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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Pixel
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what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_lcapwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Voting_barwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_rcap 
what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_lcapwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Voting_barwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_rcap 
what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_lcapwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Voting_barwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_rcap 
what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_lcapwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Voting_barwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_rcap 
what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_lcapwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Voting_barwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_rcap 
what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_lcapwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Voting_barwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_rcap 
what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_lcapwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Voting_barwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_rcap 
what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_lcapwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Voting_barwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_rcap 
what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_lcapwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Voting_barwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_rcap 
what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_lcapwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Voting_barwhat is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Vote_rcap 
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 what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 10
Anmeldedatum : 2013-07-07

what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? Empty
PostSubject: what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ?   what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ? EmptyThu 01 Aug 2013, 12:32 am

Hi everyone,

i'm new just a noob to modding, as i began to do this 3 days ago, just taking a rfactor car and attempting to carry it to GTR2.

the first hours were no bed of roses, but i think it was worth the effort,as i can now drive my conversion in gtr2, havin made my way through the chassis, cockpit, wheels, driver, rainscreen.

actually, i see a line in gtr2 .cas for wich i don't find a equivalent in .gen rfactor : that is the dirtscreen.gmt

What is the supposed effect in gtr2 for this line ? and how am i supposed to test it when i'll be done with this one ?

I take the opportunity of this question to thank all the modders and the people hosting this website, for all the satisfaction they gave me, allowing me to drive, even virtually, the holy legends of my favorite sport.

Be seeing u
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what is the dirtscreen for in gtr2 ?
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