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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Pixel
Donated: 75€

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GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_lcapGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Voting_barGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_rcap 
GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_lcapGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Voting_barGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_rcap 
GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_lcapGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Voting_barGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_rcap 
GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_lcapGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Voting_barGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_rcap 
GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_lcapGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Voting_barGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_rcap 
GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_lcapGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Voting_barGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_rcap 
GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_lcapGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Voting_barGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_rcap 
GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_lcapGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Voting_barGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_rcap 
GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_lcapGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Voting_barGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_rcap 
GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_lcapGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Voting_barGTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Vote_rcap 
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 GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working!

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 33
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-28

GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Empty
PostSubject: GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working!   GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! EmptySun 09 Jan 2011, 4:27 am

So, I pinch and LCD timer from a default game car, locate it in the cockpit chassis of the car I want it in in 3DSimEd,
save the .gmt, import it again as a model and resave it with the 'manufacterer' name from the new models .car files.
In this case it's a FORD_GT40_LCDTIMER.GMT to FIAT_X1-9_LCDTIMER.GMT.
I make the entry in the ACTOR VEHICLE section of the .cas file, load the game, a trace gives no errors whatsoever,
but there's no 'ON' button the thing, and it just won't display anything.

Can someone help ? What am I missing here? I've done this before ages ago with no problems, worked first time
for the Ferrari 365 GT/B4. Funny thing is, when I drag that sucker into 3DSimEd it's not even named after the
manufacturer entry in the .car file, I can't for the life of me remember where I got the .gmt name from, but it

Just can't get the sucker to work in the Fiat.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 33
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-28

GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! Empty
PostSubject: Re: GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working!   GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working! EmptySun 09 Jan 2011, 4:03 pm

Got it working. Sorted by ravenmorpheus over at NoGrip.

For any others reading this looking for a solution: repack the
CPIT.GTL with the new objects/textures. The games not keen
on loose lcdtimer files apparently.

It sorted my problem.
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GTL LCD Timers, get them in, but can't get them working!
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