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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Pixel
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just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_lcapjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Voting_barjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_rcap 
just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_lcapjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Voting_barjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_rcap 
just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_lcapjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Voting_barjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_rcap 
just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_lcapjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Voting_barjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_rcap 
just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_lcapjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Voting_barjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_rcap 
just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_lcapjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Voting_barjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_rcap 
just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_lcapjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Voting_barjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_rcap 
just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_lcapjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Voting_barjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_rcap 
just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_lcapjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Voting_barjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_rcap 
just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_lcapjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Voting_barjust a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Vote_rcap 
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 just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 790
Anmeldedatum : 2012-04-26
Alter : 62

just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Empty
PostSubject: just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG   just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG EmptyThu 26 Feb 2015, 4:06 pm

Folks, I just had something occur...again as it has happened before but it's been a while since till just now. I was just running the Can-Am Season 7 cars at Riverside and I usually kick ass there but for some reason the car's handling was much better but it was also bogging in a couple spots making me roughly 2+ seconds slower than I usually was. scratch I wondered if I had changed something with the track Suspect but then Idea I decided to look at the realism to see that the SFG (GTR2) had turned on braking and steering help on all by it's self! Shocked Mad I never changed anything recently in my plr file either. Mad Mad All by itself. Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Thought this worth mentioning in case you find yourself sucking all of a sudden lol!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1975
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Ort : Florida, USA

just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Empty
PostSubject: Re: just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG   just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG EmptyThu 26 Feb 2015, 4:29 pm

SFG? What...? Not at all familiar with the terminology!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 790
Anmeldedatum : 2012-04-26
Alter : 62

just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Empty
PostSubject: Re: just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG   just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG EmptyThu 26 Feb 2015, 4:37 pm

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 40
Anmeldedatum : 2013-07-01
Alter : 55

just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Empty
PostSubject: Re: just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG   just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG EmptyThu 26 Feb 2015, 4:42 pm

Sleep Embarassed I was just going to tell MoF that if it need to Be explained that he don't need to Know!jocolor
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 790
Anmeldedatum : 2012-04-26
Alter : 62

just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Empty
PostSubject: Re: just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG   just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG EmptyThu 26 Feb 2015, 4:48 pm

well I guess he's not a virgin anymore Wink Razz lol!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1975
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Ort : Florida, USA

just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Empty
PostSubject: Re: just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG   just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG EmptyThu 26 Feb 2015, 4:52 pm

lol! Sorry I asked...and no, spent 20 years in the armed forces, so, really, have heard it all, just not that particular acronym...
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 790
Anmeldedatum : 2012-04-26
Alter : 62

just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Empty
PostSubject: Re: just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG   just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG EmptyThu 26 Feb 2015, 4:53 pm

mwah uh ahh Twisted Evil a part of you will always be mine now MOF lol! lol! lol!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 9
Anmeldedatum : 2010-12-21

just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Empty
PostSubject: Re: just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG   just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG EmptyFri 27 Feb 2015, 9:04 am

I thought it meant "So Fucking Good" and was expecting a whole different story, LOL.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 790
Anmeldedatum : 2012-04-26
Alter : 62

just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Empty
PostSubject: Re: just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG   just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG EmptyFri 27 Feb 2015, 9:07 pm

lol! lol! on most days, it could very well have stood for that!
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just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Empty
PostSubject: Re: just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG   just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG Empty

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just a reminder as to why GTR2 is a SFG
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