Evolution Modding
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Evolution Modding

or to Hubert-1@gmx.de

COSTS PER YEAR: 150€CTD after a few laps Pixel
Donated: 75€

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CTD after a few laps Vote_lcapCTD after a few laps Voting_barCTD after a few laps Vote_rcap 
CTD after a few laps Vote_lcapCTD after a few laps Voting_barCTD after a few laps Vote_rcap 
CTD after a few laps Vote_lcapCTD after a few laps Voting_barCTD after a few laps Vote_rcap 
CTD after a few laps Vote_lcapCTD after a few laps Voting_barCTD after a few laps Vote_rcap 
CTD after a few laps Vote_lcapCTD after a few laps Voting_barCTD after a few laps Vote_rcap 
CTD after a few laps Vote_lcapCTD after a few laps Voting_barCTD after a few laps Vote_rcap 
CTD after a few laps Vote_lcapCTD after a few laps Voting_barCTD after a few laps Vote_rcap 
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 CTD after a few laps

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6 posters


Anzahl der Beiträge : 108
Anmeldedatum : 2011-08-31
Alter : 52
Ort : Poland

CTD after a few laps Empty
PostSubject: CTD after a few laps   CTD after a few laps EmptyTue 12 Mar 2013, 9:04 pm

Another problem ... CTD after 7, 10, sometimes 20 laps. confused
We have just fired me after 6 laps, the "Cup_Endurance", which is the longest race of all classes at once.
What can it cause?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 273
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 64
Ort : Florence,Italy not far from Mugello

CTD after a few laps Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTD after a few laps   CTD after a few laps EmptyTue 12 Mar 2013, 9:36 pm

post a trace
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1975
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Ort : Florida, USA

CTD after a few laps Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTD after a few laps   CTD after a few laps EmptyTue 12 Mar 2013, 9:39 pm

You must think we are mind readers!

Need a trace file!!!

Have a shortcut to GTL.exe on your desktop? Right click on it, go to properties, then add -trace=1000 to the target line, i.e., F:\GTL\GTL.EXE so it now reads F:\GTL\GTL.EXE -trace=1000. Ensure there is a space between .EXE and -trace=1000.

Next time the sim CTD's, go to -> GTL, -> UserData, -> LOG -> trace.txt, and copy and paste what's there to here, so's we can have a looksee...
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 108
Anmeldedatum : 2011-08-31
Alter : 52
Ort : Poland

CTD after a few laps Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTD after a few laps   CTD after a few laps EmptyTue 12 Mar 2013, 10:36 pm

Yes, yes ... I forgot. drunken

Not at all ... I tried again.
And this time I washed up after 18 laps.

Here is the documentation:

