| Targa Florio how to conv to GTL | |
+7GeeDee DarkSide nikbear serpico19717 joeschmoe tdurrett ecikus 11 posters |
Author | Message |
Anzahl der Beiträge : 43 Anmeldedatum : 2011-01-10
| Subject: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Wed 07 Sep 2011, 11:03 pm | |
| ...i just gathered the post from guys who know the materia..me noob in this so here u can try u'r luck: ..."I have not doing that for long time but in my memory the convertion of a track from GTR2 to GTL take 2mn.Remove of reflect (Instance=xxxR) in .trk and rename some GTR in GTL".... ..."GTL and GTR2 use the exact same format of gmt".... ..."Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to rename .GTR files to .GTL either. The game will load what ever you have in the .TRK file so save yourself some time and don't bother. I never do and the courses work just fine. I seem to remember have .GTL files from a course and adding lines for common_skies.gtr and that works. As I said, what ever files you have in the track's .TRK (or .SCN) is what the game will load"... ..." Indeed.. ALL you need to do to make a GTL track work in GTR2 is change the TRK lines for the sky and the general textures (MISC.GTR and Teams2.GTR) You can in fact just copy them from another GTR2 TRK file. Next step: Copy the SKYBOX entry from another GTR2 TRK file, because GTL has a less complex sky (no rain etc..) Another step: Make rain reflections and a decent GTR2 LOD "... this is from nogrip conversation betweet zwiss keni and kuato...so pick out what helps and hope u guys will have it soon 4 u'r game Edited 8.9.11 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<: just found this: someone GOT IT WORKING IN GTL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<: >>> delete the "ani"-file and this track work in GTR2 and GT Legends. <<< this last one is from F1 Classic...cheers, Peter | |
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 159 Anmeldedatum : 2010-09-22
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Tue 13 Sep 2011, 9:30 pm | |
| I was able to use this guide to convert GTR2 Targa to GTL. (And now many others) Since I don't have GTR2 installed I couldn't copy MAS.GTR and my standalone GTL could not identify the .gtr files,so
Step by step:
1. d/l and extract the file to a temp location.
2. Use Windows Explorer to convert all "filename".gtr in the folder GTL by "renaming-command" to "filename".gtl
3. Open "trackname".trk with Notepad to edit
example for Roy Hesketh ...
MASFile=RoyHesketh.gtr <-edit to .gtl MASFile=RoyHeskethmap.gtr <-edit to .gtl MASFile=skies_north.gtr <-edit to .gtl MASFile=teammaps2.gtr <-delete line MASFile=Misc.GTR <-delete line
4. With trk still open find the instance lines for rain and remove
Instance=dayR { Moveable=True MeshFile=dayR.gmt CollTarget=False HATTarget=False } Instance=nightR { Moveable=True MeshFile=nightR.gmt CollTarget=False HATTarget=False } Instance=sunriseR { Moveable=True MeshFile=sunriseR.gmt CollTarget=False HATTarget=False } Instance=sunsetR { Moveable=True MeshFile=sunsetR.gmt CollTarget=False HATTarget=False }
5. run GTL with trace command to catch errors.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 43 Anmeldedatum : 2011-01-10
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joeschmoe Premium Member
Anzahl der Beiträge : 2154 Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24 Ort : Laguna Seca
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Tue 13 Sep 2011, 10:03 pm | |
| I was just about to try this and my Targa d/l is corrupt !!!
imagesMap.gtr comes up corrupt in winrar.......... | |
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 159 Anmeldedatum : 2010-09-22
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Tue 13 Sep 2011, 11:17 pm | |
| imagesMap.gtr needs to be renamed *.gtl as all of the gtr files... then edit both Targa_Historical.trk and Targa_Florio.trk files to change
MASFile=teammaps2.gtr -> edit to TEAMMAPS.gtl MASFile=Misc.gtr -> remove line MASFile=Skies_central.gtr -> to .gtl MASFile=BuildingsEtc.gtr -> to .gtl MASFile=Hidden.gtr -> to .gtl MASFile=Horizon.gtr -> to .gtl MASFile=EtoP.gtr -> to .gtl MASFile=ExtraTreesVehicles.gtr -> to .gtl MASFile=GrassToC.gtr -> to .gtl MASFile=Grdr.gtr -> to .gtl MASFile=Objects1.gtr -> to .gtl MASFile=Postc.gtr -> to .gtl MASFile=Rain1.gtr -> remove line MASFile=Rain2.gtr -> remove line MASFile=TrackObj.gtr -> to .gtl MASFile=Trees.gtr -> to .gtl MASFile=TreeWall.gtr -> to .gtl MASFile=Walls.gtr -> to .gtl MASFile=SkyBox_Lights.gtr -> to .gtl MASFile=imagesMap.gtr -> to .gtl
The most tedious is to delete the rain references in both track files at the end of each file starting with...
