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| | Strange auto-lift | |
| | Author | Message |
Anzahl der Beiträge : 9 Anmeldedatum : 2013-03-06
| Subject: Strange auto-lift Fri 08 Mar 2013, 9:50 pm | |
| I got problems whit Auto lift... There is a strange auto-lift when i change gears bigger in game. I disabled auto clutch in game, change auto-lift and auto-blib to 0 in PLR file... I use G27, manual clutch, H-shifer... And some cars that work fine but theres lot of cars where is that strange auto-lift... I gues... Do I have to change something in car files? Can anybody help me this annoying broblem... Thanks!
-Aba | |
| | | GeeDee Premium Member
Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040 Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23 Alter : 75 Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney
| Subject: Re: Strange auto-lift Fri 08 Mar 2013, 11:58 pm | |
| You say you have problems, but you only point to what you have trouble with, you don't say what the problem is with it. Please expand on this and perhaps we can help.
PS. If you have disabled Auto Clutch and Auto Blip you will have to compensate for this when needed such as blipping the throttle yourself before changing down the gearbox and maybe depressing the clutch as you change gear going up though racing drivers had crash boxes and didn't need the clutch too much. | |
| | | DBR
Anzahl der Beiträge : 129 Anmeldedatum : 2012-05-22
| Subject: Re: Strange auto-lift Sat 09 Mar 2013, 1:09 am | |
| Aba, are you saying that the throttle decreases when you upshift on a straight, or that the cars still lift off the throttle on their own when heading into a corner? Also, which cars are you having this issue with? Are they native to GTL (ie: Porsche 906, BMW CSL) or are they mods that you have downloaded? Perhaps try checking your in-game realism and driving-aids settings to see if they match what you changed in your player file. If they are different, then maybe the game logic is confused and contradicting itself?
p.s. I don't mean to sound like a know it all GeeDee, but I've seen only a few cars (mostly modern racers or vintage professional level cars) that have crash boxes or straight cut gears to be able not use clutch when up-shifting. On both of my dad's car, we still have regular angle cut gears. | |
| | | Aba
Anzahl der Beiträge : 9 Anmeldedatum : 2013-03-06
| Subject: Re: Strange auto-lift Sat 09 Mar 2013, 8:09 am | |
| Thank you very much for your answers and excuse for my language but i just learning to express myself in english... So when I upshift gears I use clutch and release throttle... but the game put automatic throttle, or should I say decrease automatically throttle... Is that the auto-lift? I try the use heel and toe but I`m not always use clutch when downshift but use extra throttle ofcousce that I dont spin... Is that the auto-blip? I ty to learn a real heel & toe... I need the chek whitch car doing that " auto-lift". Atleast the porsche 917 and allmoust all cars that i have downloaded... And I need to chek that the inn-game realism and driving-aids matc what I have in player file.
Thanks... I`m gratefull your help!!
-Aba | |
| | | DBR
Anzahl der Beiträge : 129 Anmeldedatum : 2012-05-22
| Subject: Re: Strange auto-lift Sat 09 Mar 2013, 2:29 pm | |
| Aba, by how much does the throttle decrease when you upshift and lift off the throttle, because it is normal for the throttle and rpms to decrease slightly when upshifting. However, if you are experiencing your rpms and speed dropping significantly (for instance 30kph) then that is definitely not normal.
Also, when you downshift are you saying you use the throttle and brake pedal, but not the clutch? If so, then auto-blip is not in action as that refers to the blipping of the throttle to match the revs when downshifting and really has nothing to do with the clutch.
