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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Pixel
Donated: 75€

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[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_lcap[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Voting_bar[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_rcap 
[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_lcap[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Voting_bar[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_rcap 
[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_lcap[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Voting_bar[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_rcap 
[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_lcap[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Voting_bar[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_rcap 
[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_lcap[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Voting_bar[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_rcap 
[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_lcap[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Voting_bar[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_rcap 
[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_lcap[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Voting_bar[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_rcap 
[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_lcap[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Voting_bar[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_rcap 
[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_lcap[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Voting_bar[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_rcap 
[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_lcap[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Voting_bar[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Vote_rcap 
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 [GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 46
Anmeldedatum : 2013-11-29

[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 Empty
PostSubject: [GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100   [GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100 EmptyThu 16 Mar 2017, 7:24 pm

After a successful VC United 2 Hours of Sebring, the Grand Am Revival Championship heads to Long Beach in just shy of 3 weeks. With Daytona rescheduled, and still 11 races left in the Championship, Spike Spiegel has an early lead in Daytona Prototype of 9 points thanks to the race win at Sebring. In GT, Cameron Sansano picked up the win at Sebring thus giving him the early championship lead of 3 points over Alex Jones, and 4 points over Jailson Silva.

Race Administration has at this time re-opened signups until March 31st in both classes. Sign Ups will close at 11:59pm US EDT for the weekend of April 1st and 2nd, and will re-open again after the Long Beach 100. Expect this pattern to continue through the season. Skin submissions will be accepted for the second update until June 11th, but will not be implemented until after that date.

The Long Beach 100 will feature the same event agenda as Sebring did, featuring Practice 1/2, DP Qualifying, and GT Qualifying all taking place on Saturday April 1st prior to the VC United Viper Cup event, also on Saturday April 1st. On Sunday April 2nd, Grand-Am Practice 3 and 4 will take place followed by a false qualifying session (for setting the grid manually), a pre-race meeting (warmup) and finally the 100 minute race.

For more information on the Grand-Am Revival series, follow the link below:
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[GTR2] Grand-Am Revival Championship: Long Beach 100
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