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hot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_lcaphot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Voting_barhot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_rcap 
hot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_lcaphot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Voting_barhot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_rcap 
hot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_lcaphot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Voting_barhot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_rcap 
hot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_lcaphot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Voting_barhot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_rcap 
hot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_lcaphot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Voting_barhot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_rcap 
hot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_lcaphot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Voting_barhot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_rcap 
hot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_lcaphot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Voting_barhot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_rcap 
hot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_lcaphot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Voting_barhot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_rcap 
hot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_lcaphot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Voting_barhot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_rcap 
hot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_lcaphot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Voting_barhot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Vote_rcap 
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 hot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 790
Anmeldedatum : 2012-04-26
Alter : 62

hot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip Empty
PostSubject: hot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip   hot laps and other laps automatically kept and a tip EmptySun 07 Dec 2014, 5:25 am

Hey folks,

perhaps I'm late to the party on this subject but I was wondering if there's a way to stop GTR2 from keeping the .vcr files that it automatically does? It'd be great if it's a simple 1 or 0 somewhere in the plr file but I got overwhelmed looking for it Shocked lol!

The "tip" part of the subject line is this...I went to look at a hot lap from the Can-Am mod I'm working on and the game was taking so long to get the files loaded, I thought it had crashed. It hadn't crashed. What is was that was taking so long was that there were roughly 13gb of them!! affraid affraid No wonder it took so long! So I deleted all but the ones I wanted which lightened my hd by 12+gb! bounce Very Happy bounce So there's the tip part if you want to lighten the load of the game on your hard drive Wink

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