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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Pixel
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Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_lcapFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Voting_barFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_rcap 
Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_lcapFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Voting_barFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_rcap 
Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_lcapFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Voting_barFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_rcap 
Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_lcapFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Voting_barFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_rcap 
Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_lcapFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Voting_barFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_rcap 
Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_lcapFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Voting_barFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_rcap 
Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_lcapFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Voting_barFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_rcap 
Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_lcapFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Voting_barFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_rcap 
Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_lcapFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Voting_barFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_rcap 
Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_lcapFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Voting_barFord mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Vote_rcap 
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 Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1170
Anmeldedatum : 2016-02-23
Ort : In my other Shed

Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Empty
PostSubject: Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air.   Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. EmptyFri 26 Aug 2016, 5:03 pm

I have the Ford mod v1.0 with some great cars and skins but the cars seem to be floating on air the tyre is above the road surface with daylight showing between the road and tyre. How can I rectify this is the tyre the wrong diameter am puzzled on how to fix this, could any one guide me as to what to change in the mod files to get them back on terra firma please.

Thank you in advance.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2155
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24
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Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air.   Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. EmptyFri 26 Aug 2016, 8:56 pm

You need to adjust the tire radius entry in the tire file......

Example:   Radius=0.325       there is an entry for the front tire and the rear tire......

I believe you try a smaller number(cant remember offhand), if not try a bigger number.....
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 923
Anmeldedatum : 2010-07-12

Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air.   Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. EmptyFri 26 Aug 2016, 11:32 pm

If the car is floating you need to reduce the radius, if the tyres are sinking into the ground then increase the radius. The other alternative is to use 3dSimed to make the wheels 3d larger or smaller but if the wheels look right for the car then go with the first option.

Don't forget that reducing tyre radius will lower the overall gearing meaning lower top speed but quicker acceleration so you might have to adjust the gearing if there's a big difference. I'd also say copy the .TYR file you're using into the main car folder and give it a unique name then open the HDC file and make sure the tyre brand matches the new .TYR file that way it will only change the tyres for the car(s) that need it.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1170
Anmeldedatum : 2016-02-23
Ort : In my other Shed

Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Empty
PostSubject: Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air.   Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. EmptySat 27 Aug 2016, 12:19 pm

Sorted changed tyre radius from 0.315 to 0.290 car sits on tarmac perfectly thank you everybody for all your help and info. Have now learned something new will apply this knowledge to the Renault 5 turbo plus others that suffers from the same problem.

Tip after changing tyre radius and saving, delete the track hat files before testing.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 923
Anmeldedatum : 2010-07-12

Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air.   Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. EmptySat 27 Aug 2016, 11:31 pm

fatguts wrote:

Tip after changing tyre radius and saving, delete the track hat files before testing.

That's a new one on me! What difference does that make? scratch

One more tip: Some cars have more than one tyre compound (soft/hard etc) selectable so don't forget to alter the radius for each type in the .tyre file if that's the case.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1170
Anmeldedatum : 2016-02-23
Ort : In my other Shed

Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Empty
PostSubject: Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air.   Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. EmptyMon 29 Aug 2016, 11:08 am

Ok thanks for that. I changed the tyre radius a few times then saved it but there was no change on track, as soon as I deleted the track hat file it was ok could have been a glitch on my install.
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Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air.   Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air. Empty

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Ford mod v1.0 GTR2 cars floating on air.
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