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Evolution Modding

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Missing car in showroom and crash Vote_lcapMissing car in showroom and crash Voting_barMissing car in showroom and crash Vote_rcap 
Missing car in showroom and crash Vote_lcapMissing car in showroom and crash Voting_barMissing car in showroom and crash Vote_rcap 
Missing car in showroom and crash Vote_lcapMissing car in showroom and crash Voting_barMissing car in showroom and crash Vote_rcap 
Missing car in showroom and crash Vote_lcapMissing car in showroom and crash Voting_barMissing car in showroom and crash Vote_rcap 
Missing car in showroom and crash Vote_lcapMissing car in showroom and crash Voting_barMissing car in showroom and crash Vote_rcap 
Missing car in showroom and crash Vote_lcapMissing car in showroom and crash Voting_barMissing car in showroom and crash Vote_rcap 
Missing car in showroom and crash Vote_lcapMissing car in showroom and crash Voting_barMissing car in showroom and crash Vote_rcap 
Missing car in showroom and crash Vote_lcapMissing car in showroom and crash Voting_barMissing car in showroom and crash Vote_rcap 
Missing car in showroom and crash Vote_lcapMissing car in showroom and crash Voting_barMissing car in showroom and crash Vote_rcap 
Missing car in showroom and crash Vote_lcapMissing car in showroom and crash Voting_barMissing car in showroom and crash Vote_rcap 
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 Missing car in showroom and crash

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 2022-06-16

Missing car in showroom and crash Empty
PostSubject: Missing car in showroom and crash   Missing car in showroom and crash EmptyWed 22 Jun 2022, 9:37 am

Hi! Good morning to all to you, first of all i want to thank you for your incredible work, Simply amazing. I growth with the majority of this Cars in the Hillclimb races in Italy. So let me get to the point oh the question. I have downloaded few mods by this site, but most of them don't show in the dealer and crash the game, any tips to resolve this issue?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1203
Anmeldedatum : 2016-02-23
Ort : In my other Shed

Missing car in showroom and crash Empty
PostSubject: Re: Missing car in showroom and crash   Missing car in showroom and crash EmptyWed 22 Jun 2022, 10:42 am

make sure you have the correct stex and talent file's present as asked for by the mods .cas file
these should be in the teams folder of your game.

Some games require a Helmets.gtl again you will see it being asked for in the mods .cas file
and should be in your teams folder.


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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 2022-06-16

Missing car in showroom and crash Empty
PostSubject: Re: Missing car in showroom and crash   Missing car in showroom and crash EmptyWed 22 Jun 2022, 11:54 pm

Ok, i'll try. Thank you for your answer!
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PostSubject: Re: Missing car in showroom and crash   Missing car in showroom and crash Empty

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