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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Pixel
Donated: 75€

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Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_lcapAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Voting_barAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_rcap 
Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_lcapAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Voting_barAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_rcap 
Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_lcapAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Voting_barAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_rcap 
Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_lcapAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Voting_barAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_rcap 
Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_lcapAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Voting_barAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_rcap 
Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_lcapAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Voting_barAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_rcap 
Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_lcapAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Voting_barAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_rcap 
Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_lcapAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Voting_barAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_rcap 
Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_lcapAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Voting_barAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_rcap 
Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_lcapAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Voting_barAny good sites for Matra sounds ? Vote_rcap 
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 Any good sites for Matra sounds ?

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2 posters

Anzahl der Beiträge : 47
Anmeldedatum : 2022-07-13

Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Empty
PostSubject: Any good sites for Matra sounds ?   Any good sites for Matra sounds ? EmptyMon 22 Aug 2022, 4:05 pm

Not a lot of Matra mods out there that I can see, but the sounds of a Matra are something I might be able to do. problem is I don't have a lot of sources like Wav and MP3's.
I did find this site http://www.matrasport.dk/Gallery1/Sounds/index.html
but there pretty limited. I did get a startup
but even that still needs a bit of work.
So anyone know of some good Matra sounds ?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2177
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24
Ort : Laguna Seca

Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any good sites for Matra sounds ?   Any good sites for Matra sounds ? EmptyMon 22 Aug 2022, 5:51 pm

Try the WSC70 for rFactor sounds....... I think they are included with the GTL version of the MS650....., probably the GTR2 version as well......
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 47
Anmeldedatum : 2022-07-13

Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any good sites for Matra sounds ?   Any good sites for Matra sounds ? EmptyMon 22 Aug 2022, 9:40 pm

There OK, but a lot of them are recorded way to high. The one I got from the Matra site are well recorded, and not distorted at all.
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Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any good sites for Matra sounds ?   Any good sites for Matra sounds ? Empty

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Any good sites for Matra sounds ?
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