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 Can you change a track background ?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 47
Anmeldedatum : 2022-07-13

Can you change a track background ? Empty
PostSubject: Can you change a track background ?   Can you change a track background ? EmptyWed 07 Sep 2022, 3:06 am

I have an older version of Knockhill, and the background is sort of grey looking mountains. Is it easy to change just the background ? Like swap another one in ?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 112
Anmeldedatum : 2021-01-26

Can you change a track background ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you change a track background ?   Can you change a track background ? EmptyWed 07 Sep 2022, 9:12 am


Change the skyboxi and the .DDS files that go with it.

If you get GEDITOR you can look in the GTR files and extract what you need from another track.

The skyboxi will be in the Trackname.gtr and the .dds files will be in the TracknameMap.gtr

If you have a track that you like the background of, let me know, and If I've got it, I can share it with you.

I already have a few that I use on my track conversions. I also have some GPL ones.

Condominhas likes this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 47
Anmeldedatum : 2022-07-13

Can you change a track background ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you change a track background ?   Can you change a track background ? EmptyFri 09 Sep 2022, 2:02 am

I found one I like donnybrook 1967. But when I try and do anything in GEditor I get access violations.
I tried to just trade the files, but nothing would move.
Is there a secret to swapping files with GEditor ?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 112
Anmeldedatum : 2021-01-26

Can you change a track background ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you change a track background ?   Can you change a track background ? EmptyFri 09 Sep 2022, 8:03 am

You use geditor to extract the files.

When the extract arrow is not available, just click on the add arrow, then that will make the extract arrow available.

I realised today that the skyboxi may need adjusting for height between the two tracks.

Here you go.


I've included the original Goodwood skyboxi, and the Donnybrooke 67 one set up for Goodwood

Just drop the gmt and the dds files in the tracks folder.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 47
Anmeldedatum : 2022-07-13

Can you change a track background ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you change a track background ?   Can you change a track background ? EmptyFri 09 Sep 2022, 3:50 pm

I don't even see an extract arrow, or add arrow. Whats the latest version of GEditor anyways ?
I have version .35
Would it be any easier with 3DSimED ?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 112
Anmeldedatum : 2021-01-26

Can you change a track background ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you change a track background ?   Can you change a track background ? EmptySat 10 Sep 2022, 1:38 am

bsmooth wrote:
I don't even see an extract arrow, or add arrow. Whats the latest version of GEditor anyways ?
I have version .35
 Would it be any easier with 3DSimED ?

Sorry, I've been using Geditor for so long, I've forgotten to start with the basics. So I'll start at the beginning.

I think you may have to assign Geditor as your tool to open GTL & GTR files.

Click on a GTR file in a tracks folder. Do the TracknameMap one as a starter as they open straight away as the ones with GMT's in them give you an error at first opening attempt.

You should get a request to choose a program to open it with, Choose geditor.

In picture 1 & 2 are the icons:

1. is get/add item
2. is extract item
3. is delete item (sometimes this deletes additional items, so I rarely use it)

In picture 1, only the add icon is available. If you click on that, it will open a folder to ask where you want to get the file from. Cancel that, and the other two icons will then become available.

Picture 2 now has all icons available.

To use the extract icon, you go through the shown contents, highlight the one you want to extract, then use the extract icon. Once again, that will ask you what folder you want it to go to.

An important thing to remember, when you go to open a GTR or GTL file from another project, it will most likely go to add or extract it into  the last folder you used.

Can you change a track background ? Gedito15
Can you change a track background ? Gedito14
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 47
Anmeldedatum : 2022-07-13

Can you change a track background ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you change a track background ?   Can you change a track background ? EmptySat 10 Sep 2022, 2:14 am

Thanks so much for the help, I wasn't getting anywhere, but I didn't want to bug you again for more help. I tried a few different sites, but I couldn't find out very much about the program.
On a similar note I have been trying to get Skype to work as I'm finally able to talk to my cousin in Australia. My aunt passed a few weeks ago and my other cousin happened to get a hold of him and we got to talk for the first time.
Anyways I got to talk to him again tonight, just shows what a little persistence and help can get you.
I'll go at it with Geditor again over the weekend. If I can adjust wheels to get on the ground we'll see what we can do for backgrounds. BTW I noticed when I was looking it has a separate skyboxi and another sky file as well.

Thanks for your patience with a bit of a slow learner.

Condominhas and sunalp2 like this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 112
Anmeldedatum : 2021-01-26

Can you change a track background ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you change a track background ?   Can you change a track background ? EmptySat 10 Sep 2022, 2:43 am

Happy to help. I've received plenty of it myself in the past.  Very Happy

If you want to start modifying GMT's, you will need 3dSimEd.

That also allows you to unpack an entire GTR or GTL file to a folder, and then re pack it..
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 47
Anmeldedatum : 2022-07-13

Can you change a track background ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you change a track background ?   Can you change a track background ? EmptySun 11 Sep 2022, 2:39 am

I actually replaced the files with new ones and it works, but its strange looking.I'll attach it here
Can you change a track background ? AttachmentKnockhill altered background.jpg
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 112
Anmeldedatum : 2021-01-26

Can you change a track background ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you change a track background ?   Can you change a track background ? EmptySun 11 Sep 2022, 9:05 am

Sorry, for some reason I was thinking it was Goodwood.

What you are seeing is that the skyboxi is too high.

I’ll fix it up for you tomorrow.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 47
Anmeldedatum : 2022-07-13

Can you change a track background ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you change a track background ?   Can you change a track background ? EmptySun 11 Sep 2022, 6:48 pm

Its strange it almost looks like two completely different backgrounds in the same place. Its mostly that awful looking brown background I want to go. I've seen it in a few other tracks as well, even each A,B,C and D background parts don't seem to match well.
I used to do some sound work way back in the GPL days and that was fairly easy, but this graphic work is pretty much new to me and Assetto Corsa is even more different still.
I just removed the Stability and Traction Control under realism and NOW the cars "feel" right. Even under rain conditions they seemed like they were on rails, but no longer.
Not that sliding cars is good, but a lot of the older cars like in P&G were slid around corners. They feel much more like the GPL cars I remember.
Changing the background have "panes" of background, an there dds files, but I don't understand gmt files and how they interact with the background. Some of them are named mountain GMT or Hill GMT files. I tried removing some of the GMT files, but as soon as I did the tracks crashed.
Knockhill is different as it has skyboxi and a seperate sky gmt files. Most other tracks only have a skyboxi file by itself.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 112
Anmeldedatum : 2021-01-26

Can you change a track background ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you change a track background ?   Can you change a track background ? EmptySun 11 Sep 2022, 7:02 pm

Generally the sky.gmt is a leftover from the rFactor version of the track and is not used. Some track converters are sloppy. .

If you want to remove a gmt, you need to remove it’s instance from the .trk file with //.

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