Evolution Modding
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Evolution Modding

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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Pixel
Donated: 75€

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[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_lcap[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Voting_bar[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_rcap 
[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_lcap[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Voting_bar[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_rcap 
[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_lcap[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Voting_bar[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_rcap 
[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_lcap[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Voting_bar[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_rcap 
[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_lcap[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Voting_bar[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_rcap 
[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_lcap[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Voting_bar[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_rcap 
[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_lcap[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Voting_bar[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_rcap 
[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_lcap[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Voting_bar[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_rcap 
[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_lcap[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Voting_bar[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_rcap 
[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_lcap[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Voting_bar[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Vote_rcap 
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 [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....

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9 posters

Anzahl der Beiträge : 36
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22

[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Empty
PostSubject: [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....   [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... EmptyWed 15 Sep 2010, 10:15 pm

Hi guys,

maybe you know, there are a few of these cars available on this site.
most of them are more like beta as final.
during our GTL2.0 project i thought it would be great to make these cars more realistic and give the S1 some playmates^^

so i created qucikly few engines and mixed them with tires and physics.

  • Audi Sport Quattro S1
  • Audi Sport Quattro S1 E2
  • Audi Sport Quattro S1 Pikes Peak
  • Ferrari 288 GTO
  • Renault 5 Turbo
  • Renault 5 Turbo Maxi
  • Renault 5 Turbo Maxi 2
  • Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Evo1
  • Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Evo2
  • Opel Manta 400
together with the Lancia 037 this will be a nice grid.
but i have not time to test the cars, so would be great if some of you can do this stuff.

only a few primitiv test:

  • topspeed
  • handling
  • short laptime feedback on Magny Cours National
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 334
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24
Alter : 56
Ort : Bristol, UK

[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....   [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... EmptyWed 15 Sep 2010, 10:29 pm

I'm up for this let me know what you need !
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 410
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 72

[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....   [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... EmptyWed 15 Sep 2010, 11:57 pm

All these cars are Rally cars and all the specs you can find about these are for Rally with top speed between 180 to 220 km/h .They have very fast steering for special stages.If you want to adapt the cars for Track racing you have to create all the physics ,that is very difficult for one car so for all the Pack ...I wish you success.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 22
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-27

[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....   [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... EmptyThu 16 Sep 2010, 10:41 am

I am waited for this so long that someone would make a group b cars, because I am a true fan of group b.

There are missing cars like Ford RS200, Metro 6R4, Lancia Delta S4. About that topspeed, Audi cought up 250 km/h on gravel in Portugal and a same rally Peugeot did 230 km/h and hit the limiter when Kankkunen owertook a 0 car.

I would be very happy if you can add these cars in that project of yours.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 36
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22

[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....   [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... EmptyThu 16 Sep 2010, 8:31 pm

great [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Icon_bounce

these cars are available in franks HRC mod for rfactor. maybe some day someone will convert them, but atm i use only the cars which are available for GTL. i don't want to invest too much time, because i have other projects too;)
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 596
Anmeldedatum : 2010-12-19

[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....   [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... EmptySun 19 Dec 2010, 7:41 pm

good idea
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 236
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23

[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....   [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... EmptySun 19 Dec 2010, 7:58 pm

Unfortunately I have no good news for you, Antonio. Henry, who works here is kinda disappeared turn, is already an eternity not been here, I miss him already. And the CanAm are on hold as Evo has no time, unfortunately.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 596
Anmeldedatum : 2010-12-19

[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....   [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... EmptySun 19 Dec 2010, 8:00 pm

what a shame.Thanx anyway.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4
Anmeldedatum : 2010-11-16

[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....   [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... EmptySun 26 Dec 2010, 9:01 pm

where is the link?
the 205 peugeot is completed
some cars still missing?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1207
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Alter : 50
Ort : Finland

[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....   [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... EmptyMon 27 Dec 2010, 12:50 am

wrog topic :S
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4
Anmeldedatum : 2010-11-16

[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....   [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... EmptyMon 27 Dec 2010, 10:20 pm

ok so they re exist 5 group B cars for gtl.. but i cant do the renault maxi because frank55 is disappear!
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Premium Member
Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 204
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Alter : 58

[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....   [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... EmptyMon 27 Dec 2010, 11:55 pm

Bacchettas wrote:
ok so they re exist 5 group B cars for gtl.. but i cant do the renault maxi because frank55 is disappear!

Unfortunately Frank55 died more than a year ago. If you want the HRC mod surely it must be available still. I can upload it to my mediafire account if you can't find it anywhere else.

ps. this was copied from the readme

Quote :
- pyrana.f4@free.fr
- RacingFR forum at : http://www.racingfr.com
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4
Anmeldedatum : 2010-11-16

[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....   [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... EmptyTue 28 Dec 2010, 12:25 pm

i know sorry for my english
i can find alternative rims for the actual renault 5..
then i went to pack obj Wink thanks
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[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....   [BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,.... Empty

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[BETATEST] GROUP B - S1, 205 Turbo 16, R5 Turbo Maxi,....
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