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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Pixel
Donated: 75€

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MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_lcapMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Voting_barMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_rcap 
MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_lcapMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Voting_barMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_rcap 
MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_lcapMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Voting_barMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_rcap 
MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_lcapMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Voting_barMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_rcap 
MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_lcapMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Voting_barMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_rcap 
MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_lcapMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Voting_barMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_rcap 
MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_lcapMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Voting_barMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_rcap 
MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_lcapMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Voting_barMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_rcap 
MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_lcapMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Voting_barMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_rcap 
MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_lcapMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Voting_barMGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Vote_rcap 
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 MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2384
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 76
Ort : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptySun 04 Dec 2016, 3:08 pm

affraid cheers scratch Punk
We are looking for MGBs Spyder new Mod, made considering cars who race in America.
Until where we know, it is an amazing job, probably developed by an incredible guy who lives in Florida, more exactly, his home is in Cocoa Beach.
Usually he does perfect Mods for our community.
Anyone know who can be that guy?
We are all looking for him and for this lovely job.
Informations here, in that same bat-link, at same bat-place and bat-channel
Reward is a very big box of english chocolat Cadbury, that will be sent by GeeDee!
Thanks GOOD Wink I Am Not Worthy Cool Thanks
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 537
Anmeldedatum : 2015-02-03
Alter : 56
Ort : Hellas

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptySun 04 Dec 2016, 4:39 pm

I've never heard of such a thing nor this guy who lives at... Choco beach, is that right?
Pity... no Cadbury cocoa for me No

Ney, if you know something please share, I will reward you with a galaktoboureko... I promise!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2384
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 76
Ort : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptySun 04 Dec 2016, 10:08 pm

That's only a joke, guys! I want you to say to me of whom I'm talking about!!
GeeDee will give, to the first guy that discover who is, as I said before, a great box of Cadbury chocolats!! wheelchair I Am Not Worthy GOOD Wink Punk
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Premium Member
Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptySun 04 Dec 2016, 10:36 pm

ney.dias wrote:
That's only a joke, guys! I want you to say to me of whom I'm talking about!!
GeeDee will give, to the first guy that discover who is, as I said before, a great box of Cadbury chocolats!! wheelchair I Am Not Worthy GOOD Wink Punk

Errr.... well.... I don't think I said a box of chocolates Ney... I'm sure I only promised a small square of it as I ate the rest!!! affraid
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 537
Anmeldedatum : 2015-02-03
Alter : 56
Ort : Hellas

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptyMon 05 Dec 2016, 9:23 pm

Motivation: a whole small square of chocolate... MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Thinking-hard-smiley-emoticon

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Jack_d10

A JACK DANIELS chocolate preferably (from Tennessee not Florida).
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2384
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 76
Ort : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptyWed 07 Dec 2016, 1:19 pm

And, who is the guy???? Question GOOD wheelchair
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 537
Anmeldedatum : 2015-02-03
Alter : 56
Ort : Hellas

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptyWed 07 Dec 2016, 8:22 pm

Jack Daniels?
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2384
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 76
Ort : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptyWed 07 Dec 2016, 10:02 pm

babis_xo wrote:
Jack Daniels?

Paying attention to the capital letters, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!!
The winner is babis_xo! Congrats!
Now you, babis, have to solve the problem with the Cadburry chocolat directly with our beloved friend, GeeDee!! cheers flower Basketball Punk thumbup GOOD I Am Not Worthy Thanks wheelchair
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 537
Anmeldedatum : 2015-02-03
Alter : 56
Ort : Hellas

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptyThu 08 Dec 2016, 12:58 pm

ney.dias wrote:

The winner is babis_xo! Congrats!
Now you, babis, have to solve the problem with the Cadburry chocolat directly with our beloved friend, GeeDee!!

Uh! Oh! I knew it... I knew there was a catch somewhere! Rolling Eyes lol!
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Premium Member
Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptyThu 08 Dec 2016, 7:34 pm

babis_xo wrote:
ney.dias wrote:

The winner is babis_xo! Congrats!
Now you, babis, have to solve the problem with the Cadburry chocolat directly with our beloved friend, GeeDee!!

