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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€Bulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Pixel
Donated: 75€

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Bulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_lcapBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Voting_barBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_rcap 
Bulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_lcapBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Voting_barBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_rcap 
Bulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_lcapBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Voting_barBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_rcap 
Bulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_lcapBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Voting_barBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_rcap 
Bulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_lcapBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Voting_barBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_rcap 
Bulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_lcapBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Voting_barBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_rcap 
Bulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_lcapBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Voting_barBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_rcap 
Bulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_lcapBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Voting_barBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_rcap 
Bulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_lcapBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Voting_barBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_rcap 
Bulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_lcapBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Voting_barBulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Vote_rcap 
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 Bulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 12
Anmeldedatum : 2020-12-25

Bulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally Empty
PostSubject: Bulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally   Bulgarian Co-Driver audio for Richard Burns Rally EmptySat 05 Feb 2022, 5:16 pm


After hours of hard work and passion for the game I am happy to share my creation for the Rally Sim Fans plugin for Richard Burns Rally. I will be really happy if this system helps the Bulgarian drivers and to add to the collection of creations for our favorite game

Bulgarian Co-Driver Audio Mod by Dimitar Dulichki
Version: 1.1

To Do List:
- level the loudness of all files (at the moment there are slight differences here and there)
- to add even more translations in the mix
- to make the mod separated from the English audio and as an additional option
- to find a way to change the audio from 44100hz to 11025hz without losing quality

Sound: Mono + 44100hz

The mod works with the Rally Sim Fans' plugin. Download it from here: https://rallysimfans.hu/rbr/index.php
Instructions how to install it - here: https://www.youtube....h?v=JFSEk3I8ADM

How To Install The Mod: First you need Fabz' Co-Driver Audio and System change Patch (it changes the system from Richard Burns Rally's default to numeric - example: one left, two left, three left instead of medium left, fast left etc. and the co-driver audio)
Don't forget to make a backup if you want to return to the original system and audio!

Download link for Fabz audio mod: https://drive.google...iew?usp=sharing
Install: Put the files in the main RBR folder and overwrite when the system asks for that

IMPORTANT: Before installing the Bulgarian co-driver system backup the following folders so you can return to the Fabz' English audio in the future:
Richard Burns Rally\Audio\Game
Richard Burns Rally\Audio\Impact\Speech
Richard Burns Rally\Audio\Speech\Broken\Eng
Richard Burns Rally\Audio\Speech\Number
Richard Burns Rally\Plugins\Pacenote\sounds\Version1

After that install the Bulgarian Co-Driver mod audio, once again at the main RBR directory, and overwrite when the system asks for that
Link: https://drive.google...iew?usp=sharing

And at the end install the HotFix 1.1
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11mnq4GCERffLmF7xREWZ1EDUYItDEAqS/view?usp=sharing

Disclaimer: No warranties are given by the creator. Use the mod by your own responsibility. The mod is free for personal and for commercial use. It's dedicated to the Rally Sim Fans community and the Bulgarians still playing the best rally game.

If you enjoy my work, feel free to buy me a beer here:
Patreon - https://bit.ly/2ROC844
PayPal - https://bit.ly/3bw7HYx
Streamlabs - https://cutt.ly/NfiZ12g
DonationAlerts - https://www.donation...m/r/turboracing

Become part of Turbo Racing's family! Smile Check out our new cool merchandise here: https://teespring.co...boracing?page=1

Take a look at my gaming channel: https://www.youtube....57QWFbxo_IvJMAA

Follow me here:
My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Ba6W7rB
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My Twitter account: https://twitter.com/dulichki
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dulichki
My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/turboracing39

I hope here we have some Bulgarians interested in rally games that will find my work helpful. Smile

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