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 Reinstalling GTR2 & P&G

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 159
Anmeldedatum : 2010-09-22

Reinstalling GTR2 & P&G  Empty
PostSubject: Reinstalling GTR2 & P&G    Reinstalling GTR2 & P&G  EmptySun 10 Sep 2017, 1:56 pm

All of a sudden I can't load either GTR2 or my P&G installs.

Using the the GTR.exe for both installs they both hang up at the following trace...
setup.cpp 1194: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1194: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1194: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp 1194: Could not find .HDC
vidman.cpp 1011: Entered VidMan::Enter()

using the P&G loader I get slightly farther...

vidman.cpp 1011: Entered VidMan::Enter()
specialfx.cp 3577: Entered SpecialFX::Enter()
dynman.cpp 597: Entered DynMan::Enter()
plrfile.cpp 3783: Entered PlayerFile::Enter()
sound.cpp 700: Entered Sound::Enter()
hwinput.cpp 6527: Entered HWInput::Enter()
onscreen.cpp 3155: Entered OnScreen::Enter()
game.cpp 726: Entered Game::Setup()
hwinput.cpp 6541: Entered HWInput::Setup()
options.cpp 1657: Entered Options::Setup()
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
plrfile.cpp 2936: Attempting to save to USERDATA\newdriver\newdriver.TMP
plrfile.cpp 2959: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\newdriver\newdriver.PLR
game.cpp 1181: Entered Game::Exit()
sound.cpp 831: Entered Sound::Exit()
specialfx.cp 4367: Entered SpecialFX::Exit()
hwinput.cpp 6649: Entered HWInput::Exit()
dynman.cpp 1509: Entered DynMan::Exit()
onscreen.cpp 3280: Entered OnScreen::Exit()
vidman.cpp 1801: Entered VidMan::Exit()
osman.cpp 505: Entered OSMan::Exit()

the only changes I've made to both have been New Gfx file v1_60 by syhlif32 and GTR2 UIAssets MOTEC Patch v1_0 by GTR233 which I have reset back to original--to no avail.

Looks like a new install will be needed to figure out the cause.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

Reinstalling GTR2 & P&G  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reinstalling GTR2 & P&G    Reinstalling GTR2 & P&G  EmptySun 10 Sep 2017, 8:28 pm

How far does the game get? Does it crash or can you not even get it to load?

If you can't get it to run from the GTR2.exe file then take the file from another install of GTR2 and it should be okay.

Have you changed the in Game settings at all? Most cars these days need everything turned on full except for the shadows which run better at medium.

You could take all of the cars out except one mod and see if the game runs okay. if it runs good then add a small amount more and so on until you find something that stops the game running.

Store cars taken out in a new folder in your mainGTL folder and nam it something like 'Testing Cars'. You will be able to take them out or put them in very easily like this.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 159
Anmeldedatum : 2010-09-22

Reinstalling GTR2 & P&G  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reinstalling GTR2 & P&G    Reinstalling GTR2 & P&G  EmptySun 10 Sep 2017, 8:34 pm

I don't know how I hosed it but I've reinstalled GTR2 and P&G and moving over the files...
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Reinstalling GTR2 & P&G  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Reinstalling GTR2 & P&G    Reinstalling GTR2 & P&G  Empty

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