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Evolution Modding

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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Pixel
Donated: 75€

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[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_lcap[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Voting_bar[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_lcap[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Voting_bar[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_lcap[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Voting_bar[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_lcap[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Voting_bar[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_lcap[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Voting_bar[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_lcap[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Voting_bar[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_lcap[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Voting_bar[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_lcap[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Voting_bar[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_lcap[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Voting_bar[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_lcap[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Voting_bar[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Vote_rcap 
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 [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara

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12 posters

Anzahl der Beiträge : 678
Anmeldedatum : 2010-01-31
Alter : 33

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty
PostSubject: [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara   [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara EmptySun 12 Sep 2010, 3:30 pm

Fiat X1/9 Dallara 1.0 for GT Legends

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara GTL%202010-08-28%2011-43-44-73[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara GTL%202010-08-28%2011-43-50-99

- install at your own risk

-> put the GameData folder in your GTL main directory, and say yes to overwrite.

Thx to:

- bcfcdave for icons/biks
- core@team for rfactor mod
- DucFreak for TR4 Sound
- My Girlfriend for her patience Wink



i hope you like it Smile

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Reifen
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 164
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara   [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara EmptySun 12 Sep 2010, 7:21 pm

Is it real ?! Great job. Cool
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1975
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Ort : Florida, USA

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara   [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara EmptySun 12 Sep 2010, 11:52 pm

I haven't gotten the 'fix' for the white spoilers as yet, but have noticed another problem with the car that just about drives me crazy. The mirrors show a reversed image. When you round a corner that was a left-hander, the mirrors show that corner as having been a right-hander. Very annoying, and I would suspect is a simple fix. I just don't know how to accomplish this myself. Hope someone can address the problem! Thanks in advance...
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara   [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara EmptyMon 13 Sep 2010, 10:49 pm

Thank you for that nice car ... yeah, like MOF said, the mirrors show things mirror-inverted.
Also in Cockpit-View you can see always the same white trunklid, even if you drive a
yellow, green or red car. The reverse lamp does not work either. A Laptimer would be not bad Smile ... Can we hope that these issues get fixed ? Then it would be really perfect!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 10
Anmeldedatum : 2010-09-05

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara   [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara EmptySun 03 Oct 2010, 10:26 pm

Thank you for this car: very fun.
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Lower Level
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Lower Level

Anzahl der Beiträge : 452
Anmeldedatum : 2010-08-09
Alter : 61
Ort : Corner Office, GTL parking garage.

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara   [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara EmptyTue 05 Oct 2010, 2:28 pm

I found the virtual mirrors are fine so use them.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 26
Anmeldedatum : 2010-10-03
Alter : 59
Ort : gothenberg

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara   [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara EmptySat 09 Oct 2010, 3:20 am

Sorry but corupted files when unpacking , something with body.1 third car.
I tryed 4 times same thing every time , need help.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 10
Anmeldedatum : 2011-11-28
Alter : 65
Ort : Stockerau/Austria

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara   [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara EmptySat 03 Dec 2011, 2:40 pm

nice Car and thx for released - but who is the Lotus Europa? Very Happy
Love this Car and missed the deepest Raceplace from the seventies.

Can any Help please (sorry for off topic)
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Premium Member
Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara   [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara EmptySat 03 Dec 2011, 3:19 pm

The Europa is not out yet for GTL or GTR2 as far as I know. Sad
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Lower Level
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Premium Member
Lower Level

Anzahl der Beiträge : 452
Anmeldedatum : 2010-08-09
Alter : 61
Ort : Corner Office, GTL parking garage.

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara   [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara EmptySat 03 Dec 2011, 8:56 pm

Yeah. I know there was mention of sunalp2 (Frank) working on it at Gamer's Crib but I haven't seen recent info and if I recall Frank's not been online as much lately due to the real world interfering.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 108
Anmeldedatum : 2011-08-31
Alter : 52
Ort : Poland

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara   [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara EmptySat 25 May 2013, 12:01 pm


I have only one small question:
How can you turn back in the rearview mirror, I mean from left to right? scratch
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 310
Anmeldedatum : 2011-05-30

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara   [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara EmptySat 25 May 2013, 12:53 pm

EvolutionFQ wrote:
Fiat X1/9 Dallara 1.0 for GT Legends

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara GTL%202010-08-28%2011-43-44-73[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara GTL%202010-08-28%2011-43-50-99

- install at your own risk

-> put the GameData folder in your GTL main directory, and say yes to overwrite.

Thx to:

- bcfcdave for icons/biks
- core@team for rfactor mod
- DucFreak for TR4 Sound
- My Girlfriend for her patience Wink



i hope you like it Smile

pale pale PLEASE...... Sorry, there are no results for your search. Search again
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Premium Member
Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 2162
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24
Ort : Laguna Seca

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara   [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara EmptySat 25 May 2013, 8:56 pm

This should be the one.......

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 310
Anmeldedatum : 2011-05-30

[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara   [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara EmptySat 25 May 2013, 9:42 pm

Many thanks joeschmoe cheers
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[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara   [GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara Empty

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[GTL] Fiat X1/9 Dallara
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