Uh! Oh! I knew it... I knew there was a catch somewhere! Rolling Eyes lol!

I have no chocolates at all... the wife has pinched them off me as she said I had put on too much weight Rolling Eyes elephant

In this instance the onus falls back to the person who promised the chocolates in the very fist instance and that would be our good friend Ney thumbup jumping0045
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2384
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 76
Ort : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptyThu 08 Dec 2016, 7:59 pm

cheers cheers OK!OK!OK! I'll give the Cadbury to babis, next week, in person!
I'll go to Greece, and getting there, I'll rent a good car to go to Hellas.
I just ask to babis to stay confortably seat in a good chair, near the kitchen and the refrigerator, and wait for me!! See you there, so, dear babis!! cheers jumping0041 Wink Punk
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 522
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-30
Alter : 74
Ort : Pittsburgh PA back then. Tarpon Springs Florida later. Cocoa Beach Florida now. Not far from Daytona and Sebring.

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptyThu 08 Dec 2016, 11:05 pm

Wow, now that's what I'm talkin about.  cheers  An EVO modding board member going the extra mile to deliver a gift.  Punk  Well maybe there might be hope for this car.  santa  santa  As Forrest Gump would say, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get"

PS: Except for those stupid boxes that tell you what your gonna get on the inside of the top panel. lol!

I'm JD and I approve this message. affraid

 Sad   RIP John Glenn
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2384
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 76
Ort : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptyThu 08 Dec 2016, 11:58 pm

Wow! He's alive and well, and talking about these things !!
For very little, he himself did not win the Cadbury box of chocolates!
JD is the guy! Hahahahaha !! LOL cheers lol! lol! Punk wheelchair wheelchair
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 537
Anmeldedatum : 2015-02-03
Alter : 56
Ort : Hellas

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptyFri 09 Dec 2016, 5:03 pm

Some say, JD is THIS guy cheers

Anyway, this is unfair. JD will do all the hard work!!! So, apart from our love (hey... in the proper way) he deserves half the chocolate.

That said, and since our friend GeeDee keeps himself busy by searching the shelves (sorry about your chocolates mate), I'm going to make myself comfortable in the fridge kitchen and wait. You Ney, you just have to press the button you will find HERE

On your way, don't forget to split the chocolate and drop in Cocoa Beach and of course in London to say hello to GeeDee.
And remember what JD said about Forrest Gump: HE would go this extra mile:
from the goalposts of Maracana up to the Commercial center of Cocoa beach and then to the Tower of London and down to Parthenon and back to Rio, is only 26.014,65 kms or 16.164,75 miles. That is, 6.037,28 laps in Jose Carlos Pace circuit. Ha! Piece of... chocolate.
lol! Punk santa Wink
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2384
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 76
Ort : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptyFri 09 Dec 2016, 8:24 pm

Hahahahahahaha!!!! Perfect timing, babis!! lol! Punk santa Wink
Thanks Thanks wheelchair wheelchair
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Premium Member
Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently EmptyFri 09 Dec 2016, 8:36 pm

babis_xo wrote:
Some say, JD is THIS guy cheers

Anyway, this is unfair. JD will do all the hard work!!! So, apart from our love (hey... in the proper way) he deserves half the chocolate.

That said, and since our friend GeeDee keeps himself busy by searching the shelves (sorry about your chocolates mate), I'm going to make myself comfortable in the fridge kitchen and wait. You Ney, you just have to press the button you will find HERE

On your way, don't forget to split the chocolate and drop in Cocoa Beach and of course in London to say hello to GeeDee.
And remember what JD said about Forrest Gump: HE would go this extra mile:
from the goalposts of Maracana up to the Commercial center of Cocoa beach and then to the Tower of London and down to Parthenon and back to Rio, is only 26.014,65 kms or 16.164,75 miles. That is, 6.037,28 laps in Jose Carlos Pace circuit. Ha! Piece of... chocolate.
lol! Punk santa Wink

This is going to make a great film if Ney takes a camera with him!!! cheers lol!
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MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty
PostSubject: Re: MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently   MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently Empty

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MGB Spyder from USA races Wanted Urgently
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