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 Thinking about a small project...

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 43
Anmeldedatum : 2011-11-28
Alter : 37

Thinking about a small project... Empty
PostSubject: Thinking about a small project...   Thinking about a small project... EmptyFri 06 Dec 2013, 9:28 pm

This site is nice, but there's something which is very important that needs fixing! Very Happy

The mods, generally, are a big mess, we start with a car and there's small additions and fixes to the car as the thread goes along... Problem is, sometimes there's a working link for the car, but not for the addon skins, icons, biks (specifically in the case of GTL).

My goal is to attempt to fix it. It's a bit frustrating staying away from GTL for a while and then finding out there's lots of stuff that were deleted from the internet because I didn't download them in time...

Therefore, I'd like some help with a few cars in the GTL section, for example the Mercedes SLR, there are a lot of loose files... If we could get all available content and the latest updates for the car in one package, then I could host it in my MEGA cloud drive and provide links. I chose MEGA because it doesn't delete links due to inactivity and it's a very nifty storage site.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

Thinking about a small project... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking about a small project...   Thinking about a small project... EmptySat 07 Dec 2013, 1:14 am

It sounds like a good idea but what about the guys who run the site and the chaps and chapesses who did the files... maybe you should ask if they do not mind if you do this. Any files of mine are OK for you to add so you won't need to ask me m8.

Good luck. Very Happy cheers
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 43
Anmeldedatum : 2011-11-28
Alter : 37

Thinking about a small project... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking about a small project...   Thinking about a small project... EmptySat 07 Dec 2013, 2:40 pm

GeeDee I get what you say but for newcomer and people who have on off periods it's difficult when all the stuff is spread apart in tons of links. I have a bunch of stuff stashed in my MEGA folders and all of them or at least most of them are fully up to date with few exceptions. I also have rare mods like GTL-GTR2 Service Pack A and would have SCC Prototypes 2.41 (hard to find all the skins these days) if davehenrie wasn't planning a new release soon. Trust me I do this as an act of good faith.

Usually it should be responsibility of the modder to keep their files up to date, but I know it can be a pain in the ass to reupload stuff all the time. Sad I'll ask around if there are any missing files since people here tend to be very helpful. Very Happy
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

Thinking about a small project... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking about a small project...   Thinking about a small project... EmptySat 07 Dec 2013, 5:11 pm

I know exactly what you mean but all I'm doing is warning you that some modders will want to be asked first about their stuff being put up for download without their permission.

I hope this helps you to do the right thing the right way and I applaud you for contemplating it.

As I said, good luck m8. cheers 
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