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Cars, Skins and Tracks for GTL/GTR2
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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€GTR2 to GTL conversions. Pixel
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GTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_lcapGTR2 to GTL conversions. Voting_barGTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_rcap 
GTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_lcapGTR2 to GTL conversions. Voting_barGTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_rcap 
GTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_lcapGTR2 to GTL conversions. Voting_barGTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_rcap 
GTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_lcapGTR2 to GTL conversions. Voting_barGTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_rcap 
GTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_lcapGTR2 to GTL conversions. Voting_barGTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_rcap 
GTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_lcapGTR2 to GTL conversions. Voting_barGTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_rcap 
GTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_lcapGTR2 to GTL conversions. Voting_barGTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_rcap 
GTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_lcapGTR2 to GTL conversions. Voting_barGTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_rcap 
GTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_lcapGTR2 to GTL conversions. Voting_barGTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_rcap 
GTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_lcapGTR2 to GTL conversions. Voting_barGTR2 to GTL conversions. Vote_rcap 
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 GTR2 to GTL conversions.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 10
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-25

GTR2 to GTL conversions. Empty
PostSubject: GTR2 to GTL conversions.   GTR2 to GTL conversions. EmptyFri 01 Oct 2010, 1:02 pm

Hello if you want any GTR2 to GTL conversions you can ask me.but some without the sounds folder will not contain any sound.you must have STEX.TR and TALENT.GTR for the cars to run.not all skins will be converted.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 10
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-25

GTR2 to GTL conversions. Empty
PostSubject: Re: GTR2 to GTL conversions.   GTR2 to GTL conversions. EmptyFri 01 Oct 2010, 1:04 pm

I still do not really know how to upload files.I will use try use 4shared
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GTR2 to GTL conversions.
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