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Rolling starts in GTL? Vote_lcapRolling starts in GTL? Voting_barRolling starts in GTL? Vote_rcap 
Rolling starts in GTL? Vote_lcapRolling starts in GTL? Voting_barRolling starts in GTL? Vote_rcap 
Rolling starts in GTL? Vote_lcapRolling starts in GTL? Voting_barRolling starts in GTL? Vote_rcap 
Rolling starts in GTL? Vote_lcapRolling starts in GTL? Voting_barRolling starts in GTL? Vote_rcap 
Rolling starts in GTL? Vote_lcapRolling starts in GTL? Voting_barRolling starts in GTL? Vote_rcap 
Rolling starts in GTL? Vote_lcapRolling starts in GTL? Voting_barRolling starts in GTL? Vote_rcap 
Rolling starts in GTL? Vote_lcapRolling starts in GTL? Voting_barRolling starts in GTL? Vote_rcap 
Rolling starts in GTL? Vote_lcapRolling starts in GTL? Voting_barRolling starts in GTL? Vote_rcap 
Rolling starts in GTL? Vote_lcapRolling starts in GTL? Voting_barRolling starts in GTL? Vote_rcap 
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 Rolling starts in GTL?

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3 posters

Anzahl der Beiträge : 37
Anmeldedatum : 2011-08-10

Rolling starts in GTL? Empty
PostSubject: Rolling starts in GTL?   Rolling starts in GTL? EmptySun 25 Nov 2012, 10:38 pm

I Know it is probably a silly question, but i wondered if there was a way to have rolling starts in gt legends, as a pose to standing? The reason being for racing on banked ovals such as daytona 70 and talledega etc. when the cars are lined up stationary on the start line they slide down the banking which is quite annoying.
Just wondered if this can be altered to rolling starts by editing files or something on the menu's i might be missing. By the way this is just for single play against the computer a.i. controlling the rest of the field of cars.

I hope someone can help.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1975
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Ort : Florida, USA

Rolling starts in GTL? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rolling starts in GTL?   Rolling starts in GTL? EmptyMon 26 Nov 2012, 12:03 am

There is no indication of rolling starts anywhere in GTL. When I first read your post, I thought 'What...no way! Gotta be rolling starts', then went hunting. I remember such a thing is GTR2 and was surprised it wasn't in GTL, to be honest.

So, my answer is, 'sorry, Charlie, no tuna today...'
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 37
Anmeldedatum : 2011-08-10

Rolling starts in GTL? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rolling starts in GTL?   Rolling starts in GTL? EmptyMon 26 Nov 2012, 6:24 pm

I thought there wasn't but i just thought i would ask. Thanks for looking into it anyway.
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Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
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Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

Rolling starts in GTL? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rolling starts in GTL?   Rolling starts in GTL? EmptyMon 26 Nov 2012, 9:56 pm

Yup, MOF's right... but there are reverse starts... or there was at least on time at the start of an online 30 lap race when my steering wheel was upside down because the force feedback failed. I thought I was in first but I was actually in reverse!!!!! He he... I certainly sorted the field out as I had qualified in second with a full grid behind me!!!! clown Embarassed drunken Sleep
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Rolling starts in GTL? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rolling starts in GTL?   Rolling starts in GTL? Empty

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