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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Pixel
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A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_lcapA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Voting_barA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_rcap 
A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_lcapA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Voting_barA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_rcap 
A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_lcapA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Voting_barA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_rcap 
A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_lcapA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Voting_barA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_rcap 
A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_lcapA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Voting_barA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_rcap 
A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_lcapA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Voting_barA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_rcap 
A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_lcapA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Voting_barA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_rcap 
A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_lcapA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Voting_barA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_rcap 
A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_lcapA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Voting_barA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_rcap 
A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_lcapA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Voting_barA question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Vote_rcap 
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 A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex.

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3 posters


Anzahl der Beiträge : 185
Anmeldedatum : 2010-08-20
Alter : 49
Ort : Porto - Portugal (Near Circuito da Boavista)

A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Empty
PostSubject: A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex.   A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. EmptySat 26 Dec 2020, 4:38 pm

Hello everybody.

I'm wondering if it's safe to delete in the car folder the files "cpit_ultra_tex" and "ultra_tex" and using only the default "tex" file?

That's because I have many skins, and my laptop is old, and my graphic card is integrated in the board... Sad

Thank you santa
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Pete Conway

Pete Conway

Anzahl der Beiträge : 175
Anmeldedatum : 2013-05-05

A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex.   A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. EmptySat 26 Dec 2020, 7:24 pm

Condominhas wrote:
Hello everybody.

I'm wondering if it's safe to delete in the car folder the files "cpit_ultra_tex" and "ultra_tex" and using only the default "tex" file?

That's because I have many skins, and my laptop is old, and my graphic card is integrated in the board... Sad

Thank you santa


Personally I'd ensure it's working fine with the default before deleting it, save it somewhere and try it with default first, that way you can always fire it back in if it doesn't work.
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Premium Member
Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
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Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex.   A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. EmptySat 26 Dec 2020, 7:41 pm

Just put an x or something like that in front of the name of the file you don't want, then delete it if all works okay.
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Pete Conway

Pete Conway

Anzahl der Beiträge : 175
Anmeldedatum : 2013-05-05

A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex.   A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. EmptySat 26 Dec 2020, 10:28 pm

GeeDee wrote:
Just put an x or something like that in front of the name of the file you don't want, then delete it if all works okay.

Yeah, simpler and timesaving GOOD

GeeDee likes this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 185
Anmeldedatum : 2010-08-20
Alter : 49
Ort : Porto - Portugal (Near Circuito da Boavista)

A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex.   A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. EmptySun 27 Dec 2020, 4:27 pm

Thank you Pete Conway and GeeDee for your reply.

I'm going try the "X" before deleting... Very Happy
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A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex.   A question about cpit_ultra_tex and ultra_tex. Empty

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