//--------------------------------- RAIN ------------------------------------------------------------
Instance=rreflect000 { VisGroups=(32) MeshFile=rreflect000.gmt CollTarget=False HATTarget=False } Instance=rreflect01 { VisGroups=(32) MeshFile=rreflect01.gmt CollTarget=False HATTarget=False
...and ending with
Instance=rreflect1900 { VisGroups=(32) MeshFile=rreflect1900.gmt CollTarget=False HATTarget=False } Instance=rreflect1901 { VisGroups=(32) MeshFile=rreflect1901.gmt CollTarget=False HATTarget=False }
...at he end of both track files.
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joeschmoe Premium Member
Anzahl der Beiträge : 2154 Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24 Ort : Laguna Seca
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Wed 14 Sep 2011, 12:16 am | |
| Well ecikus was kind enough to re-upload the file, but when I tested it on GTR2, I got about half way through the lap and it CTD'd....... wanted to test it before I tried to convert to GTL.... | |
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 43 Anmeldedatum : 2011-01-10
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 43 Anmeldedatum : 2011-01-10
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Wed 14 Sep 2011, 1:00 am | |
| ...try direct to gtl...reading these days likely its working better on GTL the gtr2 version ,lots of simmers convert it without braking in game ...and as 4 gtr2 lots of guys having the same problem as u do....sorry dunno how to help | |
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 159 Anmeldedatum : 2010-09-22
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Wed 14 Sep 2011, 2:37 pm | |
| Targa works great when converted to GTL. I drove yesterday with just a couple of crashes, but I didn't die. I'm always crashing to death in Grand Prix Legends version (my fault).
What is the difference between the Historical_Grid and Regular_Grid layouts? | |
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 43 Anmeldedatum : 2011-01-10
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Wed 14 Sep 2011, 2:41 pm | |
| starting position - grid? and garage, there's two of them cas of rfactor version...and that was converted to the rest platforms... i have the rf version and there u can see 4 wich platform was built big difference in look - work its like 20mb track... | |
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 159 Anmeldedatum : 2010-09-22
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Wed 14 Sep 2011, 8:38 pm | |
| Too many GTR2 tracks, so little time. Easily converted 67_Roadamerica, 67Glen, 70Donnybrook, IOM, Roy Hesketh, and 07Silverstone. | |
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joeschmoe Premium Member
Anzahl der Beiträge : 2154 Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24 Ort : Laguna Seca
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Thu 15 Sep 2011, 12:44 am | |
| I almost got it to work in GTL using the above instructions, but it still CTD's during load with:
specialfx.cp 658: Unrecognized reaction "SHARDS1" specialfx.cp 658: Unrecognized reaction "SHARDS2" specialfx.cp 931: Could not create 1846-particle system using MTS: or BMP:RACELINE.TGA with flags 0x00000a01 specialfx.cp 934: CUBE Error: Error loading material Reaction23 for particle system specialfx.cp 931: Could not create 32-particle system using MTS: or BMP:SHARD.TGA with flags 0x00000811 specialfx.cp 934: CUBE Error: Error loading material Reaction28 for particle system specialfx.cp 931: Could not create 32-particle system using MTS: or BMP:SHARD2.TGA with flags 0x00000811 specialfx.cp 934: CUBE Error: Error loading material Reaction29 for particle system
At least I can run it in EVO.......... | |
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 159 Anmeldedatum : 2010-09-22
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Thu 15 Sep 2011, 2:43 pm | |
| Try these: Targa_Florio.trk modified for GTL... http://www.sendspace.com/file/uhinx3 Targa_Historical.trk modified for GTL... http://www.sendspace.com/file/zpsoax
Make sure all the *.gtr files have been "renamed" *.gtl
Shards isn't listed in the trk file, it may be from MISC.GTR that needs removal or Teammaps2 that is renamed TEAMMAPS
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joeschmoe Premium Member
Anzahl der Beiträge : 2154 Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24 Ort : Laguna Seca
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Fri 16 Sep 2011, 1:49 am | |
