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Windows 10 and a new HD... Vote_lcapWindows 10 and a new HD... Voting_barWindows 10 and a new HD... Vote_rcap 
Windows 10 and a new HD... Vote_lcapWindows 10 and a new HD... Voting_barWindows 10 and a new HD... Vote_rcap 
Windows 10 and a new HD... Vote_lcapWindows 10 and a new HD... Voting_barWindows 10 and a new HD... Vote_rcap 
Windows 10 and a new HD... Vote_lcapWindows 10 and a new HD... Voting_barWindows 10 and a new HD... Vote_rcap 
Windows 10 and a new HD... Vote_lcapWindows 10 and a new HD... Voting_barWindows 10 and a new HD... Vote_rcap 
Windows 10 and a new HD... Vote_lcapWindows 10 and a new HD... Voting_barWindows 10 and a new HD... Vote_rcap 
Windows 10 and a new HD... Vote_lcapWindows 10 and a new HD... Voting_barWindows 10 and a new HD... Vote_rcap 
Windows 10 and a new HD... Vote_lcapWindows 10 and a new HD... Voting_barWindows 10 and a new HD... Vote_rcap 
Windows 10 and a new HD... Vote_lcapWindows 10 and a new HD... Voting_barWindows 10 and a new HD... Vote_rcap 
Windows 10 and a new HD... Vote_lcapWindows 10 and a new HD... Voting_barWindows 10 and a new HD... Vote_rcap 
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 Windows 10 and a new HD...

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 794
Anmeldedatum : 2015-08-21

Windows 10 and a new HD... Empty
PostSubject: Windows 10 and a new HD...   Windows 10 and a new HD... EmptyFri 22 Sep 2023, 6:38 pm

Windows 10.  It is so good that it is not able to recognize a new HD..It doesn't recognize the hard drives in the device manager or even in the disk manager...

The story is as follows: I bought a new hard drive 3tb, on which I installed Windows; Before there were 2 hard drives, one with win 10 and the other with data (gtr2 with unfinhised and unpublished mods, yes many, rfactor, flac, mp3, moviez, etc..). Everything worked perfectly, but as I needed more space, I bought a new one in the hope of transferring the contents of the old hard drives to it and keeping the old ones as a backup... To avoid confusion when installing Win 10 on the new hard drive , I disconnected the 2 old ones, installed Win, drivers and everything else. Start up and to my surprise the hard drives are recognized in the BIOS, but not in Win 10.. I've already checked cables and everything and I'm from the time of jumpers to configure the frequency of 486 processors and slave/master HDs, so I'm not an complet idiot..

There are 6 sata ports (2 sata 3 and 4 sata 2). The new HD is on SATA3 and the old ones on SATA 2 (different color connectors to avoid confusion) and I don't know what else to do.

Any ideas, guys?

Last edited by freeracer on Fri 22 Sep 2023, 7:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 794
Anmeldedatum : 2015-08-21

Windows 10 and a new HD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 10 and a new HD...   Windows 10 and a new HD... EmptyFri 22 Sep 2023, 7:26 pm

Well, I changed from AHCP to IDE (legend has it that it has better compatibility) in the bios and windows doesn't start (it simply turns off the computer seconds after showing the blue "welcome" win logo).. after that I tried to start with the configuration old, but the Windows that used to work now doesn't work either (it keeps loading forever).. It's must be something related to some legacy and/or ueffi mode incompatibility..

this sh*t is so painful
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 794
Anmeldedatum : 2010-10-10

Windows 10 and a new HD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 10 and a new HD...   Windows 10 and a new HD... EmptyFri 22 Sep 2023, 8:20 pm

It seems so strange, never experienced similar issues
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 96
Anmeldedatum : 2021-11-07

Windows 10 and a new HD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 10 and a new HD...   Windows 10 and a new HD... EmptySat 23 Sep 2023, 5:03 am

Can't be of any help for that, I stick with Win7 and I see no good reason to change for the moment. I'll wait until a "good" new Windows appears, so I think I'll have to wait a long time...

I've read somewhere (true or not, I don't know), that once you've installed W10 you cannot go back to your old W7 install, that could explain the last part of your post. Once again, I have no idea if it is true or just one more fake stuff you find by the thousands on the web...
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1208
Anmeldedatum : 2016-02-23
Ort : In my other Shed

Windows 10 and a new HD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 10 and a new HD...   Windows 10 and a new HD... EmptySat 23 Sep 2023, 2:43 pm

Boot drive should be on Sata 0

As the bios sees the drive that's good it could be the way the drives are formated win 10 likes drives to be NTFS not fat32.
Use disk manager to to look at the drives and determine what the file system is I would get one drive working at a time.
You can convert fat32 to NTFS but you may lose what's on that drive

Are there any boot partitions on the two drives you are trying to add that may be confusing the issue ?

Use AHCI not legacy you may have to reload win 10 and start again.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 794
Anmeldedatum : 2015-08-21

Windows 10 and a new HD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 10 and a new HD...   Windows 10 and a new HD... EmptySat 23 Sep 2023, 9:04 pm

I'vealready tried with one. Hd at a time, pal.

It's all confusing to me regarding MBR, GPT, Windos boot manager and legacy/ueffi partitions etc. I will do a calmy research and as soon as I can upload everything as is and with full and unrestricted permissions to anyone. Tomorow I try a bootable Linux penisdrive and l will let you know.

Thats all folks.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 794
Anmeldedatum : 2015-08-21

Windows 10 and a new HD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 10 and a new HD...   Windows 10 and a new HD... EmptySun 24 Sep 2023, 6:26 am


I discovered what happened... is that I achieved the feat of connecting the SATA power adapter inverted to the old HD with Windows, yes, despite that chamfer that supposedly would prevent a lumberjack from connecting it inverted..the problem is that I connected the another hd, that hd with the gtr2, with the other connector on the same wire..do I deserve a medal or not? Lol
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1208
Anmeldedatum : 2016-02-23
Ort : In my other Shed

Windows 10 and a new HD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 10 and a new HD...   Windows 10 and a new HD... EmptySun 24 Sep 2023, 11:12 am

Ah the old operator error been there a few times myself.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 794
Anmeldedatum : 2015-08-21

Windows 10 and a new HD... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 10 and a new HD...   Windows 10 and a new HD... EmptyMon 25 Sep 2023, 6:05 pm

Ok, working HDs..It don't ghost

But my PC start to show some issues..crossed fingers

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