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GTR2 MOD problems Vote_lcapGTR2 MOD problems Voting_barGTR2 MOD problems Vote_rcap 
GTR2 MOD problems Vote_lcapGTR2 MOD problems Voting_barGTR2 MOD problems Vote_rcap 
GTR2 MOD problems Vote_lcapGTR2 MOD problems Voting_barGTR2 MOD problems Vote_rcap 
GTR2 MOD problems Vote_lcapGTR2 MOD problems Voting_barGTR2 MOD problems Vote_rcap 
GTR2 MOD problems Vote_lcapGTR2 MOD problems Voting_barGTR2 MOD problems Vote_rcap 
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 GTR2 MOD problems

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 8
Anmeldedatum : 2022-01-19

GTR2 MOD problems Empty
PostSubject: GTR2 MOD problems   GTR2 MOD problems EmptyWed 24 Aug 2022, 10:38 pm

hi guys, lately i downloaded gtr2 from steam, as i found very nice mods for that game, i downloaded them but when i decide to put them, some cars are not displayed in the menu or even if i put additional cars for power and glory mod it doesn't open anymore the game, how can I put the mods and make them work?
the mods i downloaded are : https://www.evolution-modding.net/t2709-wip-1967-world-sportscar-championship-mod
and power e glory mod
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 159
Anmeldedatum : 2010-09-22

GTR2 MOD problems Empty
PostSubject: Re: GTR2 MOD problems   GTR2 MOD problems EmptyMon 29 Aug 2022, 10:27 am

I downloaded the ABLM mods 1 & 2 just to get the Ferrari 512 BB 1978 LeMans and Ferrari 512 BB LM Silhouette into my P & G install. To keep track of all the cars I installed all the folder and subfolders in one ABLM folder. The P&G application has an option to "yiew debug mode" which was handy for all the problems the carset has. I seems almost every car has to have its own special stex, talent and driver file associated with it before it will show and I has to add a class "ABSWMC" to the 70s car, file and the line "ABSWMC = ABSWMC" in the "SIM_Absolute_LE_MANS_72.gdb" to add the 70's cars in the carset. If you give me a list of the cars that are now showing up (there's alot!) I can give you a list of the changes. Or you can step through each car, CTD, and following the trace file to fix. When there is no comment on the fix it's because the particular .car folder is missing the supporting files to run as a standalone. I spent hours getting the cars to show then more time getting all the sounds to work.

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