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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Pixel
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Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_lcapCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Voting_barCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_rcap 
Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_lcapCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Voting_barCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_rcap 
Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_lcapCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Voting_barCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_rcap 
Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_lcapCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Voting_barCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_rcap 
Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_lcapCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Voting_barCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_rcap 
Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_lcapCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Voting_barCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_rcap 
Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_lcapCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Voting_barCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_rcap 
Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_lcapCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Voting_barCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_rcap 
Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_lcapCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Voting_barCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_rcap 
Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_lcapCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Voting_barCan anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Vote_rcap 
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 Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 21
Anmeldedatum : 2010-12-20

Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Empty
PostSubject: Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?    Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  EmptySun 09 Jan 2022, 9:36 pm

I have been (also) working on with 1970 Nurburgring Gesamtstrecke for GTL and after a year of many things changed, it starts to look like somerhing I could release. But I need help contacting the original authors to get permission / make sure it is ok.

The original track for rfactor was fused together by Kackbraze using Nick303's sudschleife and Motorfx's nordschleife. Does anyone know how to contact them?

Any help is truly appriciated.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 491
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-25
Alter : 69
Ort : Liverpool,UK

Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?    Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  EmptySun 09 Jan 2022, 10:20 pm

Motorfx( ken ) left the scene a few years ago, but gave permission for his tracks to be converted to RF2.
As a good friend of his before he stopped car/track modding I am certain that he would not object.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 21
Anmeldedatum : 2010-12-20

Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?    Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  EmptyMon 10 Jan 2022, 7:42 am

It seems to be same case with the two other authors as well. And yes, I do recall having great time by working with Ken when we were doing the KAD Mini, so I did not expect him having anything against me working on with the track, but asking is always the way to go. Smile

As it does seem really hard to contact these guys, I might go with releasing my conversion with acknowledgements / crediting to the original authors and hopefully I won't be stepping to anyone's toes.

Track will hopefully incorporate all four layouts: Gesamtstrecke, Südschleife, Nordschleife and Betonschleife. Gesamtrecke version is working ok already and I have slowly started to learn how to edit track stuff with 3dsimed + photoshop + blender and hopefully I can bring the detail up a bit in stadion area and Südschleife part. Dikl and CY-33 at the Altbierbude have been giving me some help to conquer some of the early annoying problems I found with the initial conversion, so that drives me forward to continue this gigantic work. Smile

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Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?    Can anyone Help with contacting certein authors?  Empty

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