more advanced GT/NGT cars. Last week user dah72094 and his father took the top two podium spots in G2 and Myself and Henz claimed the top two spots in G3. We had a total of 7 drivers come out for the race and for me anyway it was a lot of fun. I used it as an opportunity to driver a car I've never driven before.

Back on topic! We still have a few seats available for Monday's race so don't hesitate to join us!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 46
Anmeldedatum : 2013-11-29

GT/NGT Spa Fun Race Empty
PostSubject: Re: GT/NGT Spa Fun Race   GT/NGT Spa Fun Race EmptyMon 22 Sep 2014, 4:06 pm

Tonight is the 90 Minutes of Spa featuring the original GT/NGT cars. Still plenty of seats available for this event in both classes although the NGT class could use a boost. Practice opens at 7:00pm eastern and the race starts around 8:30 after a combined qualifying session. Info on the race can be found by following the link below:

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