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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Pixel
Donated: 75€

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.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_lcap.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Voting_bar.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_rcap 
.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_lcap.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Voting_bar.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_rcap 
.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_lcap.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Voting_bar.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_rcap 
.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_lcap.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Voting_bar.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_rcap 
.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_lcap.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Voting_bar.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_rcap 
.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_lcap.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Voting_bar.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_rcap 
.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_lcap.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Voting_bar.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_rcap 
.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_lcap.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Voting_bar.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_rcap 
.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_lcap.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Voting_bar.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_rcap 
.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_lcap.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Voting_bar.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Vote_rcap 
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 .NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 249
Anmeldedatum : 2013-06-05

.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Empty
PostSubject: .NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help?   .NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? EmptyFri 27 Feb 2015, 11:21 am

Hello, Brothers In Cockpit Arms. I have a problem with the Microsoft.NET Framework used in connection with Nappe's splendid CarTools mod. I've been using this invaluable GTL/GTR2 mod for a couple years without a prob, but i am now getting a blank game tree and a .NET Framework box popping up with an '..unhandled exception has occured in your application' message that points to '..Value cannot be null.Parameter name: node' and a host of detailed failings. As it is blocking the door to the sims i'd like to ask if anyone else has had this prob and, more importantly, knows how to fix it. I did notice that a .NET update to 4.5.2 occurred on the same day but it had already failed to open before i d/l'd that. I have tried restoring the system back to a day when all was fine, and have re-installed .Net 4, .Net 4.5.2, CarTools, reset the game paths, and had a quiet sob..but no luck. I tried asking over @NoGrip, where the mod resides, but it appears to have fallen on deaf eyes (or blind ears..or limping indifference!). Anyways, as this ( and Tracka..) are among the smartest and friendliest of sites, any advice on how best to resolve this would, as always, be much appreciated. Cheers all, Les.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 197
Anmeldedatum : 2015-01-26

.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: .NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help?   .NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? EmptyFri 27 Feb 2015, 12:21 pm

Hi Les

I'm not so familiar with this Program, but i remember, that you can activate/deactivite the Cars for using in GTL. If you use the Program for this. You can try tis one :


Its very easy to handle, but in great Car libraries it can took some time to load.

btw. I must confess, that i read your Post on NoGrip, but i have no knowledge in this Stuff. I only know : Some of the little helpers dont work korrectly in Win 8.1. The Idea with this other Program comes to me when i read this Post here for the second time.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 249
Anmeldedatum : 2013-06-05

.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: .NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help?   .NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? EmptyFri 27 Feb 2015, 9:19 pm

Cheers, Muddie..i hadn't thought of trying Xcars, i'm not entirely sure this works with both GTL & GTR2, but i'll keep it in mind if i can't get CarTools back up & running. Thanks for the heads up, Les.
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.NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Empty
PostSubject: Re: .NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help?   .NET Framework/ CarTools prob. Can anyone help? Empty

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