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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Pixel
Donated: 75€

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Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_lcapConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Voting_barConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_rcap 
Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_lcapConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Voting_barConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_rcap 
Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_lcapConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Voting_barConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_rcap 
Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_lcapConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Voting_barConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_rcap 
Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_lcapConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Voting_barConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_rcap 
Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_lcapConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Voting_barConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_rcap 
Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_lcapConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Voting_barConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_rcap 
Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_lcapConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Voting_barConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_rcap 
Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_lcapConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Voting_barConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_rcap 
Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_lcapConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Voting_barConversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Vote_rcap 
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 Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone?

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3 posters


Anzahl der Beiträge : 8
Anmeldedatum : 2017-08-05
Alter : 45

Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Empty
PostSubject: Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone?   Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? EmptySun 22 Aug 2021, 3:20 pm

Hi, I've seen some interesting tracks from GPL that aren't in rfactor, and I'd like to know if is there someone who does this conversions to rFactor (Or GTR2, so I can convert to rfactor).
Thanks in advance.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 491
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-25
Alter : 69
Ort : Liverpool,UK

Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone?   Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? EmptyMon 23 Aug 2021, 1:48 pm

Have you seen this list from Buds huge collection:
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 208
Anmeldedatum : 2016-08-20

Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone?   Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? EmptyTue 24 Aug 2021, 11:16 am

There have been quite a few releases since Bud stopped modding, Phil. Brno '60s and Norisring 1972 come to mind, just to name a couple. Two tracks that would very much help with ETCC and DRM/Interserie for instance.
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Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone?   Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone? Empty

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Conversion of GPL tracks (GPL, no GTL!) to rFactor or the nearest... Someone?
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