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Cars, Skins and Tracks for GTL/GTR2
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Evolution Modding

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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Pixel
Donated: 75€

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[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_lcap[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Voting_bar[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_lcap[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Voting_bar[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_lcap[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Voting_bar[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_lcap[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Voting_bar[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_lcap[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Voting_bar[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_lcap[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Voting_bar[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_lcap[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Voting_bar[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_lcap[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Voting_bar[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_lcap[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Voting_bar[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_rcap 
[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_lcap[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Voting_bar[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Vote_rcap 
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 [GTL] Porsche 917/10-002

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2 posters

Anzahl der Beiträge : 678
Anmeldedatum : 2010-01-31
Alter : 33

[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Empty
PostSubject: [GTL] Porsche 917/10-002   [GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 EmptySun 04 Jul 2010, 5:26 pm

Porsche 917/10-002 for GTL Legends

[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 GTL%202010-07-04%2018-21-33-09[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 GTL%202010-07-04%2018-21-42-28

- install at your own risk

-> put the GameData folder in your GTL main directory, and say yes to overwrite.

Thx to:

- rFactor for Can-Am mod
- My Girlfriend for her patience Wink



i hope you like it Smile

[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Reifen
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 8
Anmeldedatum : 2015-10-02

[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GTL] Porsche 917/10-002   [GTL] Porsche 917/10-002 EmptyMon 12 Oct 2015, 3:05 pm

Wow! cheers Thankyou. Ive had more fun with this Superb Creation than ANY other car in my Vast GTL Stable!
I,m so inspired by this car That I made 30 skins for it and a complete championship just for the 917-10-002 THANKYOU.Very Happy

Its so blisteringly FAST I had to add its engine to other cars just for them to be able to compete ie; Alfa T33 , MS650 etc. Would you consider making a stable mate for it like a Can Am Ferrari or Lola?santa

Thank You Again

P/s I have not released ANY:roll:  Skins i made as they are all made using your originals but i did post a picture of some of them at NoGripRacing etc.
PM me if you dont want me to release or even show anything i did i have no problem, just Gratitude and Respect lol!
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[GTL] Porsche 917/10-002
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