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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] Pixel
Donated: 75€

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Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_lcapFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Voting_barFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_rcap 
Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_lcapFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Voting_barFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_rcap 
Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_lcapFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Voting_barFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_rcap 
Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_lcapFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Voting_barFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_rcap 
Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_lcapFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Voting_barFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_rcap 
Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_lcapFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Voting_barFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_rcap 
Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_lcapFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Voting_barFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_rcap 
Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_lcapFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Voting_barFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_rcap 
Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_lcapFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Voting_barFord Country squire 1966 [wip] Vote_rcap 
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 Ford Country squire 1966 [wip]

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3 posters
Ron123 [MRS]

Ron123 [MRS]

Anzahl der Beiträge : 390
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-28

Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] Empty
PostSubject: Ford Country squire 1966 [wip]   Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] EmptySun 05 Apr 2015, 2:53 pm

Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] 2d0mb1c
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 188
Anmeldedatum : 2010-08-20
Alter : 49
Ort : Porto - Portugal (Near Circuito da Boavista)

Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ford Country squire 1966 [wip]   Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] EmptySun 05 Apr 2015, 3:23 pm

Nice one Ron. Happy Easter... Very Happy
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 140
Anmeldedatum : 2010-08-03

Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ford Country squire 1966 [wip]   Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] EmptySun 05 Apr 2015, 5:18 pm

I owned one of these. Used it as my tow vehicle back in 1980/81. It had 175,000 miles on the odometer. It was mint green with the fake wood side panels and a Ford 302 V8. Green vinyl interior with bench seating for six and the optional jump seat in the back which could set two small adults/children facing backwards.
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PostSubject: Re: Ford Country squire 1966 [wip]   Ford Country squire 1966 [wip] Empty

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