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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€the funniset video I have seen in a while... Pixel
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the funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_lcapthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Voting_barthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_rcap 
the funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_lcapthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Voting_barthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_rcap 
the funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_lcapthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Voting_barthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_rcap 
the funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_lcapthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Voting_barthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_rcap 
the funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_lcapthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Voting_barthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_rcap 
the funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_lcapthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Voting_barthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_rcap 
the funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_lcapthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Voting_barthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_rcap 
the funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_lcapthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Voting_barthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_rcap 
the funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_lcapthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Voting_barthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_rcap 
the funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_lcapthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Voting_barthe funniset video I have seen in a while... Vote_rcap 
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 the funniset video I have seen in a while...

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 790
Anmeldedatum : 2012-04-26
Alter : 62

the funniset video I have seen in a while... Empty
PostSubject: the funniset video I have seen in a while...   the funniset video I have seen in a while... EmptyFri 27 Jan 2017, 11:27 pm

Folks, its about damn time for a laugh regarding US politics

Turn on the closed captioning in English as there are numerous subtleties that you might miss otherwise. Plus, be prepared to watch it more than once due to laughing at the absurd things they appear to be really saying in it. Of course they are NOT saying these things but it surely looks like it.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 537
Anmeldedatum : 2015-02-03
Alter : 56
Ort : Hellas

the funniset video I have seen in a while... Empty
PostSubject: Re: the funniset video I have seen in a while...   the funniset video I have seen in a while... EmptySat 28 Jan 2017, 1:25 am

the funniset video I have seen in a while... Crying the funniset video I have seen in a while... Rofl
are you sure they are not saying these?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 790
Anmeldedatum : 2012-04-26
Alter : 62

the funniset video I have seen in a while... Empty
PostSubject: Re: the funniset video I have seen in a while...   the funniset video I have seen in a while... EmptySat 28 Jan 2017, 7:40 pm

I know eh lol Sure does look like they are!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

the funniset video I have seen in a while... Empty
PostSubject: Re: the funniset video I have seen in a while...   the funniset video I have seen in a while... EmptySat 28 Jan 2017, 8:31 pm

Ha ha ha ha.... looks real to me and surely what they are really talkin' about!!! affraid clown
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the funniset video I have seen in a while... Empty
PostSubject: Re: the funniset video I have seen in a while...   the funniset video I have seen in a while... Empty

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the funniset video I have seen in a while...
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