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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€Mipmaps in Gimp dds-Plugin Pixel
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 Mipmaps in Gimp dds-Plugin

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 147
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-25

Mipmaps in Gimp dds-Plugin Empty
PostSubject: Mipmaps in Gimp dds-Plugin   Mipmaps in Gimp dds-Plugin EmptyMon 04 Apr 2011, 7:45 pm

Hi together!
I need some help again.
Since I have a new PC, I hadn't have gimp installed, till I wanted to do a new skin. It's finished and works, but only when I am driving it. I get a game crash, when the AI tries to drive it...
I think it could be because of the wrong amount of mipmaps, I used another program for this, but since I have the dds-Plugin for gimp, I am not able to decide the amount of mipmaps to create.
Can somebody tell me, how I am able to fix the number of mipmaps in the Gimp dds-plugin?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 921
Anmeldedatum : 2010-07-12

Mipmaps in Gimp dds-Plugin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mipmaps in Gimp dds-Plugin   Mipmaps in Gimp dds-Plugin EmptyMon 04 Apr 2011, 10:53 pm

I've always used DDS Converter 2 for skins done in Gimp and used 5 mipmaps. I think Gimp defaults at 11?
I didn't realise too many mipmaps could cause a ctd when the ai use a car, i just thought a high number would slow the game down?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 147
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-25

Mipmaps in Gimp dds-Plugin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mipmaps in Gimp dds-Plugin   Mipmaps in Gimp dds-Plugin EmptyTue 05 Apr 2011, 8:09 pm

I don't really know, but it is the only explanation i've got for this...
I also used DDS Converter before, but on my new computer it didn't work, so I tried the dds-plugin...
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Mipmaps in Gimp dds-Plugin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mipmaps in Gimp dds-Plugin   Mipmaps in Gimp dds-Plugin Empty

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