NetComm.cpp 7639: NetComm checking command line: "-trace=1000"
game.cpp 622: Entered Game::Enter()
osman.cpp 480: Entered OSMan::Enter()
vidman.cpp 1044: Entered VidMan::Enter()
specialfx.cp 3138: Entered SpecialFX::Enter()
dynman.cpp 632: Entered DynMan::Enter()
plrfile.cpp 3334: Entered PlayerFile::Enter()
sound.cpp 725: Entered Sound::Enter()
hwinput.cpp 6369: Entered HWInput::Enter()
onscreen.cpp 2941: Entered OnScreen::Enter()
game.cpp 717: Entered Game::Setup()
hwinput.cpp 6383: Entered HWInput::Setup()
options.cpp 1561: Entered Options::Setup()
plrfile.cpp 2510: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Ponury\Ponury.TMP
plrfile.cpp 2533: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Ponury\Ponury.PLR
specialfx.cp 3144: Entered SpecialFX::Setup()
steward.cpp 4585: Entered Steward::Setup()
dynman.cpp 644: Entered DynMan::Setup()
sound.cpp 748: Entered Sound::Setup()
onscreen.cpp 2947: Entered OnScreen::Setup()
vidman.cpp 1184: Entered VidMan::Setup()
plrfile.cpp 3344: Entered PlayerFile::Setup()
plrfile.cpp 2510: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Ponury\Ponury.TMP
plrfile.cpp 2533: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Ponury\Ponury.PLR
game.cpp 764: Entered Game::Init()
vidman.cpp 1237: Entered VidMan::Init()
ai_db.cpp 2143: Entered AIDatabase::Init()
steward.cpp 4680: Entered Steward::Init()
hwinput.cpp 6426: Entered HWInput::Init()
specialfx.cp 3255: Entered SpecialFX::Init()
dynman.cpp 674: Entered DynMan::Init()
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-TC-76\C3 CORVETTE ZL1 & L88\4A\..\CHEVROLET_CORVETTE76.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-TC-76\PANTERA F5000\7OR\..\DETOMASO_PANTERA.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-TC-76\CORVETTE LT-1\849\..\CHEVROLET_CORVETTE76.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-TC-76\PORSCHE 906_8\GULF 906-8\PORSCHE_906.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-TC-76\PORSCHE 906\28CT\..\PORSCHE_906.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-TC-76\FORD GT40 II\81PN\..\FORD_GT40.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\FORD GT40 MK II\07DR\..\FORD_GT40.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\1963 CORVETTE GRAND SPORT\03\..\CORVETTEGS.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\AC COBRA 427\22YT\..\AC_COBRA.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\DODGE_CHARGER\22BA\..\DODGE_CHARGER.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\CAMARO_SS_69\77\..\CAMARO_SS.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\CAMARO_SS_69\03\..\CAMARO_SS.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-TC-76\FERRARI 512 BB 1978 LEMANS\LM78_POZZI #89\..\512BB_LM.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\LOTUS ELAN\5AG JPS\..\LOTUS_ELAN26R.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\LOTUS ELAN\72\..\LOTUS_ELAN26R.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\CHEVROLET CORVETTE\6\..\CHEVROLET_CORVETTE65.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\LOTUS ELAN\GB656\..\LOTUS_ELAN26R.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\CHEVROLET CORVETTE\858\..\CHEVROLET_CORVETTE65.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\CHEVROLET CORVETTE\801\..\CHEVROLET_CORVETTE65.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\CHEVROLET CORVETTE\821\..\CHEVROLET_CORVETTE65.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\OPEL COMMODORE\7\..\OPEL_COMMODORE.CAS)
vehload.cpp 425: -z force applied when moving in -z direction
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-TC-76\BMW CSL\12ST\..\BMW_CSL.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\TC-65\CHEVROLET CAMARO SS\SUNOCO\..\CAMARO.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-TC-76\FERRARI 365 GTB-4 'DAYTONA'\39\..\FERRARI_365_GTB-4_DAYTONA.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\SHELBY GT500\67013\..\SHELBY_GT500.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\OPEL COMMODORE\15\..\OPEL_COMMODORE.CAS)
vehload.cpp 425: -z force applied when moving in -z direction
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\SHELBY DAYTONA COUPE\848\..\SHELBY_DAYTONA.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\TVR GRIFFITH 400\822\..\TVR_GRIFFITH400.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\AC SHELBY COBRA\873\..\AC_COBRA.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\SHELBY GT350\880\..\SHELBY_GT350.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\TVR GRIFFITH 400\855\..\TVR_GRIFFITH400.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\BMW 2800 CS\3ED\..\BMW_2800CS.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-TC-76\BMW CSL30\5CR\..\BMW_CSL30.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\TRIUMPH TR4\59\..\TRIUMPH_TR4.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-TC-76\ALFA ROMEO GTAM\31HHO\..\ALFA_2000GTA.CAS)
slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
pitmod.cpp 194: Entered PitAction::Init
AnimationLoa 24: AnimationLoader::Load(PitCrew.ani)
vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-65\JAGUAR E-TYPE\853\..\JAGUAR_E-TYPE.CAS)
dynman.cpp 803: Exited DynMan::Init()
LensFlare.cp 59: Entered LensFlare::Init()
camera.cpp 4125: Entered CamMan::Init()
sound.cpp 753: Entered Sound::Init()
render.cpp 286: Entered Render::Init()
onscreen.cpp 2953: Entered OnScreen::Init()
AnimationLoa 24: AnimationLoader::Load(Imola.ani)
game.cpp 893: Entered Game::Restart()
sound.cpp 760: Entered Sound::Restart()
steward.cpp 4835: Entered Steward::Restart()
specialfx.cp 3732: Entered SpecialFX::Restart()
hwinput.cpp 6437: Entered HWInput::Restart()
dynman.cpp 811: Entered DynMan::Restart()
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 100.000000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 9700.000000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 9800.000000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 9900.000000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 10000.000000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 2.189599 CorneringAdd: 1.705200
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.994751 CorneringAdd: 0.802625
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 6.715339 CorneringAdd: 1.092331
vehload.cpp 425: -z force applied when moving in -z direction
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
vehload.cpp 425: -z force applied when moving in -z direction
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.333445 CorneringAdd: 1.333277
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 6.393429 CorneringAdd: 0.553285
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 0.916898 CorneringAdd: 1.591551
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 11.241142 CorneringAdd: 0.529429
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
camera.cpp 4149: Entered CamMan::Restart()
render.cpp 302: Entered Render::Restart()
onscreen.cpp 2973: Entered OnScreen::Restart()
vidman.cpp 1454: Entered VidMan::Restart()
plrfile.cpp 3381: Entered PlayerFile::Restart()
game.cpp 893: Entered Game::Restart()
sound.cpp 760: Entered Sound::Restart()
steward.cpp 4835: Entered Steward::Restart()
specialfx.cp 3732: Entered SpecialFX::Restart()
hwinput.cpp 6437: Entered HWInput::Restart()
dynman.cpp 811: Entered DynMan::Restart()
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 100.000000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 9700.000000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 9800.000000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 9900.000000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 10000.000000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 2.689218 CorneringAdd: 1.455391
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 2.460097 CorneringAdd: 1.569951
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 7.819254 CorneringAdd: 0.540373
vehload.cpp 425: -z force applied when moving in -z direction
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
vehload.cpp 425: -z force applied when moving in -z direction
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 4.076602 CorneringAdd: 0.961699
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 4.696417 CorneringAdd: 1.401791
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 1.864727 CorneringAdd: 1.117637
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 11.790551 CorneringAdd: 0.254724
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
camera.cpp 4149: Entered CamMan::Restart()
render.cpp 302: Entered Render::Restart()
onscreen.cpp 2973: Entered OnScreen::Restart()
vidman.cpp 1454: Entered VidMan::Restart()
plrfile.cpp 3381: Entered PlayerFile::Restart()
game.cpp 893: Entered Game::Restart()
sound.cpp 760: Entered Sound::Restart()
steward.cpp 4835: Entered Steward::Restart()
specialfx.cp 3732: Entered SpecialFX::Restart()
hwinput.cpp 6437: Entered HWInput::Restart()
dynman.cpp 811: Entered DynMan::Restart()
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 100.000000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 9700.000000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 9800.000000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 9900.000000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 10000.000000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 2.042805 CorneringAdd: 1.778597
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 2.036439 CorneringAdd: 1.781780
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 7.437834 CorneringAdd: 0.731083
vehload.cpp 425: -z force applied when moving in -z direction
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
vehload.cpp 425: -z force applied when moving in -z direction
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.227287 CorneringAdd: 1.386357
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 5.861980 CorneringAdd: 0.819010
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 0.656377 CorneringAdd: 1.721812
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 12.565340 CorneringAdd: -0.132670
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
camera.cpp 4149: Entered CamMan::Restart()
render.cpp 302: Entered Render::Restart()
onscreen.cpp 2973: Entered OnScreen::Restart()
vidman.cpp 1454: Entered VidMan::Restart()
plrfile.cpp 3381: Entered PlayerFile::Restart()
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1975
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Ort : Florida, USA