Have you modified your brake pedal height to allow for heel and toe braking? If you haven't, then it will be extremely difficult to do heel and toe because of the fact the brake pedal and throttle are in line with each other. When braking, what works best for me is to brake into the corner, till I get to about 100 meters left then downshift, with my right foot on the clutch and my left foot alternating between the brake pedal and throttle. | |
| | | Aba
Anzahl der Beiträge : 9 Anmeldedatum : 2013-03-06
| Subject: Re: Strange auto-lift Sat 09 Mar 2013, 2:57 pm | |
| For example BMW CSL turbo trere is slightly throtle decreace when you upshift and thats normal for what I think. But Porshce 917 K... There is a huge decreace for throtle when upshifting... not for that huge if i shift lower RPM... But when you maximum acceration and shifting there is annoyin automatic throtle a midle of shifting... Is that normal? And its very slow shifting for porshce 917... depending on how fast you gearing. Is it normal in that mode? If I dont use clutch for downshift I brake left foot and decreace throttle for right foot each shift down. But I have to learn original heel&toe... I know how to do that but its very difficult. | |
| | | DBR
Anzahl der Beiträge : 129 Anmeldedatum : 2012-05-22
| Subject: Re: Strange auto-lift Sat 09 Mar 2013, 3:50 pm | |
| Hmm...That definately does not sound normal. One thing you could try is to create a new player file and see if the problem still exists. If it does, then your issue goes deeper than the few changes you made to you original file. You could also try creating a trace file to see if the game reports anything as being amiss while driving. | |
| | | Aba
Anzahl der Beiträge : 9 Anmeldedatum : 2013-03-06
| Subject: Re: Strange auto-lift Sat 09 Mar 2013, 8:38 pm | |
| I tested some other cars... And its there that automatic throtle but its maybe the way I use the cluth... Maybe I lift the clutch up to o hasty and the RPM rise for a moment...Dont know them... If I change gears slowly then there is not any automatic throtle... Maybe I dont do any new player file... Too risky that something goes badly wrong... But how do I creat a trace file and that stuff ? | |
| | | DBR
Anzahl der Beiträge : 129 Anmeldedatum : 2012-05-22
| Subject: Re: Strange auto-lift Sat 09 Mar 2013, 10:20 pm | |
| Creating a new player file is done by creating another driver in-game. It should not be risky at all. To create a trace file, right click the GTL desktop icon, click properties, and in the target line enter " -trace=1000" to the end of what is already there. Then run the game. The trace file is located in C/GTL, UIData, Log and can be read using notepad.
Another way you could see if the problem is related to how you shift, would be to turn auto clutch back on and see if the auto-lift still occurs. | |
| | | Aba
Anzahl der Beiträge : 9 Anmeldedatum : 2013-03-06
| Subject: Re: Strange auto-lift Sun 10 Mar 2013, 8:19 am | |
| I created a new profile but that works sama that old profile... Still same "auto-throtle" in gearing. I tried auto-cluthc on but that went worse... Then I create a trace file and doing few laps for porsche and I find some trace file in F/GTL/UserData/Log. And there is it!
TRACE LEVEL = 1000 NetComm.cpp 7639: NetComm checking command line: "-trace=1000" game.cpp 622: Entered Game::Enter() osman.cpp 480: Entered OSMan::Enter() setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED setup.cpp 1088: Could not find HEADPHYSICS_GTL.HED vidman.cpp 1044: Entered VidMan::Enter() specialfx.cp 3138: Entered SpecialFX::Enter() dynman.cpp 632: Entered DynMan::Enter() plrfile.cpp 3334: Entered PlayerFile::Enter() sound.cpp 725: Entered Sound::Enter() hwinput.cpp 6369: Entered HWInput::Enter() onscreen.cpp 2941: Entered OnScreen::Enter() game.cpp 717: Entered Game::Setup() hwinput.cpp 6383: Entered HWInput::Setup() options.cpp 1561: Entered Options::Setup() vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 plrfile.cpp 2510: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Aba\Aba.TMP plrfile.cpp 2533: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Aba\Aba.PLR vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 specialfx.cp 3144: Entered SpecialFX::Setup() steward.cpp 4585: Entered Steward::Setup() dynman.cpp 644: Entered DynMan::Setup() sound.cpp 748: Entered Sound::Setup() onscreen.cpp 2947: Entered OnScreen::Setup() vidman.cpp 1184: Entered VidMan::Setup() plrfile.cpp 3344: Entered PlayerFile::Setup() plrfile.cpp 2510: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Aba\Aba.TMP plrfile.cpp 2533: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Aba\Aba.PLR game.cpp 764: Entered Game::Init() vidman.cpp 1237: Entered VidMan::Init() ai_db.cpp 2143: Entered AIDatabase::Init() steward.cpp 4680: Entered Steward::Init() hwinput.cpp 6426: Entered HWInput::Init() specialfx.cp 3255: Entered SpecialFX::Init() dynman.cpp 674: Entered DynMan::Init() slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init() vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\TRACKVEHICLES\SAFETYCAR\SAFETYCAR.CAS) slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init() pitmod.cpp 194: Entered PitAction::Init AnimationLoa 24: AnimationLoader::Load(PitCrew.ani) vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\EXTRACARS\PORSCHE_917_K\JWA\..\PORSCHE_917K.CAS) slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init() vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\EXTRACARS\MERCEDES E190 EVO\WARSTEINER\..\190_EVO.CAS) slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init() vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\EXTRACARS\FORD RS500\TEAM WRIGHT\..