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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Pixel
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[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_lcap[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Voting_bar[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_rcap 
[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_lcap[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Voting_bar[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_rcap 
[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_lcap[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Voting_bar[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_rcap 
[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_lcap[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Voting_bar[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_rcap 
[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_lcap[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Voting_bar[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_rcap 
[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_lcap[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Voting_bar[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_rcap 
[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_lcap[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Voting_bar[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_rcap 
[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_lcap[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Voting_bar[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_rcap 
[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_lcap[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Voting_bar[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_rcap 
[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_lcap[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Voting_bar[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Vote_rcap 
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 [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles?

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2 posters

Anzahl der Beiträge : 86
Anmeldedatum : 2014-07-12

[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Empty
PostSubject: [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles?   [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? EmptyThu 26 Jul 2018, 11:31 am


Sorry for the ubundance of questions right now! Well now i have a good amount of championships/classes of historic racing done! So i have my Le Mans Classic grid3 of about 50 + cars. And some Equipe pre63 and Peter Auto's 60s Endurance. But i want to drive some tracks that currently limits "max vehicles" to about 35,...is it the Max Vehicles in the .gdb that limits or is it the .trk and all its pits?

How advanced is it to make them 60? or something like that?

Thankful for any help!

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 545
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-26
Ort : Hungary

[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles?   [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? EmptyThu 26 Jul 2018, 12:22 pm

RobertLidstroem wrote:
...How advanced is it to make them 60? or something like that?...

First step the AIW edit, then write max vehicle number in gdb file...
AIW Editor: https://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=AIW%20CAM%20Editor
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 86
Anmeldedatum : 2014-07-12

[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles?   [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? EmptyThu 26 Jul 2018, 1:16 pm

carTOON wrote:
RobertLidstroem wrote:
...How advanced is it to make them 60? or something like that?...

First step the AIW edit, then write max vehicle number in gdb file...
AIW Editor: https://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=AIW%20CAM%20Editor

Thank you!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 86
Anmeldedatum : 2014-07-12

[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles?   [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? EmptyThu 26 Jul 2018, 10:41 pm

carTOON wrote:
RobertLidstroem wrote:
...How advanced is it to make them 60? or something like that?...

First step the AIW edit, then write max vehicle number in gdb file...
AIW Editor: https://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=AIW%20CAM%20Editor

Wow! That software was a tad bit advanced for me! I figured out how to open the aiw atleast!

Anyone care to give me a crashcourse? thumbup
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 545
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-26
Ort : Hungary

[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles?   [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? EmptyFri 27 Jul 2018, 5:44 am

RobertLidstroem wrote:
...Anyone care to give me a crashcourse? thumbup

The community demand for 36 cars is on the grid.
The track modders (I too) considered this claim in mind.
This small software is also suitable for making a unique pit path.
If you learn it will be fun...
You can find tutorials on YouTube.
Cheers and good runs! Smile
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 86
Anmeldedatum : 2014-07-12

[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles?   [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? EmptyFri 27 Jul 2018, 6:18 am

carTOON wrote:
RobertLidstroem wrote:
...Anyone care to give me a crashcourse? thumbup

The community demand for 36 cars is on the grid.
The track modders (I too) considered this claim in mind.
This small software is also suitable for making a unique pit path.
If you learn it will be fun...
You can find tutorials on YouTube.
Cheers and good runs! Smile

Ah! I have always thought after downloading thousands of tracks through the years that it was a performanceissue, but beeing 2018 it should be alright! Thanks for the tip, will dive into it now!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 86
Anmeldedatum : 2014-07-12

[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles?   [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? EmptyFri 27 Jul 2018, 6:45 am


This is wayyyy to advanced...i thought it would just be notepadediting, nah, that dream is crashed for now! Found a tutorial on european endurance center, but since you are going to rebuild grids and ingame edit and whatnot....Nahhh....

Didnt find anything on Youtube when searching "AIW Editing, add cars" etc...not much on Google either.

Thanks for helping anyway carToon!
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[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles?   [GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles? Empty

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[GTR2/GTL - Track editing] - Adding pits/max vehicles?
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