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 Help with WSCC 67 Mod

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 2022-03-08

Help with WSCC 67 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Help with WSCC 67 Mod   Help with WSCC 67 Mod EmptyWed 16 Mar 2022, 8:43 pm

Thanks to all who developed this mod.  I found out about it watch a youtube video by GPLAPS who was using the mod.  I do need some help though.  I installed the mod to a clean copy of GTR2 with PNG3 and the 4GB patch and Borek's Lemans Classics.  The Porsche 911 and 911S as well as the Sunbeam Tiger do not appear in the showroom and loading any carset containing them (ie. Sebring 12 hours) results in a CTD.  I can run the mod with the Brands Hatch carset with no problems as it doesn't contain these cars.  I'd downloaded the mod and reinstalled it several times with same result.  I'm adding the end of the trace file for information.  Thanks in advance for any help.  BTW it also generated a vehgen file about the porsche in the log.

slot.cpp      284: Entered Slot::Init()
pitmod.cpp    197: Entered PitAction::Init
vehgfx.cpp   2587: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\WSCC1967\PORSCHE_911\67054DA\..\PORSCHE_911.CAS)
vehgfx.cpp   2631: Unable to read USERDATA\LOG\vehgen.scn: Error opening MAS file TALENT_GTL.GTR
vehgfx.cpp   2684: Could not find instance "SLOT000"
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1203
Anmeldedatum : 2016-02-23
Ort : In my other Shed

Help with WSCC 67 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help with WSCC 67 Mod   Help with WSCC 67 Mod EmptyWed 16 Mar 2022, 9:38 pm

You are missing this file TALENT_GTL.GTR I believe it is in the thread as a fix in the last update.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 2022-03-08

Help with WSCC 67 Mod Empty
PostSubject: Thanks   Help with WSCC 67 Mod EmptyFri 18 Mar 2022, 12:16 am

Thanks for your help.  At first I was unsure where to put the file (In the respective cars directory-Porsche and Sunbeam).  It worked perfectly now.  What a great mod.  A real thrill to drive.
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Help with WSCC 67 Mod Empty
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