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Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_lcapCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Voting_barCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_rcap 
Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_lcapCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Voting_barCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_rcap 
Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_lcapCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Voting_barCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_rcap 
Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_lcapCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Voting_barCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_rcap 
Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_lcapCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Voting_barCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_rcap 
Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_lcapCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Voting_barCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_rcap 
Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_lcapCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Voting_barCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_rcap 
Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_lcapCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Voting_barCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_rcap 
Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_lcapCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Voting_barCan you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Vote_rcap 
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 Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 47
Anmeldedatum : 2022-07-13

Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Empty
PostSubject: Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ?   Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? EmptyMon 15 Aug 2022, 5:51 pm

I saw there was a AMS Mazda Miata https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/ams-2006-mazda-mx5-cup.25048/
Is there away to convert this to GTR2 by any chance? I heard the physics were very good.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 3497
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Ort : Germany

Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ?   Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? EmptyMon 15 Aug 2022, 6:43 pm

There are different mods over at https://trackaholics.forumotion.com

I repeat myself: Google is your friend.

So long.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 47
Anmeldedatum : 2022-07-13

Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ?   Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? EmptyMon 15 Aug 2022, 6:59 pm

How do you think I found most of the info I found so far? Yes your are quite correct Google is my friend, but I'm finding a lot more as well.
I'm not trying to get everyone else to do the work, but I do find asking a question can save hours of googling, and I usually lean a lot more.
Trackaholics is good, but here is even better. BTW I never did get an answer about that green and black bimmer. Round or square tailights ? Hope its round ones.
But is it possible to convert AMS to GTR2?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 168
Anmeldedatum : 2010-11-20

Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ?   Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? EmptyMon 15 Aug 2022, 7:11 pm

Everything can be converted. The problem is having the right tools to open the 3d model.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 47
Anmeldedatum : 2022-07-13

Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ?   Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? EmptyMon 15 Aug 2022, 7:22 pm

Well so far from all I have learned here and other places I have learned to changes the engine sounds, alter paint jobs to some affect, and also to convert some things from GTL to GTR2.
I did find a great Mazda RX3 from Wingnut with sounds from Gee to the power of Dee.
I might find a 1st Gen mod of the Miata, but so far only the last two.
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Can you convert AMS cars to GTR2 ? Empty
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