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Evolution Modding

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Why the leader always slows down? Vote_lcapWhy the leader always slows down? Voting_barWhy the leader always slows down? Vote_rcap 
Why the leader always slows down? Vote_lcapWhy the leader always slows down? Voting_barWhy the leader always slows down? Vote_rcap 
Why the leader always slows down? Vote_lcapWhy the leader always slows down? Voting_barWhy the leader always slows down? Vote_rcap 
Why the leader always slows down? Vote_lcapWhy the leader always slows down? Voting_barWhy the leader always slows down? Vote_rcap 
Why the leader always slows down? Vote_lcapWhy the leader always slows down? Voting_barWhy the leader always slows down? Vote_rcap 
Why the leader always slows down? Vote_lcapWhy the leader always slows down? Voting_barWhy the leader always slows down? Vote_rcap 
Why the leader always slows down? Vote_lcapWhy the leader always slows down? Voting_barWhy the leader always slows down? Vote_rcap 
Why the leader always slows down? Vote_lcapWhy the leader always slows down? Voting_barWhy the leader always slows down? Vote_rcap 
Why the leader always slows down? Vote_lcapWhy the leader always slows down? Voting_barWhy the leader always slows down? Vote_rcap 
Why the leader always slows down? Vote_lcapWhy the leader always slows down? Voting_barWhy the leader always slows down? Vote_rcap 
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 Why the leader always slows down?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4
Anmeldedatum : 2021-01-28

Why the leader always slows down? Empty
PostSubject: Why the leader always slows down?   Why the leader always slows down? EmptyThu 28 Jan 2021, 12:23 pm

Hi guys,

I love Race 07/GTR Evo but there's a big bug I'd love to solve... the leader (the AI leader) always slows down when in fact he is in front.
That ruins races and makes the game a bit easier and unrealistic.
You can see it also from your "split times" mod... the leader times are always red, are always slower than he could.

I tried everything in years without solution... do you think there's a way to solve this?
Thank you!!
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Pete Conway

Pete Conway

Anzahl der Beiträge : 179
Anmeldedatum : 2013-05-05

Why the leader always slows down? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the leader always slows down?   Why the leader always slows down? EmptyThu 28 Jan 2021, 1:12 pm

Smorzalo wrote:
Hi guys,

I love Race 07/GTR Evo but there's a big bug I'd love to solve... the leader (the AI leader) always slows down when in fact he is in front.
That ruins races and makes the game a bit easier and unrealistic.
You can see it also from your "split times" mod... the leader times are always red, are always slower than he could.

I tried everything in years without solution... do you think there's a way to solve this?
Thank you!!

Well Smorzalo, the way I see it is, programing, if the opposition AI were to drive the perfect race, kick the perfect ball, hit the perfect bullseye every time you'd never beat them because you're human and even the smallest mistake would ensure you're behind, so errors have to be programed in, like moving the lap time down a notch, or forcing the AI to use a plus or minus degree of angle of the kick/punch/throw/hit... whatever, errors are forced into the AI because you won't beat them otherwise.
With the case of the slower lap time you may be able to use an adjustment to the 'Car file' I can't speak for the R07/Evo cars because I don't have that installed at the moment, but if it's the same as in GTL-GTR2 and GTL at the bottom of the Car file you may see the line...

You may have to add the line and it may or may not work or be addressed by the AI...I don't know
As far as I know that figure represents the Race speed over the Qualifying speed (110%) if you lower this (say perhaps 105 or 100, you might even try .95)then you may see improved race pace for that car and that car alone... BUT, I'm only guessing based on my own experience with these earlier SimBin Programs.
If it works then you only have to do it for the other cars... I'd randomise it a bit though, then there might also be 'Talent' files to look at, it all takes time and dedication to get what you want.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4
Anmeldedatum : 2021-01-28

Why the leader always slows down? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the leader always slows down?   Why the leader always slows down? EmptyThu 28 Jan 2021, 1:33 pm

Pete Conway wrote:

Well Smorzalo, the way I see it is, programing, if the opposition AI were to drive the perfect race, kick the perfect ball, hit the perfect bullseye every time you'd never beat them because you're human and even the smallest mistake would ensure you're behind, so errors have to be programed in, like moving the lap time down a notch, or forcing the AI to use a plus or minus degree of angle of the kick/punch/throw/hit... whatever, errors are forced into the AI because you won't beat them otherwise.
With the case of the slower lap time you may be able to use an adjustment to the 'Car file' I can't speak for the R07/Evo cars because I don't have that installed at the moment, but if it's the same as in GTL-GTR2 and GTL at the bottom of the Car file you may see the line...

You may have to add the line and it may or may not work or be addressed by the AI...I don't know
As far as I know that figure represents the Race speed over the Qualifying speed (110%) if you lower this (say perhaps 105 or 100, you might even try .95)then you may see improved race pace for that car and that car alone... BUT, I'm only guessing based on my own experience with these earlier SimBin Programs.
If it works then you only have to do it for the other cars... I'd randomise it a bit though, then there might also be 'Talent' files to look at, it all takes time and dedication to get what you want.

I'll give a try to this ComparativeTime, thank you for your time!
And about your speech about mistakes, I see your point but... but the leader losing a couple of seconds in every lap is a bit too much to make sense and create an enjoyable race

I prefer more boring but realistic races Very Happy
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4
Anmeldedatum : 2021-01-28

Why the leader always slows down? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the leader always slows down?   Why the leader always slows down? EmptyThu 28 Jan 2021, 4:32 pm

I tried to adjust the comparativetime but it didn't work... thanks anyway!!
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Pete Conway

Pete Conway

Anzahl der Beiträge : 179
Anmeldedatum : 2013-05-05

Why the leader always slows down? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the leader always slows down?   Why the leader always slows down? EmptyThu 28 Jan 2021, 4:57 pm

Did you check out the fastest laps of the AI at the end of the race? was there any difference between the car you changed and the rest of that model?

I'm presuming that you've already raised the difficulty level and AI agression!

Were you at a Default (standard Game) track?

I do know that some 'mod' tracks present problems on certain sections of the track for the AI, Donington 2011 for instance, the AI can lose a couple of seconds at the chicaine, and Spa.. most AI lose out at Eau Rouge and lose time all the way up the straight...

Really it's gonna be a matter of keep asking questions, and looking for answers yourself by trying to understand the files, once you have an understanding almost anything is possible.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4
Anmeldedatum : 2021-01-28

Why the leader always slows down? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the leader always slows down?   Why the leader always slows down? EmptyThu 28 Jan 2021, 5:51 pm

Unfortunately it's a feature of the game, not a problem of some track or category.
In every single race you do in Race 07/GTR Evo the leader slows down a lot when he goes in front.
They did this to have closer races but it prevents me to really enjoy a win...

I would like to know were this feature can be changed, if possible... I tried everything... never worked.
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Pete Conway

Pete Conway

Anzahl der Beiträge : 179
Anmeldedatum : 2013-05-05

Why the leader always slows down? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the leader always slows down?   Why the leader always slows down? EmptyThu 28 Jan 2021, 6:13 pm

Smorzalo wrote:
Unfortunately it's a feature of the game, not a problem of some track or category.
In every single race you do in Race 07/GTR Evo the leader slows down a lot when he goes in front.
They did this to have closer races but it prevents me to really enjoy a win...

I would like to know were this feature can be changed, if possible... I tried everything... never worked.

Well I guess it's time for you to take a step backwards.
Join the ranks that enjoy GTL and GTR2...

Both available on Steam if you can't get a hardcopy, and they're both high on the ranks of the modding community.
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