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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Pixel
Donated: 75€

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[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_lcap[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Voting_bar[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_rcap 
[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_lcap[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Voting_bar[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_rcap 
[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_lcap[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Voting_bar[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_rcap 
[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_lcap[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Voting_bar[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_rcap 
[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_lcap[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Voting_bar[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_rcap 
[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_lcap[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Voting_bar[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_rcap 
[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_lcap[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Voting_bar[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_rcap 
[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_lcap[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Voting_bar[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_rcap 
[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_lcap[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Voting_bar[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_rcap 
[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_lcap[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Voting_bar[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Vote_rcap 
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 [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?)

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4 posters

Anzahl der Beiträge : 24
Anmeldedatum : 2020-07-21
Alter : 25

[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty
PostSubject: [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?)   [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty11/9/2023, 08:38

While looking for some GT Legends skins (for the base cars), I found this skin for the Renault Alpine A110 at Altbierbude. What I found curious, is the last part of the description, which implies that there where more skins for other cars, reperesenting the 2006 Dutch Historic Race Series (NKHTGT). After an unsuccessful search on Google, I can't find anything, so I ask if someone have, or knows, anything about this skinpack. Thanks in advance.

PD: Sorry for any grammar mistake, English is not my native language.
[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) AttachmentCaptura_GTL_Skin.PNG
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 222
Anmeldedatum : 2011-08-22
Alter : 64
Ort : Between Zandvoort and Assen, not too far from Zolder, Spa, Hockenheim and Nürburg

[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?)   [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty11/9/2023, 13:28

modeewy25 wrote:
While looking for some GT Legends skins (for the base cars), I found this skin for the Renault Alpine A110 at Altbierbude. What I found curious, is the last part of the description, which implies that there where more skins for other cars, reperesenting the 2006 Dutch Historic Race Series (NKHTGT). After an unsuccessful search on Google, I can't find anything, so I ask if someone have, or knows, anything about this skinpack. Thanks in advance.

PD: Sorry for any grammar mistake, English is not my native language.

I have it, here you are: removed, see next post

Have fun!!!

Last edited by NEChris on 11/9/2023, 18:03; edited 2 times in total

jeannomiller, mastrotre and modeewy25 like this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 24
Anmeldedatum : 2020-07-21
Alter : 25

[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?)   [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty11/9/2023, 13:45

Thanks a lot! thumbup

NEChris likes this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 24
Anmeldedatum : 2020-07-21
Alter : 25

[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?)   [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty11/9/2023, 14:37

After downloading and unzipping the Corvette skin (from Altbierbude), I found a readme txt file, with information and installation instructions. It says that there was a total of 34 cars, and included some CPIT.GTL files. The shared skinpack only has 21 skins (plus 2 from altbierbude). Maybe there was a more complete release, at some point?
[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) AttachmentDutch Historic ReadMe.txt
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 3537
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Ort : Germany

[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?)   [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty11/9/2023, 17:50

Here's an old site containing many skins by discpad for older games (SCGT), but not for GTL:


So long.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 222
Anmeldedatum : 2011-08-22
Alter : 64
Ort : Between Zandvoort and Assen, not too far from Zolder, Spa, Hockenheim and Nürburg

[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?)   [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty11/9/2023, 17:54

modeewy25 wrote:
After downloading and unzipping the Corvette skin (from Altbierbude), I found a readme txt file, with information and installation instructions. It says that there was a total of 34 cars, and included some CPIT.GTL files. The shared skinpack only has 21 skins (plus 2 from altbierbude). Maybe there was a more complete release, at some point?

I've found the 34 skins on another external HD (took ages to start up...), here's the link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1e87nxn6lhbuzvy/2006_Dutch_Historic_Racing_Mod.7z/file

My son and I followed the NKHTGT very closely from 2008 to 2014. My son was the photographer and webmaster for one of the participating teams, Tachyon Motorsport. Ig de Bakker and Henry Soenarko are good acquaintances of ours.

Last edited by NEChris on 12/9/2023, 21:01; edited 2 times in total

jeannomiller, CX650, freeracer, mastrotre, modeewy25 and sunalp2 like this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 3537
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Ort : Germany

[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?)   [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty12/9/2023, 05:26

Thank you NEChris - highly appreciated !

So long.


NEChris likes this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 24
Anmeldedatum : 2020-07-21
Alter : 25

[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?)   [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty12/9/2023, 06:01

Thank you! cheers

NEChris likes this post

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 706
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-27
Alter : 60
Ort : Germany

[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?)   [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty12/9/2023, 18:22

Thank you NEChris

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[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?)   [Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?) Empty

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[Request] GT Legends 2006 NKHTGT Skins (by Discpad?)
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