| Thank You so much tdurrett, while our .trk files differed a bit, I think it was your suggestion of renaming the "Teammaps" file. I used the .trk file (thank ypu), but while the track would load, finally, I was getting "black banding", I renamed the teammaps file as you mentioned, and it works fine now..... Thank You Very Much tdurrett !!!!!!! | |
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 56 Anmeldedatum : 2011-05-08
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Fri 16 Sep 2011, 12:20 pm | |
| Followed the instructions to the letter and after months of waiting I finally got this awesome project working. Thanks to all who have contributed. | |
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1191 Anmeldedatum : 2011-03-16
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Fri 16 Sep 2011, 8:38 pm | |
| Is anyone going to put up a link for a fully converted GTL version?? Would love to drive this historic circuit but a little wary of messing with files and such | |
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 485 Anmeldedatum : 2011-03-23 Alter : 28 Ort : Bucharest
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Fri 16 Sep 2011, 9:25 pm | |
| I've managed to get it to work thanks to all your great instructions. It is still the ai problem in the race. (it drives with pit limit speed all the time). Was anyone able to get pass it ? | |
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GeeDee Premium Member
Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040 Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23 Alter : 75 Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Fri 16 Sep 2011, 10:00 pm | |
| - DarkSide wrote:
- I've managed to get it to work thanks to all your great instructions. It is still the ai problem in the race. (it drives with pit limit speed all the time). Was anyone able to get pass it ?
You can toggle the 'PIT LIMITER' in GTL by selecting the key you wish to use. See the driving options on GTL. | |
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 485 Anmeldedatum : 2011-03-23 Alter : 28 Ort : Bucharest
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Fri 16 Sep 2011, 10:25 pm | |
| Yes I know that. I mean that in a race the ai drives slowly (around 60km/h) and I've tested that by getting into a free practice session and toggling the "ai control" so that the ai would drive. It drives but it drives with 60 km/h... | |
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 175 Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-27 Alter : 46 Ort : Germany
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Fri 16 Sep 2011, 10:52 pm | |
| This is not an ai Problem. This is an Problem with the "xpitout.gmt"-file. | |
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 485 Anmeldedatum : 2011-03-23 Alter : 28 Ort : Bucharest
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Fri 16 Sep 2011, 11:07 pm | |
| Anyway... how can it be fixed ? Thank you ! | |
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joeschmoe Premium Member
Anzahl der Beiträge : 2154 Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24 Ort : Laguna Seca
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Sat 17 Sep 2011, 3:17 am | |
| I'm still getting some black bars way way into the lap, bit I'm going to try a fresh convert. Before tdurrett graciously supplied the trk files I had really butchered my install. If I get a clean one working, I can post if there no objections......
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jeannomiller Admin
Anzahl der Beiträge : 3497 Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22 Ort : Germany
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Sat 17 Sep 2011, 8:54 am | |
| Good work - thanks.
Haven't done a complete lap last night - but will test it over the weekend. | |
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 310 Anmeldedatum : 2011-05-30
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Sat 17 Sep 2011, 11:23 am | |
| Sorry link download Targa florio for GTL? THANKS | |
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 548 Anmeldedatum : 2010-07-08 Ort : Overlooking the thames & F***ing miles away from Ney's Home!!
| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL Sat 17 Sep 2011, 11:30 am | |
| To drive this properly you need a nice old ferrari (must be red) & this playing through your headphones- https://youtu.be/8KuFJ7qFdec | |
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| Subject: Re: Targa Florio how to conv to GTL | |
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| Targa Florio how to conv to GTL | |