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Cars, Skins and Tracks for GTL/GTR2
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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Pixel
Donated: 75€

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[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_lcap[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Voting_bar[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_rcap 
[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_lcap[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Voting_bar[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_rcap 
[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_lcap[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Voting_bar[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_rcap 
[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_lcap[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Voting_bar[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_rcap 
[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_lcap[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Voting_bar[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_rcap 
[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_lcap[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Voting_bar[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_rcap 
[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_lcap[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Voting_bar[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_rcap 
[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_lcap[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Voting_bar[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_rcap 
[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_lcap[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Voting_bar[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_rcap 
[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_lcap[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Voting_bar[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Vote_rcap 
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 [WIP] Can-Am for GTL

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Vintage Racer
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 678
Anmeldedatum : 2010-01-31
Alter : 33

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyThu 30 Sep 2010, 10:48 pm

the Carlist:

- Chapparal
- Ferrari 712
- Lola T260
- McLaren M8F
- Porsche 917/10
- Shadow
- Autocast
- March 707
- BRM P154

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL 12836803



[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Reifen
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 75
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Alter : 34

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyThu 30 Sep 2010, 11:16 pm

Holy cow, awesome!!!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 410
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 71

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyThu 30 Sep 2010, 11:47 pm

Is it the r-factor mod?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2173
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24
Ort : Laguna Seca

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyFri 01 Oct 2010, 12:33 am

(....he can't reply, has fallen over backwards in his chair and fainted.....)
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Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-28
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[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyFri 01 Oct 2010, 10:18 am

Hej, Ho, Lets go! Ik freu mir!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 89
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyFri 01 Oct 2010, 11:01 pm

cheers cheers cheers cheers bounce bounce Very Happy
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2173
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24
Ort : Laguna Seca

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptySat 02 Oct 2010, 12:00 am

Ramones !?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 678
Anmeldedatum : 2010-01-31
Alter : 33

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyTue 02 Nov 2010, 7:36 pm

the project is still alive...but at the moment i have not enough time Sad

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Reifen
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 89
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyThu 04 Nov 2010, 8:32 pm

Frankly I would rather see this finished than some of the other stuff Rolling Eyes
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 678
Anmeldedatum : 2010-01-31
Alter : 33

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyThu 04 Nov 2010, 8:46 pm

which other stuff?

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Reifen
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 10
Anmeldedatum : 2010-07-02
Alter : 52
Ort : Belgium

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptySat 06 Nov 2010, 4:38 pm

From the ongoing projects, this is the one !
Can't wait to see it finished :-)
Keep up the good work
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 482
Anmeldedatum : 2010-07-07
Alter : 62
Ort : Georgia, USA

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptySun 12 Dec 2010, 3:41 am

This would make a great Christmas present. Any news?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 596
Anmeldedatum : 2010-12-19

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptySun 19 Dec 2010, 7:45 pm

this would be amazing
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Vintage Racer
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Vintage Racer

Anzahl der Beiträge : 227
Anmeldedatum : 2010-12-30
Alter : 59
Ort : Colorado Springs Colorado USA

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyThu 20 Jan 2011, 8:54 pm

Any Updates?
I would be honored to lend a hand as a painter.
I grew up going to Riverside Raceway with my dad watching the CanAm, lots of great memories.
Any way I did lots of paint jobs on the old SCGT for the CanAm mod and others, and there is a hand full of my GTL stuff on No Grip.
I would love to help.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 89
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyThu 20 Jan 2011, 10:26 pm

EvolutionFQ wrote:
which other stuff?

Anything else you're working on
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Vintage Racer
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Vintage Racer

Anzahl der Beiträge : 227
Anmeldedatum : 2010-12-30
Alter : 59
Ort : Colorado Springs Colorado USA

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyFri 21 Jan 2011, 9:49 pm

All my stuff has been under the sam name Vintage Racer. Its been so long I realy dont recal what I painted up back then. I remember working with somone from Austrailia who created the bodie and I would do the paint jobs. I think his name was Kim or somthing like that.
Any way I was working on a skin for the 908-2s of the Targa Florio but there is a problem with the genstring numbering. Tried contacting Hubert but no luck, so I gues thats dead. I'v got a Lowenbrau 956 in the works now, just not quite happy with the white and gold stripes over the crest of sides. Always a chalange when there's no template. I'v also got a set of Ferrari 246 Dino's I did up like the ol 512M. I never figured anyone would be interested in those. I did several historical Triumph TR4s fror LaMans & Sebring, Take a look hear. http://www.nogripracing.com/filesearch.php?userid=16054
I'm not sure how to post pics here, but I can eMail you a couple if you Like.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 411
Anmeldedatum : 2010-10-17

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptySat 22 Jan 2011, 6:40 pm

This Can-Am thing is got to be the most awesome coincidence ever! I just set up a championship with the three 917/10s I have, some 917 HDs, 908/3s, Lolas, 906s... The tracks: Elkhart Lake, St. Jovite, MoSport, Bridgehampton, Laguna Seca, Riverside, Watkins Glen and Indianapolis. Not quite historicly realistic, but driving the 917/10 in St Jovite is a thrilling experience. If you can get some free time to do this, please take it Very Happy.

