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Anzahl der Beiträge : 935
Anmeldedatum : 2010-07-12

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptySun 18 Mar 2018, 9:00 am

I distinctly remember saying that i wouldn't start making any more cars until i'd learned how to map them first. study

And yet somehow here i am again doing yet another mod... Rolling Eyes

To be fair, my mapping adventures sort of stalled due to smoothing issues with the Capri's and while enlisting the help of Pizzaman (Mario) to sort things i was sidetracked into this while he concentrates on the mapping part for now Wink

I've thought for a while that GTL needs a proper Capri mk1. The in-game originals are ok but the proportions are off imo (too wide) and so when i found a really nice base model i decided there was good potential in it to re-create some real racers.

The stock bodied cars are getting improvements to the arches and rear side windows as well as the 3ltr power bulge adding to the options list. There's gonna be both early and facelift versions too as well as a vinyl top as a few were raced in the BTCC with them.

The car you always promised yourself... Mk1_st10

I also wanted to make proper Special Saloon Capris from the 70's as there were some real monsters raced so i've been making custom wheels, arches and suspension for them. Early days yet but they're starting to take shape.

Mick Hill's original Boss Capri;

The car you always promised yourself... Mick_h10

Tony Strawson's later version;

The car you always promised yourself... Strawb10

Mick Hill's Boss 2 car;

The car you always promised yourself... Mick_h11

They'll be others to come too and possibly the 3 Fergusson 4x4 Rallycross cars at some point.

What i really need now is a little help. Is anyone familiar with the game 'Racer'? That's where the Capri came from and i'd like to trace the original author to obtain permission to release these properly. I can't find a read-me with any contact details but i think he could be using the name 'Raven' as there's 3 different skins in the folder under that name (Raven variants).

If anyone can shed light on this and help me find him i'd be most grateful thumbup


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Anzahl der Beiträge : 3617
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Ort : Germany

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptySun 18 Mar 2018, 9:43 am

wow!!! GOOD Thanks

So long.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 495
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-25
Alter : 69
Ort : Liverpool,UK

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptySun 18 Mar 2018, 12:45 pm

i built Clarkes 4x4 rallycross car some years ago 3litre v6:
The car you always promised yourself... GRAB_128
The car you always promised yourself... GRAB_130

your post made ne dig it out and give it a run, pretty quick for and old Essex V6.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 496
Anmeldedatum : 2011-03-23
Alter : 28
Ort : Bucharest

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyMon 19 Mar 2018, 4:12 pm

Sadly, I haven't even heard of the game (and google is of no real help??)... but the Capris are very cool! (i'm a low key fan of super saloons) and the potential to finally have a proper wide RS2600 LW is great, as well as variations of the LW like the Rouse Broadspeed Capri from 73!
Best of luck with the project! cheers
The car you always promised yourself... Attachment

Last edited by DarkSide on Mon 19 Mar 2018, 8:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 935
Anmeldedatum : 2010-07-12

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyMon 19 Mar 2018, 7:35 pm

Hi Philrob,

Nice skin! I did the Rod Chapman car based on a re-scaled Perana capri with Essex V6 and four wheel drive! I think i can make a better job with this new shell though, the sides are much more accurate;

The car you always promised yourself... Rod_ch10

DarkSide wrote:
Sadly, I haven't even heard of the game (and google is of no real help??)... but the Capris are very cool! (i'm a low key fan of super saloons) and the potential to finally have a proper wide RS2600 LW is great, as well as variations of the LW like the Muir Capri from 73!
Best of luck with the project! cheers

I originally discovered the game while searching for a Hillman Imp to convert to GTL ages ago. There's one in racer too but i ended up using the one Hutch sent me as it was a lot more detailed.
I can't find that original site anymore but there is this page with cars to download: http://www.tracciontrasera.es/downloads/category/4-racer-coches
It'd be nice to find the original author although they could be anywhere by now Rolling Eyes
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 153
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Ort : Germany

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyMon 19 Mar 2018, 7:41 pm

Cool!!! GOOD
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 496
Anmeldedatum : 2011-03-23
Alter : 28
Ort : Bucharest

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyMon 19 Mar 2018, 8:42 pm

After browsing through the site, I can guess that the author of the mod is the admin of the site, someone nicknamed "tt". He is still active apparently with most recent posts dating back to roughly 1 month ago here > http://www.tracciontrasera.es/forum/racer/1915-can-anyone-do-this-car.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 3617
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Ort : Germany

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyTue 20 Mar 2018, 7:08 am


So long.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 545
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-26
Ort : Hungary

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyTue 20 Mar 2018, 8:41 am

Zee wrote:
Mate, I want the Fiat X 1/9. (maybe I to make a GTL mod).
The Tracciontrasera site, which you showed, is contained in a "Racer" game.
What is this game? Google can't find... Surprised
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 3617
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Ort : Germany

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyTue 20 Mar 2018, 10:34 am

carTOON wrote:
Zee wrote:
Mate, I want the Fiat X 1/9. (maybe I to make a GTL mod).
The Tracciontrasera site, which you showed, is contained in a "Racer" game.
What is this game? Google can't find... Surprised

See post above (wikipedia)

Fiat X 1/9 does exist for GTL (different versions):



and here:


So long.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 545
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-26
Ort : Hungary

