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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Pixel
Donated: 75€

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FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_lcapFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Voting_barFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_rcap 
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_lcapFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Voting_barFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_rcap 
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_lcapFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Voting_barFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_rcap 
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_lcapFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Voting_barFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_rcap 
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_lcapFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Voting_barFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_rcap 
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_lcapFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Voting_barFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_rcap 
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_lcapFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Voting_barFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_rcap 
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_lcapFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Voting_barFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_rcap 
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_lcapFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Voting_barFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_rcap 
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_lcapFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Voting_barFIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Vote_rcap 
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 FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 121
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-30
Alter : 44
Ort : Buenos Aires, Argentina

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptySun 01 Oct 2023, 11:45 pm

Hello to all

I decide back to my old love, is an early WIP but is on the right way

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP 1500_110
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP 1500_210


jeannomiller, Vanaja, ney.dias, alex12, Tanjaschnute, z1000a2, OscarF and like this post

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Premium Member
Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 1203
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Alter : 50
Ort : Finland

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptyMon 02 Oct 2023, 12:01 am

Cool affraid
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 121
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-30
Alter : 44
Ort : Buenos Aires, Argentina

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptyMon 02 Oct 2023, 12:36 am

Vanaja wrote:
Cool affraid

Here with a little of paint

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP 1500_310
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP 1500_410

jeannomiller, Vanaja, ney.dias, alex12, joeschmoe, Tanjaschnute, z1000a2 and like this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 3592
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Ort : Germany

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptyMon 02 Oct 2023, 6:01 am

Great work, mate - highly appreciated !

So long.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 793
Anmeldedatum : 2010-10-10

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptyMon 02 Oct 2023, 6:34 am

Like this so much bounce
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 150
Anmeldedatum : 2020-05-05

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptyMon 02 Oct 2023, 1:26 pm

Great work
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 3592
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Ort : Germany

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptyMon 02 Oct 2023, 1:51 pm


FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP 1f60b

So long.


Vanaja likes this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2392
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 76
Ort : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptyMon 02 Oct 2023, 2:34 pm

¡Hola Diego!! Es bueno saber que has vuelto al modding, con un hermoso auto para nuestro deleite y diversión. Esperando ansiosamente su liberación. ¡Felicidades mi amigo!
cheers I Am Not Worthy GOOD Thanks wheelchair

Hi Diego! It's good to know that you are back to modding, with a beautiful car for our joy and fun. Eagerly awaiting his release. Congratulations my friend!

franki63 likes this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 121
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-30
Alter : 44
Ort : Buenos Aires, Argentina

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptyMon 16 Oct 2023, 6:06 pm

Hi NEY, yes I'm back to my old love, I finish with the Turismo Carretera, and I back to the European Touring Cars

Here's the first pic in game, I have to do all the Cockpit, but from the outside is done

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Grab_013
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Grab_014
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Grab_015
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Grab_016

jeannomiller, Vanaja, toto090369, ney.dias, charger69, Tanjaschnute, z1000a2 and like this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 3592
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Ort : Germany

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptyMon 16 Oct 2023, 6:19 pm

Wonderful - great work - Thanks GOOD

So long.


dbstreet likes this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 150
Anmeldedatum : 2020-05-05

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptyMon 16 Oct 2023, 6:52 pm

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Premium Member
Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 1203
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Alter : 50
Ort : Finland

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptyMon 16 Oct 2023, 7:06 pm

jeannomiller wrote:
Wonderful - great work - Thanks GOOD
Ditto thumbup2
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 121
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-30
Alter : 44
Ort : Buenos Aires, Argentina

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptyMon 16 Oct 2023, 10:19 pm

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP 1500-110
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP 1500-210

Two more, with the 2nd Series

jeannomiller, Vanaja, toto090369, ney.dias, charger69, Tanjaschnute, z1000a2 and like this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 7
Anmeldedatum : 2010-08-04

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptyTue 17 Oct 2023, 1:07 pm

Hey Db,

Nice to see you mod the 1500. Was always one car I wanted to see. Hope it appears in GTL too.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 150
Anmeldedatum : 2020-05-05

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptySat 04 Nov 2023, 6:19 pm

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 121
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-30
Alter : 44
Ort : Buenos Aires, Argentina

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptySat 04 Nov 2023, 7:57 pm

Thanks to all for the compliments...

here some picture of the cockpit

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP 1cp10
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP 2cp10

still some work to do, but like the King said....slowly but surely...

jeannomiller, Vanaja, toto090369, Tanjaschnute, z1000a2, Pete Conway, silent_gxg and like this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 268
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Alter : 55
Ort : Bruxelles 1081 Koekelberg

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptySat 04 Nov 2023, 9:56 pm

Amaizing Work DB
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 3592
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Ort : Germany

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptySun 05 Nov 2023, 7:52 am

Simply love it! GOOD

So long.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 104
Anmeldedatum : 2011-06-24

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptySun 05 Nov 2023, 8:39 am

its looks very nice
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 121
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-30
Alter : 44
Ort : Buenos Aires, Argentina

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptySun 05 Nov 2023, 2:39 pm

Well, all the car is in game,

Some pics of the interior, with a OILPRESS WARNING LIGHT working, I would like to make the gauges lights work like the P&G mod but i don't know how to do it,

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Grab_017
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Grab_018

And some from the exterior, I have some issue with the HEADLIGHTS, it works, but only the edge of the light
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Grab_019
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Grab_020

Somebody could help me with this issues?, thanks in advance


jeannomiller, Vanaja, toto090369, Tanjaschnute, z1000a2, Condominhas, DarkSide and like this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 121
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-30
Alter : 44
Ort : Buenos Aires, Argentina

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptySun 05 Nov 2023, 10:24 pm

Some videos

Hope you like it


jeannomiller, ney.dias, Tanjaschnute, freeracer and silent_gxg like this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 96
Anmeldedatum : 2021-11-07

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptyMon 06 Nov 2023, 3:14 am

For the gauges to get lit when you turn the lights on, you need to do something like this :


For the exterior lights, the front lights need to be a little ahead of the lenses and the rear lights a little behind. I usually separate them by 2 mm, sometimes more if the result doesn't look good when the car is seen from far away.

jeannomiller, silent_gxg and sunalp2 like this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 121
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-30
Alter : 44
Ort : Buenos Aires, Argentina

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptySun 19 Nov 2023, 9:39 pm

Hi to all

First a have to give a BIG-REALLY BIG THANK YOU to Silent gxg and Ducon to help me wijt the Fiat 1500 Lights!!!

Now I have a few pictures of the Contender for the Fiat

Here in my Country (Argentina) was a War between this two old chaps

The Peugeot 404

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Peugeo10
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Peugeo11

Step by step, I will realese both together



jeannomiller, Vanaja, toto090369, ney.dias, joeschmoe, Zee, Condominhas and like this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 793
Anmeldedatum : 2015-08-21

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptyMon 20 Nov 2023, 9:39 pm

"The Peugeot 404"

nice model, can't wait

joel1963 likes this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 121
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-30
Alter : 44
Ort : Buenos Aires, Argentina

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP EmptySun 03 Dec 2023, 1:16 am

Hi to all

First shots in game

FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Grab_021
FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Grab_022

jeannomiller, Vanaja, toto090369, charger69, Zee, drionita, DarkSide and like this post

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FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP   FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP Empty

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FIAT 1500 Berlina - WIP
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