\FORD_RS500.CAS) slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init() vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\GTC-TC-76\FORD MUSTANG 475 GT\FB04\SHELBY_GT350.CAS) slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init() vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\TC-65\JAGUAR MKII\850\..\JAGUAR_MKII.CAS) vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 dynman.cpp 803: Exited DynMan::Init() LensFlare.cp 59: Entered LensFlare::Init() camera.cpp 4125: Entered CamMan::Init() sound.cpp 753: Entered Sound::Init() render.cpp 286: Entered Render::Init() onscreen.cpp 2953: Entered OnScreen::Init() AnimationLoa 24: AnimationLoader::Load(ANDERSTORP.ani) game.cpp 893: Entered Game::Restart() sound.cpp 760: Entered Sound::Restart() steward.cpp 4835: Entered Steward::Restart() specialfx.cp 3732: Entered SpecialFX::Restart() hwinput.cpp 6437: Entered HWInput::Restart() dynman.cpp 811: Entered DynMan::Restart() driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000 driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000 vehload.cpp 732: RPM-torque brake > throttle @ 0.000000 driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000 driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000 driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 6.917676 CorneringAdd: 0.991162 camera.cpp 4149: Entered CamMan::Restart() render.cpp 302: Entered Render::Restart() onscreen.cpp 2973: Entered OnScreen::Restart() vidman.cpp 1454: Entered VidMan::Restart() plrfile.cpp 3381: Entered PlayerFile::Restart() game.cpp 1087: Entered Game::Post() sound.cpp 849: Entered Sound::Post() specialfx.cp 3868: Entered SpecialFX::Post() steward.cpp 5363: Entered Steward::Post() hwinput.cpp 6467: Entered HWInput::Post() dynman.cpp 1516: Entered DynMan::Post() camera.cpp 4295: Entered CamMan::Post() render.cpp 480: Entered Render::Post() onscreen.cpp 3038: Entered OnScreen::Post() vidman.cpp 1759: Entered VidMan::Post() plrfile.cpp 3386: Entered PlayerFile::Post() plrfile.cpp 2510: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Aba\Aba.TMP plrfile.cpp 2533: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Aba\Aba.PLR game.cpp 717: Entered Game::Setup() hwinput.cpp 6383: Entered HWInput::Setup() options.cpp 1561: Entered Options::Setup() plrfile.cpp 2510: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Aba\Aba.TMP plrfile.cpp 2533: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Aba\Aba.PLR game.cpp 1141: Entered Game::Exit() sound.cpp 856: Entered Sound::Exit() specialfx.cp 3906: Entered SpecialFX::Exit() hwinput.cpp 6491: Entered HWInput::Exit() dynman.cpp 1541: Entered DynMan::Exit() onscreen.cpp 3056: Entered OnScreen::Exit() vidman.cpp 1796: Entered VidMan::Exit() osman.cpp 516: Entered OSMan::Exit() | |
| | | DBR
Anzahl der Beiträge : 129 Anmeldedatum : 2012-05-22
| Subject: Re: Strange auto-lift Sun 10 Mar 2013, 12:28 pm | |
| Hmm...I don't really see anything there that looks like an error, but I am not an expert at reading these by any means. You say you made a new player file, did you make any changes to it outside of the game, or did you only change it in the options menu? Also, what do you mean by it went worse when you turned on auto-clutch? | |
| | | GeeDee Premium Member
Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040 Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23 Alter : 75 Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney
| Subject: Re: Strange auto-lift Sun 10 Mar 2013, 2:27 pm | |
| I would say that there are no errors in the Trace file but if it is only the 917 that you have problems with then it will most likely be the .HDC file. You could try copying the lines for the clutch from a different car and see what happens.
Have you checked to make sure that your brake peddle is correctly set in game and that your brakes are not slightly on when they should not be or that your peddle workings are not fouled up with dust?
The only other thing I can think of is maybe it is to do with the wheel that you use. If you have a Logitech wheel try setting the brake pedal before you set the throttle as there have been some problems caused by setting up the other way around.
Gee | |
| | | Aba
Anzahl der Beiträge : 9 Anmeldedatum : 2013-03-06
| Subject: Re: Strange auto-lift Sun 10 Mar 2013, 4:15 pm | |
| Strange things happened reacently when I go to game options and try to calibrate my brake pedal like GeeDee told... When I clicked to calibrate for example brake the game take my mouse click to brake... So I cant calibrate any of my pedals or wheel anymore... So do I have to unnisnstal and reinstal GTL again... | |
| | | DBR
Anzahl der Beiträge : 129 Anmeldedatum : 2012-05-22
| Subject: Re: Strange auto-lift Mon 11 Mar 2013, 10:33 am | |
| What I would do before uninstalling the whole game, is reinstall the Logitech G27 drivers, and see if the wheel calibrates. | |
| | | GeeDee Premium Member
Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040 Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23 Alter : 75 Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney
| Subject: Re: Strange auto-lift Mon 11 Mar 2013, 11:33 am | |
| @ Aba, Make sure that your shifter (gear stick) is in neutral before you do any calibrations, it won't work otherwise. | |
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| Subject: Re: Strange auto-lift | |
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| | | | Strange auto-lift | |
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