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 Modding resource?

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Pete Conway

Pete Conway

Anzahl der Beiträge : 180
Anmeldedatum : 2013-05-05

Modding resource? Empty
PostSubject: Modding resource?   Modding resource? EmptyWed 11 Oct 2017, 10:58 am

Generic Makeshift Dashpanel for GTL and GTR2! I don't have rFactor or AC or anything else so I don't know if it's needed.

Hi guys,

I know I thought about it before but I don't know if I've ever suggested it, so I'll pen it here and see what you guys think.
Firstly I have no ability to do this myself and it isn't a request, it's more of a 'is it possible, could it be useful and would you want one/use one/be satisfied with one if someone took up the idea and ran with it?' type post.

Generic dashboard for those cars made with no interiors, DB2-4 Maserati 3500GT and Sebring, spring to mind but there are a pile of others that might benefit too.

The board need only be an oval or oblong with an Aluminium texture that fits behind the steering wheel with fake generic 'smiths' instruments showing at a fairly standard set of co ordinates, this would I feel bring a little bit of life to those wonderful cars that were unfinished for whatever reason.

Perhaps the instruments could be exchanged for working ones if possible when time allows, but as with most ideas its relative poorly though out and suggested by someone with absolutely no idea of what work is involved.

As ever Pete
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1217
Anmeldedatum : 2016-02-23
Ort : In my other Shed

Modding resource? Empty
PostSubject: Modding resource?   Modding resource? EmptyWed 11 Oct 2017, 11:29 am

Brilliant idea there are so many cars on here I do not drive because of this its a real real shame.

My modding skills are zero with this.

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