Can I ask you what do you need to finish them? I'm not a full fledged modder yet but maybe I can help.

Vintage Racer wrote:
I'v also got a set of Ferrari 246 Dino's I did up like the ol 512M. I never figured anyone would be interested in those.

I am quite interested in those Dinos, such misunderstood cars!. I use 'em against the 1972 porsches, the Alpines and the Opel GTs (all them mildly tweaked to be paired). You get some really nice races with that grid, but the Dinos's skins are a bit sad, compared to the others. I really wish I could skin...
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Vintage Racer
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Vintage Racer

Anzahl der Beiträge : 227
Anmeldedatum : 2010-12-30
Alter : 59
Ort : Colorado Springs Colorado USA

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptySun 23 Jan 2011, 1:14 am

The Dino Skins are all done, I just never did the icons, and I dont do biks. I tried once and hated it!. I think there are 14 cars in total. I'v redon the wheels to go with the paint schemes in white, yellow, gold, and blue. But they are left loose in the 246 folder so if you want silver wheels instead put all the 100 series wheels in seperat folder and your back to the original genstring 1 silver wheels. The engine tweeks and sounds are all up to you.
Send me your email and I'll pack it up for you to have a go at.

For John if you were part of the original 917/10-02 I hope I dont ofend any one but I re-did the STP and Bosch 917/10-02 to the way I remembered them and my references. So I can send those to you as well. Also you left the genstring blank, can you add the block in for the helmet choice. BTW I also found a 917 Pink Pig I did but never released. I think somone was working on an an actual 917/20 body.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 334
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24
Alter : 55
Ort : Bristol, UK

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptySun 23 Jan 2011, 9:07 am

Hi VR if want to upload or mail me the Dino skins I'll be happy to do the i&b files for you. PM me if you would like some help.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 59
Anmeldedatum : 2010-07-02

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptySun 23 Jan 2011, 9:25 am

Why the DINO 246 don't alive on our GTL cars???
We want DINO
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 334
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24
Alter : 55
Ort : Bristol, UK

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptySun 23 Jan 2011, 9:45 am

Hi Ago - I think you'll enjoy this...


You do not have time to play with it though - you must continue work on your Alfa !! Wink

Dave Smile
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Vintage Racer
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Vintage Racer

Anzahl der Beiträge : 227
Anmeldedatum : 2010-12-30
Alter : 59
Ort : Colorado Springs Colorado USA

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyMon 24 Jan 2011, 4:00 am

Wow, I'm surprised and glad to see all the interest in the Dino's. The Icons are done and Soze has pm'd me and offerd to do the bik so when they are done I will release them for all.
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Vintage Racer
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Vintage Racer

Anzahl der Beiträge : 227
Anmeldedatum : 2010-12-30
Alter : 59
Ort : Colorado Springs Colorado USA

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyMon 24 Jan 2011, 4:50 am

Soze, the Dino's shoud be in your inbox, I also sent you my Porsche 917 Pink Pig and reworked STP and Bosch 917/10 along with a littlle surprise. A new Jagermeister 917/10 let me know what you think.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 411
Anmeldedatum : 2010-10-17

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyMon 24 Jan 2011, 2:49 pm

Vintage Racer wrote:
Soze, the Dino's shoud be in your inbox, I also sent you my Porsche 917 Pink Pig and reworked STP and Bosch 917/10 along with a littlle surprise. A new Jagermeister 917/10 let me know what you think.

Dinos recieved, bikked and sent. Everybody should have them, they are relly nice. I think there are some cars that do not recieve the attention they deserve due to poor skinning. One less now Very Happy.

The pink pig must be the most beautiful winged 917 I've ever seen, and the all are amazing but this is special Very Happy. Bikked and PM'd

Now, the Jagg... Wow!!! St.Jovite's gonna BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!. I love it. Very Happy. However the 20 STP is not that right. You'll see it in the bik, it looks a bit... blurry?. But it's nice anyway. Both are now bikkificated and sent away Very Happy.

Oh, I wish I could do the icons for these beauties, because right now I'm doing just half of the job. Anyone has a clue on how to do them?. Is it some photoshop thing or so?.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 526
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23

[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL EmptyMon 24 Jan 2011, 3:40 pm

With these files, it's more easy Wink


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[WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP] Can-Am for GTL   [WIP] Can-Am for GTL Empty

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[WIP] Can-Am for GTL
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