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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Pixel
Donated: 75€

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WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_lcapWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Voting_barWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_rcap 
WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_lcapWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Voting_barWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_rcap 
WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_lcapWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Voting_barWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_rcap 
WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_lcapWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Voting_barWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_rcap 
WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_lcapWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Voting_barWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_rcap 
WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_lcapWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Voting_barWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_rcap 
WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_lcapWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Voting_barWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_rcap 
WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_lcapWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Voting_barWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_rcap 
WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_lcapWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Voting_barWSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Vote_rcap 
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 WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track

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4 posters
James Behra

Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 2021-04-19

WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Empty
PostSubject: WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track   WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track EmptyMon 17 May 2021, 8:54 pm

Hey guys i´m a newbie here.
After downloading gtr2 wssc 1967 i´m enjoying it very much but facing lots of issues the game CTD very often.
For instance in this track i can´t load more than 15 cars...this track has only 15 slots?
What am i doing wrong?
Thks !
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 476
Anmeldedatum : 2014-03-27
Ort : Stockholm, Sweden

WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Empty
PostSubject: Re: WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track   WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track EmptyMon 17 May 2021, 10:23 pm

Since the current state of the mod is very much a WIP, there are loads of issues with it but I don't think I've experienced any CTDs although I can't say I've really played against any full AI fields as it would be completely pointless at this point. Just remembered though that the game will CTD if loading a saved game due to an incorrect game filter which will be fixed in a later version.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 476
Anmeldedatum : 2014-03-27
Ort : Stockholm, Sweden

WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Empty
PostSubject: Re: WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track   WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track EmptyMon 17 May 2021, 10:29 pm

And I assume you have installed the mod as a separate GTR2 installation?
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James Behra

Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 2021-04-19

WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Empty
PostSubject: Re: WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track   WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track EmptyMon 17 May 2021, 11:15 pm

bonnier wrote:
And I assume you have installed the mod as a separate GTR2 installation?
Installed into a Power and Glory separate installation.
Other mods installed like Le Mans Classics everything works fine...WCCS 1967 apart.
I have this youtube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCYfoCecvcue-TmcRo4jlA/videos

´m racing the entire 67 season but SPA allows only 15 cars...
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Peter Lynn

Anzahl der Beiträge : 52
Anmeldedatum : 2011-07-19

WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Empty
PostSubject: Re: WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track   WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track EmptyTue 25 May 2021, 5:13 am

Thank you very much for the hard work involved in creating this version, Bonnier. Its is coming along beautifully. Looking forward to it's completion! Smile
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Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 2173
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24
Ort : Laguna Seca

WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Empty
PostSubject: Re: WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track   WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track EmptyThu 27 May 2021, 7:44 pm

Did you change any of the files? Track will accept a full 36 car grid...............
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PostSubject: Re: WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track   WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track Empty

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WSSC 1967 - spa 1000 km track
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