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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€simple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Pixel
Donated: 75€

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simple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_lcapsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Voting_barsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_rcap 
simple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_lcapsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Voting_barsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_rcap 
simple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_lcapsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Voting_barsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_rcap 
simple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_lcapsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Voting_barsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_rcap 
simple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_lcapsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Voting_barsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_rcap 
simple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_lcapsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Voting_barsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_rcap 
simple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_lcapsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Voting_barsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_rcap 
simple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_lcapsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Voting_barsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_rcap 
simple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_lcapsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Voting_barsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_rcap 
simple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_lcapsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Voting_barsimple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Vote_rcap 
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 simple CPU-Tool for MORE fps!

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 3
Anmeldedatum : 2011-01-29

simple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! Empty
PostSubject: simple CPU-Tool for MORE fps!   simple CPU-Tool for MORE fps! EmptyTue 29 Sep 2020, 4:15 pm

Hello simracing friends,

I found a simple (German) CPU tool, together with the 4GB patch you can achieve a lot more performance. It's not as complicated as other CPU tools and small (only 618.46 kB), easy to use and compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP. This tool distributes the CPU load across all cores.

Works with GTR2, GTL and rFactor1.

There are other useful little tools included, but I'm just using CPU affinity.
With my system (Win7pro64) it doesn't start automatically with Windows Start, I always have to start the tool manually before I start GTR2. Remember, otherwise you will immediately see the difference in the fps rates. You can show the fps rates in the game with CTRL + F and see them at the top right.

How to use it:

1. Execute the easytoolz.exe. Now you will see a simple green task icon
2. Right click on the green easytoolz task symbol and then on Options. Check the box for CPU affinity. (and other tools if you want)
3. Right click on the green easytoolz task symbol, click on CPU affinity and add (left button 'add') your GTR2.exe from your GTR2 main folder. If you want to remove it, click on -> right button 'remove'
4. Check the CPU and number of CPUs (in my case CPU 0-7 (including virtual cores), I have a 4-core CPU), check the automatic CPU distribution and the basic priority, normal. Click OK. Finished!
5. If you also want more fps in GTL or rFactor, repeat steps 3 + 4 and add GTL.exe or rFactor.exe

Download from the developer: https://easytoolz.net/easytoolz/

or at: https: http://www.giga.de/downloads/easytoolz/

https: http://www.computerbild.de/download/EasyToolz-1586033.html

Download the 4 GB patch: https://esport-racing.de/4gb-patch-for-gtr2/

This is translated with ImTranslator (Firefox Addon). I hope you understand everything. If you have any questions, I can answer you.

Happy Racing!

your PowerSlider Very Happy

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