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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Pixel
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Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_lcapIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Voting_barIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_rcap 
Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_lcapIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Voting_barIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_rcap 
Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_lcapIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Voting_barIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_rcap 
Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_lcapIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Voting_barIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_rcap 
Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_lcapIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Voting_barIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_rcap 
Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_lcapIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Voting_barIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_rcap 
Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_lcapIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Voting_barIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_rcap 
Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_lcapIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Voting_barIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_rcap 
Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_lcapIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Voting_barIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_rcap 
Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_lcapIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Voting_barIssue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Vote_rcap 
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 Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 476
Anmeldedatum : 2014-03-27
Ort : Stockholm, Sweden

Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Empty
PostSubject: Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G   Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G EmptySun 17 May 2020, 1:27 pm

I'm working on setting up realistic fuel consumptions for various cars but have found that the consumption varies greatly from track to track even if they are similar layouts. As an example, the Ferrari 330 P4 runs for 1 hour and 15 minutes on a full tank at Le Mans but can go 1 hour and 45 minutes at Sebring which I would describe as a similar track with long straights and almost no elevation. This happens to both the player car and the AI cars.

I would have thought that the FuelUse setting in the track .aiw file could have been used to even out differences between tracks but it only affects the estimated laps and time and not the actual consumption. Anyone got any ideas?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G   Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G EmptySun 17 May 2020, 11:05 pm

I would think that going flat out so long at Le Mans would eat the fuel more, but I do think there are differences that maybe there shouldn't be. thumbup
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 476
Anmeldedatum : 2014-03-27
Ort : Stockholm, Sweden

Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G   Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G EmptySun 17 May 2020, 11:34 pm

Yeah, that's why I compared Le Mans to Sebring and although the runways aren't as long as the Mulsanne, it shouldn't differ half an hour of driving on a full tank.
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Premium Member
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G   Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G EmptyMon 18 May 2020, 11:27 pm

Sebring is flatter as well as slower. Thinking
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 476
Anmeldedatum : 2014-03-27
Ort : Stockholm, Sweden

Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G   Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G EmptyTue 19 May 2020, 8:39 am

Yes, but still shouldn't explain a 30 minutes longer stint on a full tank I would think.
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Premium Member
Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G   Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G EmptyTue 19 May 2020, 5:22 pm

There has to be some wrong fuel calculations somewhere but I haven't any ideas of how to check that, unfortunately.

Perhaps, in the coming days, someone who hasn't visited in a while will see this thread and cast some light on this issue for you.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 18
Anmeldedatum : 2010-08-05
Alter : 62
Ort : Boeblingen

Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G   Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G EmptyTue 19 May 2020, 6:32 pm

FuelUse=180444.406250 (leMans)
FuelUse=117353.757813 (Sebring)
You´ll find those in .aiw
75 to 105 minutes, the factor seems to fit.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2169
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24
Ort : Laguna Seca

Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G   Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G EmptyTue 19 May 2020, 8:00 pm

Le Mans of the period was much faster, they were on the gas a lot more back then, half an hour doesn't sound all that strange......
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 18
Anmeldedatum : 2010-08-05
Alter : 62
Ort : Boeblingen

Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G   Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G EmptyTue 19 May 2020, 8:20 pm

by a consumption of aprox. 50-60l/100km (guessed) a fuel of 114l should last for about 200km
That would be about 75 minutes at Sebring and 60 minutes at LeMans
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 18
Anmeldedatum : 2010-08-05
Alter : 62
Ort : Boeblingen

Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G   Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G EmptyTue 19 May 2020, 10:19 pm

Was actually on the way on LeMans 60 by philrob with a 67 Mirage, refueled in Lap 19 after 1h and 3 min. It is too fast for the track, but I don´t know how to change that.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 224
Anmeldedatum : 2011-08-22
Alter : 64
Ort : Between Zandvoort and Assen, not too far from Zolder, Spa, Hockenheim and Nürburg

Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G   Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G EmptyTue 19 May 2020, 11:06 pm

Some RL data:
During the 2013 Spa 6 hrs the 377 ci white GS in my avatar used ca. 1.1 l fuel per minute.
Lap times about 3 min. per lap of 7 km so about 50l/100 km.
Raced flat out, refueling every 2 hrs (140 l tank)
Finished 2nd after a 289 ci GT40 which used less fuel/needed less refueling and therefore won the race.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 3567
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Ort : Germany

Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G   Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G EmptyWed 20 May 2020, 8:28 am

NEChris wrote:
Some RL data:
During the 2013 Spa 6 hrs the 377 ci white GS in my avatar used ca. 1.1 l fuel per minute.
Lap times about 3 min. per lap of 7 km so about 50l/100 km.
Raced flat out, refueling every 2 hrs (140 l tank)
Finished 2nd after a 289 ci GT40 which used less fuel/needed less refueling and therefore won the race.

Was there back then watching the race and this stunning Corvette GS. Missing it.

My first visit at Spa with the great opportunity to take pictures at La Source without any prohibitions.
Adrenaline for months. Laughing Cool

Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G 37585210

So long.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 224
Anmeldedatum : 2011-08-22
Alter : 64
Ort : Between Zandvoort and Assen, not too far from Zolder, Spa, Hockenheim and Nürburg

Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G   Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G EmptyWed 20 May 2020, 10:01 pm

jeannomiller wrote:
NEChris wrote:
Some RL data:
During the 2013 Spa 6 hrs the 377 ci white GS in my avatar used ca. 1.1 l fuel per minute.
Lap times about 3 min. per lap of 7 km so about 50l/100 km.
Raced flat out, refueling every 2 hrs (140 l tank)
Finished 2nd after a 289 ci GT40 which used less fuel/needed less refueling and therefore won the race.

Was there back then watching the race and this stunning Corvette GS. Missing it.

My first visit at Spa with the great opportunity to take pictures at La Source without any prohibitions.
Adrenaline for months. Laughing Cool

Was there too, to support the Corvette GS team with drivers Jan Lammers, Allard Kalff and owner Michiel Campagne. Qualified as 7th but after 1 lap it was 2nd and kept this postion till the end.

Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G P9212410

Here is a nice onboard race report: http://www.tachyon-motorsport.nl/videos/2013-09-21-spa-six-hours-the-race-corvette-grand-sport/

I'm sorry, off topic  lol!
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Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Empty
PostSubject: Re: Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G   Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G Empty

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Issue with fuel consumption for different tracks in GTR2/P&G
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