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyTue 20 Mar 2018, 10:47 am

jeannomiller wrote:
carTOON wrote:
Zee wrote:
Mate, I want the Fiat X 1/9. (maybe I to make a GTL mod).
The Tracciontrasera site, which you showed, is contained in a "Racer" game.
What is this game? Google can't find... Surprised

See post above (wikipedia)

Fiat X 1/9 does exist for GTL (different versions):



and here:

Yes, thank you mate! I know about these.
I would like the simple street version, for example Forza 1975 Fiat X 1/9... Smile

PaulV likes this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 495
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-25
Alter : 69
Ort : Liverpool,UK

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyTue 20 Mar 2018, 4:14 pm

love the CCC version of this car, great job.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 68
Anmeldedatum : 2013-05-01

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyWed 21 Mar 2018, 5:25 pm

hello all,
based on the Perana with a v6 and a modified speed gearbox

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 496
Anmeldedatum : 2011-03-23
Alter : 28
Ort : Bucharest

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyWed 27 Jun 2018, 4:26 pm

Hope I'm not particularly bothersome, but is there any progress on the beautiful Capris, Zee? Thanks a lot for all your work!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 935
Anmeldedatum : 2010-07-12

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyWed 27 Jun 2018, 11:29 pm

DarkSide wrote:
Hope I'm not particularly bothersome, but is there any progress on the beautiful Capris, Zee? Thanks a lot for all your work!

They're a bit stalled at the moment due to Pizzaman recovering after his eye op and me getting sidetracked trying to make an Opel Commodore D GSE Laughing

Hopefully things should get moving again soon, it's mostly skinning and a few details to sort but don't hold your breath silent  Wink
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2394
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 76
Ort : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyThu 28 Jun 2018, 12:51 am

Zee wrote:

They're a bit stalled at the moment due to Pizzaman recovering after his eye op and me getting sidetracked trying to make an Opel Commodore D GSE Laughing

Hopefully things should get moving again soon, it's mostly skinning and a few details to sort but don't hold your breath silent  Wink

The great problem, always, dear friend, is hold our breath calm and cool!!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 496
Anmeldedatum : 2011-03-23
Alter : 28
Ort : Bucharest

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyThu 28 Jun 2018, 5:18 pm

I hope Pizzaman is recovering well after his surgery! Mods and anything else comes second behind matters of family & health cheers
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 213
Anmeldedatum : 2010-08-02
Alter : 72

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptySat 30 Jun 2018, 9:59 am

DarkSide wrote:
I hope Pizzaman is recovering well after his surgery! Mods and anything else comes second behind matters of family & health cheers

Good wishes to Pizzaman from me too.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 142
Anmeldedatum : 2010-08-07
Alter : 75
Ort : The Hague, Netherlands

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptySat 30 Jun 2018, 11:24 am

Hey Pizzaman / Mario,
my best wishes for a speedy recovery Smile

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2394
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 76
Ort : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptySat 30 Jun 2018, 5:10 pm

brulaap wrote:
Hey Pizzaman / Mario,
my best wishes for a speedy recovery Smile


Hi Mario, dear friend! That's it! We're all here with our thoughts with you, wisshing a fast return to be everything well. Regards, mate!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 935
Anmeldedatum : 2010-07-12

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptySun 30 Jun 2019, 10:45 pm

Talk about dragging up an old thread Shocked  I can't believe it's just over a year since i last posted on here... Surprised  

I've been having a look at the Capri's recently as i have loads of them to make for the 1974 Castrol BSCC mod. Things got delayed for a while as Mario was having trouble with his eyes. Its good to hear that he's ok now but he seems to have lost interest in GTL modding and is now using his not inconsiderable talents to make battle ships instead...

So now i'm looking for anyone who fancies sorting out the mapping and a template to make the cars skinable. Half the body is mapped but then it's flipped for the other side. 3d wise i've sorted the issue with the rear side window chrome but it still needs the 3ltr power bulge adding to the hood. The interior looks ok apart from being brown but really needs it's own dds as it's on the same texture as the body.

The car you always promised yourself... Capri_11

The car you always promised yourself... Capri_10

There's the big arched Special Saloons to map too if anyone feels brave enough or they could always wait while later...

Let me know if you can help,

Cheers cheers
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptySun 30 Jun 2019, 11:18 pm

Looking great Mel m8, wish I could do mapping. scratch eek denkend
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 3617
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Ort : Germany

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyMon 01 Jul 2019, 10:06 am

GeeDee wrote:
Looking great Mel m8, wish I could do mapping. scratch eek denkend

+ 1


So long.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 935
Anmeldedatum : 2010-07-12

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyMon 01 Jul 2019, 3:31 pm

I started learning to map with the Capri but was having issues with the smoothing messing up so I got sidetracked into other stuff and decided to let Pizzaman sort it. The mod is fairly well sorted, just a matter of details once the cars are skinnable.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 496
Anmeldedatum : 2011-03-23
Alter : 28
Ort : Bucharest

The car you always promised yourself... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The car you always promised yourself...   The car you always promised yourself... EmptyTue 02 Jul 2019, 12:26 am

Maybe @ChaosZero knows how to map cars? I think he's done it for rF, dunno if he does it for gtr2/gtl, maybe not. I think he actually is on here as @Zexer... anyway,  while waiting for the mod, been reading about Mick Hill here http://mickhill.net/welcome/4529621917... those Capris are really awesome! Too bad the rest of the Super Saloon grid is really offbeat and has to be scratch made (the Daf, the Volkswagens, the weird Jags and what not)...
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