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GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_lcapGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Voting_barGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_rcap 
GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_lcapGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Voting_barGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_rcap 
GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_lcapGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Voting_barGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_rcap 
GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_lcapGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Voting_barGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_rcap 
GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_lcapGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Voting_barGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_rcap 
GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_lcapGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Voting_barGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_rcap 
GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_lcapGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Voting_barGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_rcap 
GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_lcapGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Voting_barGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_rcap 
GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_lcapGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Voting_barGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_rcap 
GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_lcapGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Voting_barGTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Vote_rcap 
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 GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2155
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24
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GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Empty
PostSubject: GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade   GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade EmptyThu 08 Jan 2015, 6:43 pm

Hi All,
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. My GTX 570 recently bit the dust so
I replaced it with an MSI-980. Went to go config the first GTR2 install and noticed you can only select up to 4 now instead of 6 levels of AA in the config exe. It's probably a control panel setting so I'm going to check that out, anyone else seen this? Thanks, JS
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Loose Ether

Loose Ether

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GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Empty
PostSubject: Re: GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade   GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade EmptyTue 27 Jan 2015, 12:02 am

Hey Joe,
I only have a GTX 770 and it goes all the way to 11..er...sorry had a spinal tap moment then.....goes to 6 and am dumbfounded that a more capable card only goes to 4.

Hmmmmm...have you tried any other games for AA settings to see if they too are not offering the usual options ?

Sorry I couldn't actually be of any help Sad
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Premium Member
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2155
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24
Ort : Laguna Seca

GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Empty
PostSubject: Re: GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade   GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade EmptyTue 27 Jan 2015, 12:29 am

No problem, just thought it was strange. I may try a GTR2 install just for the heck of it to see what comes up. It may only only happen to Simbin games that are already installed......
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Loose Ether

Loose Ether

Anzahl der Beiträge : 453
Anmeldedatum : 2010-07-11
Alter : 57
Ort : Upside down and Down Under

GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Empty
PostSubject: Re: GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade   GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade EmptyTue 27 Jan 2015, 12:33 am

Well it sure does sounds strange mate.

Good luck Smile

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GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Empty
PostSubject: Re: GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade   GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade Empty

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GTR2 AA only goes up to 4 after gpu upgrade
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