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Cars, Skins and Tracks for GTL/GTR2
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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Pixel
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rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Vote_lcaprFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Voting_barrFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Vote_rcap 
rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Vote_lcaprFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Voting_barrFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Vote_rcap 
rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Vote_lcaprFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Voting_barrFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Vote_rcap 
rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Vote_lcaprFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Voting_barrFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Vote_rcap 
rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Vote_lcaprFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Voting_barrFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Vote_rcap 
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 rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 2010-08-31

rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Empty
PostSubject: rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends   rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012, 1:24 am

Gday all, Angus94 here,

i'm looking to convert 1 of my DragFactor cars to either GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends. i want to see how the car runs and drives and what features these games offer over and above what rFactor offers, which isnt very much from a Drag Racing point of view.

can any point me in the right direction as to the modding tools i'll need.


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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1975
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Ort : Florida, USA

rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends   rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012, 1:35 am

Pretty sure you'll be even more disappointed with what GTR, GTR2 and GTL have to offer in the way of drag racing...nada, in a nutshell. Of course, I'm not a fan of any kind for drag racing; absolutely a 1 human and 1 AI opponent type of race. Can't find a bit of fun in that proposition.

But then, to each his own...
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rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends   rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012, 10:27 pm

I'm quite sure GTL doesn't have the timing facility for drag racing and I agree with MOF... it's not real fun.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 2010-08-31

rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends   rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends EmptyFri 23 Nov 2012, 8:15 pm

dont forget its not just GTL that i'm interested in, its whatever games gives me the best options, be it GTR GTR2 OR GTL. for example GTR2 has movable drivers arms which is a big plus over rFactor to start with. thats just 1 example
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Loose Ether
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Loose Ether

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rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends   rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends EmptyTue 22 Jan 2013, 1:21 pm

Hi Angus94 !

Well I have recently been learning to convert cars from rFactor 1 to GTL so I can help a little bit.

No idea about drag racing specific stuff but the tools I use to convert are :

3DSimed3 - convert models, rename materials, apply textures etc
Paint program - with nVidia texture plugin for writing .DDS files - I use photoshop 7
Text editor - convert rFactor car files to GTL car files - I use UltraEdit but notepad will do fine
A Physics guy - to make the car drivable !

Thats about it really....hope this helps you out Smile
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rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends   rFactor1 conversion to GTR,GTR2 or GTLegends Empty

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