CTD after a few laps Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTD after a few laps   CTD after a few laps EmptyWed 13 Mar 2013, 6:24 am

You positive this is the trace file after a CTD? Doesn't show any erroring...or anything out of the ordinary that I can detect.

Leads me to believe that you're possibly having overheating problems (with a graphics card?) or maybe running out of memory...can that happen? I don't know!

Someone else will have to guess at what's happening. I'm at a total loss as to what's causing a crash to desktop (CTD).
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Premium Member
Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 2173
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24
Ort : Laguna Seca

CTD after a few laps Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTD after a few laps   CTD after a few laps EmptyWed 13 Mar 2013, 3:29 pm

My guess would be memory also, I get trace files like that where it doesn't show any obvious issue. Usually, if you can load the track and start driving, you're already pretty solid. Just as a test, try lowering the graphics settings and give it another test run. MOF's other suggestion about overheating could have some merit also, any dust bunnnies in the viddy card?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 2012-02-17

CTD after a few laps Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTD after a few laps   CTD after a few laps EmptyWed 13 Mar 2013, 5:44 pm

joeschmoe wrote:
My guess would be memory also, I get trace files like that where it doesn't show any obvious issue. Usually, if you can load the track and start driving, you're already pretty solid. Just as a test, try lowering the graphics settings and give it another test run. MOF's other suggestion about overheating could have some merit also, any dust bunnnies in the viddy card?

