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[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_lcap[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Voting_bar[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_rcap 
[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_lcap[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Voting_bar[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_rcap 
[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_lcap[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Voting_bar[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_rcap 
[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_lcap[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Voting_bar[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_rcap 
[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_lcap[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Voting_bar[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_rcap 
[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_lcap[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Voting_bar[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_rcap 
[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_lcap[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Voting_bar[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_rcap 
[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_lcap[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Voting_bar[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_rcap 
[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_lcap[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Voting_bar[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_rcap 
[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_lcap[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Voting_bar[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Vote_rcap 
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 [Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 86
Anmeldedatum : 2014-07-12

[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Empty
PostSubject: [Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine?   [Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? EmptyThu 26 Jul 2018, 12:00 am


Getting my hands dirty here... So! I want to tune the engine for the Austin Healey 3000. But i want to only use that engine on specific cars, whilst the others use the standard 225hp engine.

So i copied the .eng-file, gave it a new name, used Toms to tune it to 260hp (i follow ALOT of historic racing, and got the specs from a guy driving the Equipe Pre63-series in the uk).

Ok, so the .car file points to something about engines:


Team="Pete Presley"
PitGroup="Pete Presley"
Driver="Pete Presley"
Description="Austin Healey 3000"
Engine="BMC C-Series 2.9L I6"

But when i open the "BMC3000.eng"-file it just reads at the top "// Austin-Healey 2.912L I6 / 225HP @ 5750RPM / 320NM @ 4500RPM / Copyright Simbin 2004". What gives a engine its name?

I then went into the .hdc and found:


SpeedLimiter=1  // Whether a pitlane speed limiter is available

Is it the filename itself that points to the engine? So if i was to put this:


SpeedLimiter=1  // Whether a pitlane speed limiter is available

It would run the 260hp-engine?

But then again i seem forced to make a new .hdc for the cars i want to use the 260hp engine, correct? So in this part of the .car:



I would change to:



Ofcourse i would create that file first.

Does it seem right? Havent done anything of this before Very Happy

Thank you!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2384
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 76
Ort : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine?   [Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? EmptyThu 26 Jul 2018, 12:48 am


It's OK, Bob, but don't forget to put the new eng.file inside the main folder also, as you did with the new .hdc .
Inside the .hdc file, would be safer if you put a .eng after the new engine name :

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 86
Anmeldedatum : 2014-07-12

[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine?   [Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? EmptyThu 26 Jul 2018, 1:04 am

ney.dias wrote:

It's OK, Bob, but don't forget to put the new eng.file inside the main folder also, as you did with the new .hdc .
Inside the .hdc file, would be safer if you put a .eng after the new engine name :


Thank you! Will put .eng in there aswell!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine?   [Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? EmptyFri 27 Jul 2018, 10:28 am

If you do not put the lines that Ney suggest into the HDC file then it will not work.

Gearbox file names go into the HDC file also.

Take time to have a look at the HDC file. thumbup2
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 86
Anmeldedatum : 2014-07-12

[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine?   [Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? EmptyFri 27 Jul 2018, 12:26 pm

GeeDee wrote:
If you do not put the lines that Ney suggest into the HDC file then it will not work.

Gearbox file names go into the HDC file also.

Take time to have a look at the HDC file. thumbup2

Thanks fellas!
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[Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine?   [Engine Swap/Editing - GTR2] - Pointing a specific car to a new engine? Empty

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