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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Pixel
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help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_lcaphelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Voting_barhelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_rcap 
help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_lcaphelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Voting_barhelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_rcap 
help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_lcaphelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Voting_barhelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_rcap 
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help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_lcaphelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Voting_barhelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_rcap 
help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_lcaphelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Voting_barhelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_rcap 
help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_lcaphelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Voting_barhelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_rcap 
help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_lcaphelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Voting_barhelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_rcap 
help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_lcaphelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Voting_barhelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_rcap 
help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_lcaphelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Voting_barhelp for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Vote_rcap 
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 help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 10
Anmeldedatum : 2011-11-02
Alter : 62
Ort : Germany

help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Empty
PostSubject: help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars   help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars EmptyWed 02 Nov 2011, 1:51 pm

Hi Folks

I Started to build and convert Cars fe for GTR 2. (made an editor for 3D faces and re- skinning) and use 3dsimed to edit materials and pack.

The car looks nice, is good drivable and its working so far.

But after conversion there are some Errors.

1. the Material for windows is wrong (Glass is not visible)
2. In showroom some partes are not visible at the mirroring ground (look at picture)
3. Havent managed the left middle and rear mirrors to work
4. Some Parts arent visible (fe. at time attak files) may be lods are used?
5. the motec view for engine speed and velocity doesnt work
6. the speed needle is not shown at my computer

Does anybody solved problems like these?
It would be great to get some hints to fix this things

thanks for helping me

help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Parts_10
help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Parts_11

Last edited by Leonardo1962 on Sat 05 Nov 2011, 7:39 am; edited 2 times in total
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 125
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-27

help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Empty
PostSubject: Re: help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars   help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars EmptyWed 02 Nov 2011, 2:24 pm

I'll try to help, but I'm away from my pc. Let's just work on one problem at a time. The best advice I can give is to open another cad in 3dsimed and use the same material settings. Do this for the windows and, for now, use your window texture for your spec map too. Besides your window texture and your spec map, everything else should be exactly the same as the original gtr2 car settings.
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Vintage Racer
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help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Empty
PostSubject: Re: help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars   help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars EmptyWed 02 Nov 2011, 2:31 pm

Splinter one problem with using the window texture for the specular map is that it makes the windows very dark to se out of. Its like haveing sunglasses on your car. LOL
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 125
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-27

help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Empty
PostSubject: Re: help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars   help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars EmptyWed 02 Nov 2011, 2:44 pm

Yea, I'm just trying to help him het started. Once he see's the windows, then he can fine-tune it. That's why I put in the "for now" part. Wink
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 10
Anmeldedatum : 2011-11-02
Alter : 62
Ort : Germany

help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Empty
PostSubject: Re: help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars   help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars EmptyThu 03 Nov 2011, 2:01 pm


many thanks for your support.

I checked many things, name and materials setting and changed many in tries.
I spend a lot of time to change and rechange.

I figured out, that the sorting of faces does effect the visibility of front and rear hood and even the rear wing.

Front and rear hood and even the rear wing are visible, but still no windows and lightglas.

It seems that transparency is still always in full transparency.
I now try to set face or object transparency.

So I keep on trying and say thanks for every help.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 10
Anmeldedatum : 2011-11-02
Alter : 62
Ort : Germany

help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Empty
PostSubject: Re: help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars   help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars EmptySat 05 Nov 2011, 7:22 am

Hi folks

I fixed the inside mirror problems.
1: the geomatrie of mirror werent in .CAS file
2: parts of the inside mirrors are behind some other cockpitparts
3: the mirror shape has to be adjustet to cockpitposition
4: the inside mirrors seems to work with a Bitmap mirror.bmp
4: the mirror shape has to be retextured (therfore I changed all texturcoordinates)
I changed the mirrorposition and shape and the texturing and now its workung fine (see picture) Very Happy

The inside windscreen seems now also to works fine
I think the solution was to change the transparent DDS texture.
It now has transparent Mipmaps (the old one hasn't). Surprised

1. the Material for windows is wrong (Glass is still not visible Im working on it)
2. In showroom some partes are still not visible at the mirroring ground
3. left middle and rear mirrors are now working fine (fixed, by repositioning retexturing)
4. Some Parts are still invisible
5. the motec view for engine speed and velocity still doesnt work
6. the speed needle is still not shown at my computer

help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Camera11
help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Camera12

I now try to solve all the other problems.

thanks Very Happy

Last edited by Leonardo1962 on Sat 05 Nov 2011, 7:35 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : add a picture)
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 10
Anmeldedatum : 2011-11-02
Alter : 62
Ort : Germany

help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Empty
PostSubject: Re: help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars   help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars EmptySat 12 Nov 2011, 12:10 pm

Some parts in showroom wasn't visible.
> I Fixed it in the cas file with Reflect=True at the EXPO GMTs

help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Ansich10

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 10
Anmeldedatum : 2011-11-02
Alter : 62
Ort : Germany

help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Empty
PostSubject: Re: help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars   help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars EmptySun 27 Nov 2011, 12:58 pm

Hi Folks

The car looks nice, is good drivable and its working so far.

I fixed some Errors.

1. The Material for windows is wrong (Glass is not visible)
Solved by using new 3dSimEd 2.17a the older version chanded the material to full transparency
Cockipt is now working (the Windows seems to be too dark)
>> Cockipt now is working fine
2. In showroom some partes are not visible at the mirroring ground (look at picture)
Solved by using new 3dSimEd 2.17a the older version chanded the material to full transparency
>> Solved showroom now is working fine
3. Havent managed the left middle and rear mirrors to work
Solved by vertex retexturing of the mirrors and using the mirror.bmp
>> mirrors now are working fine
4. Some Parts are'nt visible (fe. at time attack files) may be lods are used?
Solved by using new 3dSimEd 2.17a the older version chanded the material to full transparency
>> Solved Time- attack now works fine
5. the motec view for engine speed and velocity doesnt work
Still doesn’t work
6. the speed needle is not shown at my computer
Still doesn’t work

>> Does anybody knows how how to make the Brakelights work?
>> Does anybody knows how how to make the motec view work?

Any help would be great
thanks for helping me


help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars In_rac10
help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Cockpi10
help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Schowr10
help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Time_a10
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PostSubject: Re: help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars   help for material of body, windows, mirror and cockpit for GTR 2 Cars Empty

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