I also have this CTD When I am Into Race, thought it had something to do with new cars and maybe it's still so, my trace file looks the same. I have reinstall the game cleared al things i can think of. I have even rewritten some cas files for new cars. i notice it happens not on all tracks, such as Mid-Ohio, Loch Rannochand more are OK, but track like Lienz, CIRC, Isle of Man and the longer tracks craches.
I am running the game on my computer that has a Pentium I-3, 16 GB RAM, ATI Radeon video card with total available graphics memory 8433 MB and running it on the SSD drive, so i think it has nothing to do with overheating or some like that.

It started in January 2013, for ponuryarchitekt you should take out some cars like the Ferrari 365 and TRA 4 and more, for exsamble have only 15 cars, see what happens
I tried it and just used cars that I was sure she was safe and everything went well, but have not had time to do more experiments.

I want to thank for all these wonderful mods that are always coming.

My first language is not English and I hope I pass the spelling and grammar checks on the side.

Yours spsamur
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CTD after a few laps Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTD after a few laps   CTD after a few laps EmptyWed 13 Mar 2013, 6:31 pm

So ... if the game crashes immediately upon loading, it is wine bad game settings (or the wrong settings mods - genstring etc.).
And if the race easily upload and crashes after a few dozen laps, it's the fault of the video card? scratch
It's kind of sad, because it would be necessary to get rid of some cool mods (the most attractive, but require major computing power).

By the way, it's interesting that these lines of computer gibberish (in trace.txt) know how to tell what's wrong with my settings possibly. Very Happy

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CTD after a few laps Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTD after a few laps   CTD after a few laps EmptyWed 13 Mar 2013, 7:10 pm

Maybe it has something to do with the AI cars pitting as it sometimes happens to me with a full grid of cars and I have 8GB of memory and a decent vid card.

Some tracks cannot cope with a full 36 cars on track even though they give the appearance of being able to run that many.

As Spsamur has said... "have only 15 cars, see what happens".

Gee Very Happy
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CTD after a few laps Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTD after a few laps   CTD after a few laps EmptyWed 13 Mar 2013, 7:14 pm

You're putting words in our mouths...
Quote :
By the way, it's interesting that these lines of computer gibberish (in
trace.txt) know how to tell what's wrong with my settings possibly.
There is nothing wrong with your sim that we know of by just reading the trace file text. It's fine. There is something else going on that the trace file isn't telling us. In perhaps 1 out of 10 times, the trace files show us nothing that would lead to a positive fix for yours (or anyone else's) troubles. The trace file you submitted is one of those '1 out of 10' times.

Sorry I can't be more specific. I am guessing that the vid card is overheating or you are running out of memory...
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CTD after a few laps Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTD after a few laps   CTD after a few laps EmptyWed 13 Mar 2013, 9:34 pm

As suggested, turn down the graphics settings, or run only half a field and see if runs ok or crashes. Also, lower your trace file to 300, it will be easier/smaller to read......

Ya' know, taking a look at his specs, he shouldn't have any problem run full specs and fields, 16gb is plenty o' memory..... Probably a "bad" car/mod.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 2012-02-17

CTD after a few laps Empty
PostSubject: GeeDee skrifaði:    CTD after a few laps EmptySun 29 Sep 2013, 4:45 pm

GeeDee skrifaði:
Les m8,

No problem to help someone who's polite and grateful!!!

Are you running on full graphics? If not that may be your problem at the moment.

With Windows 7 and 8 you need to also run a 4GB patch (free) which helps 32bit games run on 64bit machines. Get the patch here and it's really easy to use and install: http://www.ntcore.com/4gb_patch.php


Hi time is passing fast, ponuryarchitekt this patch is the solution have installed it and tested and it woks fine no CTD anymore.

Many many thanks for this GeeDee.


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CTD after a few laps Empty
PostSubject: Re: CTD after a few laps   CTD after a few laps EmptySun 29 Sep 2013, 8:48 pm

That's good to know it worked for you m8.

Enjoy!!!! cheers 
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