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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€Different classes - championshippoints? Pixel
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Different classes - championshippoints? Vote_lcapDifferent classes - championshippoints? Voting_barDifferent classes - championshippoints? Vote_rcap 
Different classes - championshippoints? Vote_lcapDifferent classes - championshippoints? Voting_barDifferent classes - championshippoints? Vote_rcap 
Different classes - championshippoints? Vote_lcapDifferent classes - championshippoints? Voting_barDifferent classes - championshippoints? Vote_rcap 
Different classes - championshippoints? Vote_lcapDifferent classes - championshippoints? Voting_barDifferent classes - championshippoints? Vote_rcap 
Different classes - championshippoints? Vote_lcapDifferent classes - championshippoints? Voting_barDifferent classes - championshippoints? Vote_rcap 
Different classes - championshippoints? Vote_lcapDifferent classes - championshippoints? Voting_barDifferent classes - championshippoints? Vote_rcap 
Different classes - championshippoints? Vote_lcapDifferent classes - championshippoints? Voting_barDifferent classes - championshippoints? Vote_rcap 
Different classes - championshippoints? Vote_lcapDifferent classes - championshippoints? Voting_barDifferent classes - championshippoints? Vote_rcap 
Different classes - championshippoints? Vote_lcapDifferent classes - championshippoints? Voting_barDifferent classes - championshippoints? Vote_rcap 
Different classes - championshippoints? Vote_lcapDifferent classes - championshippoints? Voting_barDifferent classes - championshippoints? Vote_rcap 
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 Different classes - championshippoints?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 86
Anmeldedatum : 2014-07-12

Different classes - championshippoints? Empty
PostSubject: Different classes - championshippoints?   Different classes - championshippoints? EmptyMon 14 Jul 2014, 12:59 pm

Hi, fellas!

I'm running PnG v3.1 with a custom 1971 ETCC championship that i created. I have 3 classes:

Div1 - 0-1300cc
Div2 - 1301-2000cc
Div3 - 2000cc ->

I have given each class their own scoring (though the same system):


  FirstPlace = 9
  SecondPlace = 6
  ThirdPlace = 4
  FourthPlace = 3
  FifthPlace = 2
  SixthPlace = 1

  FirstPlace = 9
  SecondPlace = 6
  ThirdPlace = 4
  FourthPlace = 3
  FifthPlace = 2
  SixthPlace = 1

  FirstPlace = 9
  SecondPlace = 6
  ThirdPlace = 4
  FourthPlace = 3
  FifthPlace = 2
  SixthPlace = 1

Now, after my first race i go check on the pts table. And yes all classes are divided and each driver in their class got their 9-1 pts. BUT when i check the "ALL"-classes tab, they only show that the first 6 drivers, out of a total of 40 drivers, got their points!

I want it to be a "total" list, something like this:

  1. Hans Heyer DIV3 9PTS
  2. Toine Hezemans DIV2 9PTS
  3. Gordon Spice DIV1 9PTS

Is that possible?

Thanks alot!


P.S: BONUS QUESTION: Is it possible to run multiple championships at the same time? As in I start one championship, save it straight away, start another one, save again? So if i select that championship in the menu, and press load i should get them back?
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