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hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_lcaphdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Voting_barhdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_rcap 
hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_lcaphdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Voting_barhdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_rcap 
hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_lcaphdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Voting_barhdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_rcap 
hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_lcaphdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Voting_barhdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_rcap 
hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_lcaphdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Voting_barhdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_rcap 
hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_lcaphdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Voting_barhdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_rcap 
hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_lcaphdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Voting_barhdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_rcap 
hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_lcaphdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Voting_barhdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_rcap 
hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_lcaphdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Voting_barhdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_rcap 
hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_lcaphdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Voting_barhdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Vote_rcap 
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 hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car

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hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Empty
PostSubject: hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car   hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car EmptyFri 20 Mar 2015, 9:47 pm

Hey folks,

I was wondering if any of you know what the setting should be in the hdc for the handbrake so that the front wheels are not affected when the handbrake is used? I know it can be done but for the life of me I don't recall what the setting should be!
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hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car Empty
PostSubject: Re: hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car   hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car EmptyFri 20 Mar 2015, 11:09 pm

Sorry but I can't even brake dance! geek
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hdc setting for the handbrake with a 4wd car
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